
返回码 提示消息 描述
11000Access token is expired.您的 access_token 已过期,请通过 oauth/token 接口获取最新 token
11002Access token is invalid.您的 access_token 无效,请通过 oauth/authorize 接口获取 token。
11004Access token is malformed.您的 access_token 格式不正确,请通过 oauth/authorize 接口获取 token
11005Access token is empty.access_token 为必填字段,请传入正确的 access_token
11007The client_id is invalid.应用 id 无效,请检查 access_token 正确性。
11008Application request limit has been exceeded.该应用的请求次数已达限制,请稍后重试
11009Authorization code is expired.授权码过期,请重新发起授权流程。
11010Refresh token is malformed.refresh_token 格式错误,请检查 refresh_token 正确性。
11011Authorization code is malformed.授权码格式错误,请检查 authorization_code 正确性。
11012Refresh token is expired.refresh_token 过期,请重新发起授权流程
11013Authorization code can only be used once.授权码只能使用一次,请重新发起授权流程
11014The API you requested is out of the scope of authority.您请求的接口超出了授权范围,请在开发者开通对应权限后,重新发起授权
11016Application has reached the request limit per second.应用程序已达到每秒的请求限制,请稍后再试
11017Application has reached the request limit per minute.应用请求已达分钟频次上限,请登陆开发者后台查看当前接口对应分配的频次,并在要求范围内请求接口。
11018Application has reached the request limit per day.应用请求已达天频次上限,请 1 天后重试,或在官网提交工单申请开通更多频次配额。
11019Your request is much too frequent.您的请求过于频繁或主体/开发者的频控已达到上限
11020Access token of the stress-test is invalid.压测的访问令牌无效
12000Your request is missing a required parameter which is one of access_token, timestamp and nonce.您的请求缺少必须参数:access_token,timestamp,nonce
12003JSON string is malformed.JSON 字符串格式错误,请调整参数后重试
12007The API you requested is unknown. Please check your URL and http method.您请求未知的接口,请检查您的 URL 和 HTTP 方法。
12008Parameter 'fields' must be array.参数 fields 必须为数组,请调整参数后重试
12009Tried accessing nonexisting field in the parameter 'fields' you provided.参数 fields 中有不存在的字段,请调整参数后重试
12010The api you requested does not support idempotence.您请求的接口不支持幂等。
12011The number of sub requests has reached the limit.批量请求的子请求个数超过限制
12100The nonce has been used before.nonce 已被使用,请更换 nonce
12101The timestamp is expired.时间戳过期,请确认发起请求时的 timestamp 字段赋值逻辑
12201Parameter 'account_id' is invalid.account_id 参数无效,请校验当前 token 是否具有操作当前 account_id 的权限。
12203The resource owner is not permitted to operate this 'account_id'.资源所有者未允许操作此帐号 id,请确认当前 token 是否具有操作此 account_id 的权限。
12204Parameter 'organization_id' is invalid.organization_id 参数无效,请校验当前 token 是否具有操作当前 organization_id 的权限。
12700The resource you specified is being modified. Please try again later.其他请求正在同时更新你请求的资源,为了保证数据一致性,请稍后重试
12701The account has been banned from creating new ads. If you have any questions, please contact online customer service or email ads_ss(Tencent Advertising Appeal Center)账户已被禁止新建广告,如有疑问请联系在线客服或邮件 ads_ss(腾讯广告申诉中心)
12807check sso login fail未登录
12810miss sso login param: {PARAM}缺少登录校验相关参数: {PARAM}
18001Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is '{PARAM}'.缺失必填参数{PARAM},请传入必填参数
18002Parameter '{PARAM}' must be {PARAM} .参数{PARAM}必须是{PARAM}类型
18003The value you specified for '{PARAM}' is invalid. Valid values must be not greater than {PARAM}.参数{PARAM}无效,取值需不大于{PARAM}
18004The value you specified for '{PARAM}' is invalid. Valid values must be not less than {PARAM} .参数{PARAM}无效,取值需不小于{PARAM}
18009Parameter '{PARAM}' must be one of the following values: [{PARAM}].参数%s 的取值需在[{PARAM}]中
18012Your request contains too few values for '{PARAM}'.This parameter must have a minimum of {PARAM} value(s).您的请求包含的{PARAM}值太少,此参数最少可包含{PARAM}值
18014Parameter '{PARAM}' has too many decimal places. The maximum number of decimal places is {PARAM}.参数{PARAM}长度小于最小限制{PARAM},请调整参数大小
18015Super clients are not allowed to invoke v3.0 interfaces超级应用不允许调用 3.0 接口
31002Parameter \'{PARAM}\' must be {PARAM}.参数{PARAM}取值范围是{PARAM}
31057Parameter \'{PARAM}\' cannot be earlier than \'{PARAM}\参数'{PARAM}'不能早于'{PARAM}'
32211The advertiser is inactive.广告主帐号当前不可用,请确认当前广告主状态是否正确
32562The value of the parameter \'{PARAM}\' is not supported for the adcreative_template_id, site_set and promoted_object_type you specified.您指定的 adcreative_template_id,site_set 和 promote_object_type 不支持参数{PARAM}的值
33109Parameters \'is_deleted\' and \'last_modified_time\' in filtering must be used together.参数 is_deleted 和参数 last_modified_time 必需一起使用
34109Parameter {PARAM} is invalid参数{PARAM}无效
50003file extension invalid无效的文件类型
50004file size exceeds limit文件大小超过限制
50005audience id invalidaudience_id 无效
50006audience user count is not support operation '{PARAM}'人群当前覆盖数不支持此操作
50007audience name duplicated.人群名称重复
50008quota is not enough,quotaType:{PARAM0},quotaValue:{PARAM1},quotaConsumed:{PARAM2}配额不足
50009non-leaf tag delete forbidden不允许删除非叶子结点标签
50010contains no permission data provider tag包含没有权限的 data provider 标签
50011contains multiple data provider tag包含多个 data provider 的标签
50012contains no targeting permission data provider tag包含不允许定向的 data provider 标签
50013audience type '{PARAM}' do not support operation人群类型不支持此操作
50014audience status '{PARAM}' do not support operation人群状态不支持此操作
50015you do not have permission of audience没有此人群的权限
50016Your request contains params '{PARAM}' that are mutually exclusive. Not more than one参数互斥
50017outer_audience_id was used for a custom_tag, tag_id is {PARAM}人群的 ouerId 和标签的 tagCode 不能重复
50018request more frequently请求过于频繁,请稍后操作
50019tag total count exceeds limit标签总数超过上限,不能创建
50020tag level count exceeds limit标签层级超过上限,不能创建
50021advertiser's opeartor info error广告主关联的运营人员信息有
50022has associate grant relation存在授权关系
50023has associate ad or targeting存在关联的广告或者定向
50024has associate lookalike audience存在关联的 LOOKALIKE 人群
50025has associate combine audience存在关联的 COMBINE 人群
50026contains business grant scope type存在 BUSINESS 授权类型
50027contains account scope grant存在账号间人群授权
50028has no associate grant relation不存在授权关系
50029operator_id invalid.operator_id 不合法.
50030has associate tdc compound audience存在关联的 TDC COMPOUND 人群
50031file not ready文件尚未准备好
50032rule total count exceeds limit '{PARAM}'规则总数超过上限,不能创建
50033tag binding total count exceeds limit '{PARAM}'.标签绑定总数超过上限,不能绑定
50035account id requiredaccount_id 字段缺失
50036audience name required.人群名称缺失
50037lookalike number required.lookalike number 字段缺失
50038file required.文件缺失
50039account id invalidaccount_id 无效
50040dmp_mid invalid.无效 DMP 客户 id
50041file receive error文件接收异常
50042audience name length exceeds limit.人群名称长度超过限制
50043lookalike segment target number not in valid range.e 扩展目标人群数不在有效范围内
50044audience description length exceeds limit.人群描述长度超过限制
50045parent tag id invalidparent_tag_id 无效
50046tag id invalidtag_id 无效
50047id type invalidid_type 字段无效
50048rule required.rule 字段缺失
50049rule invalid.规则不合法
50050tagspace id invalidtag_space_id 无效
50051order by field invalidorder by field 无效
50052seed audience is illegal种子人群规则不合法
50053seed audience id required.seed audience id 字段缺失
51000unknown parameter error.未知参数异常
51001We are unable to process your request fetching reports at this time. Please retry your request in one minute. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.抱歉暂时无法处理您的请求,请稍后再试。如果您重复收到此类提示,请联系我们的技术支持团队。
51002unknown protocol error.无效的数据协议
54032include_keyword has repeat element包含关键词重复
54034include_keyword has repeat element包含关键词重复
54180you are not allowed to use this appid '{PARAM}'你对这个 appId 没有使用权限
54300audience can not be reseted. {MSG}该人群无法重置
54301inlude keywords are illegal包含关键词无效
54302only contain one audience组合人群不能只包含一个人群
54303has empty id in campaign推广计划类型对应的 id 列表不能为空
54307the last file request was not completed上一个文件请求未完成
54309app_id not exist,tracking service response code:{PARAM0}app_id not exist,tracking service response code:{PARAM0}
60000We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.我们目前无法处理您的请求。请重试您的请求。如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队
60001The source of your request is illegal, please confirm. If you have any questions, please contact our technical support.调用方没有权限
60002The account does not exist, please check the account.账户不存在
60003Account role is incorrect, please check account.账户角色不正确
60004Account uid format is incorrect.头部账户 uid 格式不正确
60005A system frequency limit has been exceeded.请求频率超出限制
60006Part of leads failed.部分失败
60007Failed to get leads, please try again.获取线索失败
60008Parameter format error, please check if the field type is correct.参数格式错误,请检查字段类型是否正确
60009Parameter error, parameter content is empty.参数错误,参数内容为空
60010Parameter error, account id is required.参数错误,账户 id 必填
60011The parameter uid is inconsistent with the requested account.参数 uid 和请求账户不一致
60012Parameter error, exceeding page size.参数错误,超出页数大小
60013Parameter error, exceeding single page query size.参数错误,超出单页查询大小
60014Parameter error, The inquiry date is not filled in.参数错误,查询日期必填
60015Parameter error, date range cannot exceed one year.参数错误,日期范围不能超过一年
60016Parameter error, incorrect filter field name type.参数错误,过滤字段名类型不正确
60017Parameter error, incorrect filtering operation type.参数错误,过滤操作类型不正确
60018Parameter error, the length of the filter value array is incorrect.参数错误,过滤取值数组长度不正确
60019Parameter error, wrong value format of filter value array.参数错误,过滤取值数组取值格式错误
60020Parameter error, the length of lastSearchAfterValue is incorrect.参数错误,lastSearchAfterValue 长度不正确
60021Parameter error, the parameters in the lastSearchAfterValue cannot all be converted to numbers.参数错误,lastSearchAfterValue 数组参数不能全部转成数字
60022Parameter error, the depth of page turning data exceeds the maximum limit, please use lastSearchAfterValue mode to query.参数错误,深度翻页数据超过了最大的限制,请使用 lastSearchAfterValue 模式查询
60023Parameter error, the list of leads cannot be empty.参数错误,线索列表不能为空
60024Parameter error, more than 100 lead data.参数错误,线索数据超过 100 个
60025The parameter is incorrect, lead_id cannot be empty.参数错误,回传状态线索 id 不能为空
60026Parameter error, leads_convert_type cannot be empty.参数错误,线索状态不能为空
60027Parameter error, leads_convert_type does not exist.参数错误,线索状态不存在
60028Parameter error, leads_ineffect_reason does not exist.参数错误,线索无效原因不存在
60029Parameter error, leads_intention_score does not exist.参数错误,线索评分不存在
60033参数错误,外部线索 id 不能为空参数错误,外部线索 id 不能为空
60034参数错误,外部线索 id 超过长度限制参数错误,外部线索 id 超过长度限制
60035参数错误,导入外部线索 id 重复参数错误,导入外部线索 id 重复
60038参数错误, 预约类型取值不正确参数错误, 预约类型取值不正确
60040Parameter error, leads_user_id, leads_tel, leads_qq and leads_wechat at least fill one.参数错误,线索用户 id、线索手机、QQ、微信号至少一个不为空
60041Parameter error, leads_tel exceeds max length.参数错误,手机超过长度限制
60042Parameter error, the value of leads_tel is not right.参数错误,手机格式不正确
60043Parameter error, the value of leads_qq is not right.参数错误,QQ 取值不正确
60044Parameter error, leads_wechat exceeds max length.参数错误,微信号超过长度限制
60045Parameter error, leads_user_id exceeds max length.参数错误,用户 id 超过长度限制
60046Parameter error, leads_name exceeds max length.参数错误,姓名超过长度限制
60047Parameter error, leads_area exceeds max length.参数错误,地区超过长度限制
60048Parameter error, leads_email exceeds max length.参数错误,邮箱超过长度限制
60049Parameter error, the value of leads_email is not right.参数错误,邮箱格式不正确
60050Parameter error, bundle exceeds max length.参数错误,其他信息超过长度限制
60051Parameter error, the value of bundle is not right.参数错误,其他信息格式错误
60052Parameter error, click_id exceeds max length.参数错误,点击 id 超过长度限制
60053Parameter error, outer_leads_convert_type is empty.参数错误,线索转化类型不能为空
60054Parameter error, outer_leads_convert_type exceeds max length.参数错误,线索转化类型超过长度限制
60055Parameter error, outer_leads_ineffect_reason exceeds max length.参数错误,线索无效原因超过长度限制
60056Parameter error, the list of leads cannot be empty.参数错误,线索回传的列表不能为空
60057Parameter error, leads in request param is duplicated.参数错误,请求参数中的线索重复
60058Parameter error, operator_id has no right to deal account_id's lead.参数错误,当前操作者没有回传外部线索账号的权限
60059Fail to import outer leads as leads already exist. Please remove duplicate leads first.导入外部线索校验发生错误,已经存在导入的外部线索,请先移除重复的线索
60060Not support report leads created 7 days ago.不支持回传 7 天前创建的线索
60061Leads don't exist.线索不存在
60062Fail to update leads.回传外部线索部分失败
60063Parameter error, outer_leads_convert_type can't not empty as outer_leads_ineffect_reason is filled.参数错误,填写了线索无效原因线索转化类型不能为空
60064Parameter error, leads_user_type can't not empty as leads_user_id is filled.参数错误,leads_user_id 填写了 leads_user_type 不能为空
60065Parameter error, the value of leads_user_type is not right.参数错误,leads_user_type 取值不正确
60066参数错误,leads_user_wechat_appid 不能为空参数错误,leads_user_wechat_appid 不能为空
60077每个账号最多创建 100 个标签分组每个账号最多创建 100 个标签分组
60080参数错误,不能设置子账号或者 MP 子客的行业体系,请设置其主账号或者直客的参数错误,不能设置子账号或者 MP 子客的行业体系,请设置其主账号或者直客的
60084外呼受限, {PARAM}外呼受限, {PARAM}
60086websocket 断开,请重连websocket 断开,请重连
62000We are unable to process your request fetching reports at this time. Please retry your request in one minute. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.抱歉暂时无法处理您的请求,请稍后再试。如果您重复收到此类提示,请联系我们的技术支持团队。
62001agency not exist.服务商不存在。
62002lead not exist.线索不存在。
62003potential not exist.商机不存在
62004order not exist.订单不存在
62005contactInfo not exist.联系信息不存在
62006employee not exist.指定责任人不存在
62007team not exist.指定团队不存在
62008customer protection rules violated.不符合客保规则要求
64011The parameter {PARAM0} is invalid, the length of the value out of range{PARAM1}The parameter {PARAM0} is invalid, the length of the value out of range{PARAM1}
64015The advertiser is inactive.广告主帐号当前不可用,请确认当前广告主状态是否正确
64016Request limit reached. Please retry after one minute.已达到请求限制。请在一分钟后重试。
64017An error occurred when calling the material service. The advertiser account is currently unavailable, please confirm whether the status of the current advertiser is correct.调用素材服务报错, 广告主帐号当前不可用,请确认当前广告主状态是否正确,比如新开户是否审核通过
64018The creative material is invalid: it could have been deleted or never existed.操作的对象不存在或已删除,请确认 account_id 是否可操作该对象
64019Image resize failed. Please adjust relative params.缩放图片失败,请调整相关参数
64020The value you specified for {PARAM} is invalid. Valid values must between {PARAM} AND {PARAM}.参数{PARAM}取值需在{PARAM}和{PARAM}之间
64021The current video shoud meet the following restrictions当前视频文件不符合要求
66000Catalog %s Not Found未找到商品目录
66001Catalog %s Not Granted当前广告主未授权该商品库资产
66002Catalog Name Duplicate商品库名称重复
66003Number of created catalogs reached the max limit per account. Catalog type is %s, Maximum number is %s.超过了一个账号可创建的商品库的最大个数限制
66004Vertical not exists未找到指定行业
66005Catalog type %s not supported by vertical %s指定行业暂不支持此商品库类型
66006Catalog Grant Failed商品库授权失败
66007Can't Find Any Vertical Catalog in Catalog %s给定商品库下不存在任何行业商品库
66008Series Not Able To Create Except For Standard Catalog非标准商品库不可创建商品系列
66009Series Name Duplicate商品系列名重复
66010Series Not Found商品系列不存在
66011Feed Download File Access ErrorFeed 下载文件获取失败
66012Feed Entry URL Validate ErrorEntry URL 校验失败
66013File Upload Error文件上传 HDFS 失败
66014Feed Creat Not SupportedFeed 创建不支持商品库类型
66015URL %s is not allowed不允许该 URL
66016Feed name %s is duplicated数据源名称已经存在
66017Entry URL %s is duplicatedEntry URL 已经存在
66018Feed %s Not Found未找到商品文件
66019Feed %s Not Granted当前广告主未授权该商品文件资产
66020Feed %s Manually Trigger Frequency Exceeding The Upper Limit Today当日手动触发自动更新次数超过上限
66021Failed to lock with key尝试获取锁失败
66022Product not exist商品不存在
66023Product offline error商品下线失败
66024the ProductOuterId or ProductOuterIdlist can not be null商品 id 不能为空
66025L5 Failed to Get Next Route InfoL5 获取失败
66026COS Client Failed to InitializeCOS Client 获取失败
66027illegal parameter error参数与文档描述不符合
66028invalid template width or heightinvalid template width or height
66029Application has reached the request limit per minute.超过接口每分钟调用次数限制
66030Application has reached the request limit per day.超过接口每日调用次数限制
66031Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is '%s'.缺少必填参数
66032Parameter '%s' must be %s.数据类型错误
66033The value you specified for '%s' is invalid. Valid values must be less than %s.参数大于最大值
66034The value you specified for '%s' is invalid. Valid values must be greater than %s.参数小于最小值
66035The parameter '%s' has too many characters.字符串长度过长
66036The parameter '%s' has too few characters.字符串长度过短
66037Parameter '%s' must be one of the following values: [%s]枚举值不在可选范围内
66038The type of the uploaded file is invalid.上传文件类型错误
66039Your request contains too many values for '%s'. This parameter can have a maximum of %s value(s).参数数组元素数量过多
66040Your request contains too few values for '%s'. This parameter must have a minimum of %s value(s)参数数组元素数量过少
66041Parameter 'account_id' is invalid.account_id 无效
66042token not found errorapi 请求 token 缺失
66043invalid tokentoken 参数无效
66044parameter error未知参数异常
66045PCM system busy. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.PCM 服务系统繁忙,请稍后再试,如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的技术支持团队。
66046action param value not exist参数值不存在
66047create audience permission denied数据源不可以被用来创建人群
66048actionSet create request too frequently数据源创建请求过于频繁,请稍后操作
66049visual track not exist可视化配置不存在
66050visual track already exist可视化配置已存在
66051quota is not enough,quotaType:%s,quotaValue:%s,quotaConsumed:%s配额不足
66052name duplicated with %s名称重复
66053Parameter '%s''s format must be 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'日期时间格式无效
66054Number of created data warehouses reached the max limit per account. Maximum number is %s.超过了一个账号可创建的数据仓库的最大个数限制
66055account_id(%s) and data_warehouse_id(%s) not found.账号 id 和数据仓库 id 不匹配
66056Interface not exist接口不存在
66057Permission denied没有权限
66058Product add field check fail{PARAM}Product add field check fail{PARAM}
69000account balance not enough账户余额不足
69001invalid poi listpoilist 中存在无效的 poi,或者 poilist 的数量不在 1 ~ 10 的范围内
69002invalid begin time开始时间需要是当前时间的两天后
69003invalid poi city levelpoi 所在城市等级不一致
69004invalid targeting gender age定向缺少必备参数性别或者年龄
69005invalid adtarget指定 adgroup 查询不到关系的定向
69006invalid review status审核未通过的广告才可以修改开始时间
71000Parameter '{PARAM}' is invalid.参数'{PARAM}'无效或不合法
71001The value you specified for {PARAM} is invalid. Valid values must be greater than {PARAM}.参数{PARAM}非法, 允许的值必须在{PARAM}以上
71002The value you specified for {PARAM} is invalid. Valid values must be less than {PARAM}.参数{PARAM}非法, 允许的值必须在{PARAM}以下
71003The API can only be used by a customer organization account.接口仅支持客户工作台组织 id 调用,请确保 token 为 3.0 组织 id 的 token
71004The current token corresponds to an id {PARAM} that is not the customer organization id. Please make sure that the token is a customer organization id token.当前 token 对应 id{PARAM}不是客户工作台组织 id, 请确保 token 为客户工作台组织 id 的 token
72000We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.我们目前无法处理您的请求。请重试您的请求。如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队
72001The source of your request is illegal, please confirm. If you have any questions, please contact our technical support.您的请求来源不合法,请检查确认。如有疑问,请联系我们的技术支持
72002The account does not exist, please check the account.账户不存在,请检查账户
72003Account role is incorrect, please check account.账户角色不正确,请检查账户
72004AccountId is not wechat account.账户不是微信账号
72005A system frequency limit has been exceeded.超过系统频率限制,请稍后再试
72006A system frequency limit has been exceeded.创建表单组件失败,请稍后再试
72007Parameter error, account id is required.参数错误,账户 id 必填
72008The parameter uid is inconsistent with the requested account.参数 uid 和请求账户不一致
72009Parameter format error, please check if the field type is correct.参数错误,请检查字段是否正确
72010Parameter items is verified error.参数 items 校验错误
72011Parameter items size has been exceeded.参数 items 长度超过限制
72012The select form input option value cannot be empty.表单下拉输入项选项值不能为空
72013The name of the form input cannot be repeated.表单输入项名称不能重复
72014Name or phone type form input cannot exceed 1.表单姓名或者手机类型输入项不能超过 1 个
72015Name type form input must have one.表单姓名类型输入项必须有一个
72016Phone type form input must have one.表单手机类型输入项必须有一个
72017Account status is not passed.账户状态未审核通过
72018Parameter error, component_id is required.参数错误,component_id 必填
72019Parameter error, account is not subAdvertiser.参数错误,账户不是子客
72020Parameter error, The select form input option values size num is exceed.参数错误,表单下拉选项数目超过了限制
72021Parameter error, The select form input option value content length is exceed.参数错误,表单下拉选项内容长度超过了最大限制
72022Parameter error, The select form input option value content must be string.参数错误,表单下拉选项内容必须是字符串
73000We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.我们目前无法处理您的请求。请重试您的请求。如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队
73001Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is 'account_id'.您的请求缺少必需的参数,所需参数为 account_id
73002Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is 'max_text_length'.您的请求缺少必需的参数,所需参数为 max_text_length
73003Parameter 'number' is invalid.参数 number 无效或者不合法,请检查该参数
73004Parameter 'max_text_length' is invalid.参数 max_text_length 无效或者不合法,请检查该参数
73005Your param 'category_first_level' is not exist in first industry id list.参数 category_first_level 所表示的一级行业不存在
73006Your param 'category_second_level' is not exist in second industry id list.参数 category_second_level 所表示的二级行业不存在
73007Your param 'category_first_level' does not contains 'category_second_level'.您的参数 category_first_level 的子行业列表中不存在您输入的 category_second_level
73008Parameter 'filtering' must be one of the following values: [[0, 1], [0], [1]].参数 filtering 不在可选值 [[0, 1], [0], [1]] 中
73009The parameter format is incorrect, please check the correctness of the request parameters.参数格式不正确,请检查请求参数的正确性
73010product catalog is not found商品库不存在
73011product catalog is not granted商品库未授权该广告主账户
73012product_catalog_id is required when product_outer_ids is not empty当传入商品 id 列表参数时,product_catalog_id 商品库 id 参数必填
73013exception occurred in verifying product catalog校验商品库异常
74000We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.我们目前无法处理您的请求。请重试您的请求。如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队
74001Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is 'account_id'.您的请求缺少必需的参数,account_id 为必填字段
74002Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is 'order_id'.您的请求缺少必需的参数,order_id 为必填字段
74003Your request parameter is error. Please check the parameter [filtering] and retry your request.您的请求中过滤条件有误,请核对后重试
75000We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.我们目前无法处理您的请求。请重试您的请求。如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队
75001Your request is missing required one more parameter. The required parameters 'account_id/signature/filename/videofile' are necessary.您的请求缺少必需的参数,所需参数'account_id' 'signature' 'filename' 'videofile' 都需填写
75002The 'videofile' you uploaded exceeds 100M, please adjust and upload again.您上传的'videofile' 超过了 100M,请调整后重新上传
75003Parameter'signature' verification failed, please regenerate the 32-bit md5 code corresponding to'videofile'.参数'signature'校验失败,请重新生成对应'videofile'的 32 位 md5 码
76000We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.我们目前无法处理您的请求。请重试您的请求。如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队
76001Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is 'account_id'.您的请求缺少必需的参数,所需参数为 account_id
76002Parameter 'video' must specify 'video_file' or 'video_id'.您的请求参数‘ video ’中必须指定‘ video_file ’或者'video_id'
76003Video file verified code signature failed.视频文件 signature 校验失败
76004Video file upload failed.视频文件上传失败
76005Video file size exceeds limit, the max limit is '100M'.视频文件上传大小超过限制,文件限制为 100M 以下
76006Video file format verified failed, it just support 'mp4' or 'mov' or 'avi' .视频文件格式校验失败,格式应该为 mp4/mov/avi
76007Video_id verified failed.video_id 校验失败,无法找到对应视频
76008Job submit failed.任务提交失败,请重新尝试。
76009Task_id is not exists.任务 id 不存在
76010Task_id is expired.任务 id 已过期
76011Your request is missing a required parameter.您的请求缺少必要的参数
76012Your task is failed,please try again or contact us.您的任务执行失败,请重试或者联系我们
76013your account has no permission to execute this param only_subtitle_file您的账户没有权限提交 only_subtitle_file 字段
76014Required parameters missed, please check your input parameters.您的请求缺少必需的参数,请检查必传的入参
76030Your adjustment_type is a required parameter.您的请求缺少必需的参数,所需参数为 account_id
76031Smart_adjustment,adcreative_template_id、promoted_object_type、campaign_type are required paramete.您的请求参数‘ video ’中必须指定‘ video_file ’或者'video_id'
76032Smart_adjustment,automatic_site_enabled and site_set need oneVideo file verified code signature failed.视频文件 signature 校验失败
76033Manual_adjustment,size、size_adjustment_method、length_adjustment_method are required parameter.视频文件上传失败
76034Image file is null or file is invalid.视频文件上传大小超过限制,文件限制为 100M 以下
76035overflow_clip length is a required parameter.视频文件格式校验失败,格式应该为 mp4/mov/avi
76036Can not get ads position by adcreative_template_id.video_id 校验失败,无法找到对应视频
76037Video does not meet system requirement,system can not handle it.任务提交失败
76038Video_id is match ads system requirement,no need handle.任务 id 不存在
76041when size_adjustment_method is IMAGE,bg_image_id1 and bg_image_id2 is needed.当参数 size_adjustment_method 为 IMAGE 时,bg_image_id1、bg_image_id2 是必传的。
76042bg_image_id1 or bg_image_id2 can not find image url.bg_image_id1 或 bg_image_id2 无法找到对应的图片 url。
76060voice speed value out of range,speed need in 50 to 200 range.语音速度 speed 参数超出范围,取值范围 50~200
76070video_id or video_url param need one.请求参数 video_file 和 video_id 必选其一。
76071capture number value out of range,number need in 1 to 12 range.参数 nubmer 超出限制,范围在 1~12。
77000system error,please retry later拓词接口请求异常,请稍后重试
77001Parameter account_id is invalid参数 account_id 无效或者不合法,请检查该参数
77002bidword length exceeds limit 40 bytes单个关键词长度超过限制,最大 40 个字节
77003Parameter 'bidword_list' size must in [1, 1000]参数 bidword_list 无效或者不合法,bidword_list 长度范围为[1,1000]
77004Parameter 'sort_field' is invalid参数 order_by/sort_field 无效或者不合法,请检查该参数
77005Parameter 'site_type' is invalid参数 site_type 无效或者不合法,请检查该参数
77006Parameter is null参数为空
77007Required Parameter is null必填参数为空
77008site_sets is invalid版位集字段非法
77009recommend_category is invalid推荐类型字段非法
77010query_word is is null种子词字段为空
77011query_word is exceed max num 10种子词最多为 10 个
77012business_point_id is null行业业务点 id 为空
77013business_point_id is invalid行业业务点 id 非法
77014campaign_id or adgroup_id is null当选择过滤广告词时计划 id 或组 id 为空
77015recommend_reasons is invalid推荐理由非法
77016order_by sort_field is null or invalid排序字段为空或为非法字段
77017order_by sort_type is null or invalid排序方式为空或为非法字段
77018include_word is exceed max num 10包含词最多为 10 个
77019exclude_word is exceed max num 100排除词最多为 100 个
77020single query_word length exceeds limit 40 bytes种子词单个词面长度超过限制,最大 40 个字节
77021single query_word is null种子词单个词面字段为空
77022single include_word is null包含词单个词面字段为空
77023single exclude_word is null排除词单个词面字段为空
77024single include_word length exceeds limit 40 bytes包含词单个词面长度超过限制,最大 40 个字节
77025single exclude_word length exceeds limit 40 bytes排除词单个词面长度超过限制,最大 40 个字节
77026site_sets is duplicate版位集字段重复
77027query_word is duplicate种子词里词面重复
77028include_word is duplicate包含词里词面重复
77029exclude_word is duplicate排除词里词面重复
77030recommend_reasons is duplicate推荐理由里理由重复
77031order_by exceed limit 1排序字段结构长度超限制,最大 1
80000Parameter '{PARAM}' is invalid.参数'{PARAM}'无效或不合法
80001The value you specified for {PARAM} is invalid. Valid values must be greater than {VALUE_LIMIT}.参数{PARAM}非法, 允许的值必须在{PARAM}以上
80002The value you specified for {PARAM} is invalid. Valid values must be less than {VALUE_LIMIT}.参数{PARAM}非法, 允许的值必须在{VALUE_LIMIT}以下
80003Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is {PARAM}.请求缺少参数{PARAM}.
80004agency_mkt_api interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: {PARAM}服务商管理服务接口口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为: {PARAM}
80005Access token is expired.时间戳过期,请确认发起请求时的 timestamp 字段赋值逻辑
80006Auth token is invalid您的 access_token 格式不正确,请通过 oauth/authorize 接口获取 token
80008uid is in blacklist账号在黑名单
90000review system busy. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated supporting team.审核服务系统繁忙,请稍后重试。如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的技术支持团队。
90001Parameter error, element collection cannot be empty.参数错误,元素实体集合不能为空
90002Parameter error, elements size too large.参数错误,元素集合数目太大,请分批次调用
90003Parameter error, element type is not right.参数错误,element_type 字段取值不正确
90004Parameter error, element content is not right.参数错误,element_content 字段取值不正确。
90005Parameter error, account_id is not right.参数错误,account_id 字段取值不正确
90006Parameter error, account_id cannot be empty.参数错误,account_id 字段不能为空
90007Parameter error, element key is not right.参数错误,element_key 字段取值不正确。
90008Parameter error, supplement size too large.参数错误,supplement 集合数目太大,请分批次调用
90009Parameter error, supplement field is not support.参数错误,supplement 字段中 field 取值不正确。
90010Parameter error, supplement operator is not right.参数错误,supplement 字段中 operator 取值不正确。
90011Parameter error, supplement values is not right.参数错误,supplement 字段中 values 取值不正确。
90012Parameter error, supplement mini_program_id is not right.参数错误,supplement 字段中 mini_program_id 取值不正确。
90013Parameter error, supplement site_set is not right.参数错误,supplement 字段中 site_set 取值不正确。
90014Parameter error, supplement is_dynamic_creative is not right.参数错误,supplement 字段中 is_dynamic_creative 取值不正确。
90015Parameter error, ad_id_list collection cannot be empty.参数错误,创意 id 集合不能为空。
90016Parameter error, ad_id_list size too large.参数错误,创意 id 集合数目太大,请分批次调用。。
90017urge error, uid has no urge permission.催审失败,account_id 没有催审权限。
90018urge error, uid has no usable urge cnt today.催审失败,account_id 已到每日催审次数上限。
90019urge error, ad_id_list has no right ad_id.催审失败,ad_id 不存在。
90020Parameter error, can not find mdm_id with account_id.参数错误,查询不到对应的 mdm_id。
90021Parameter error, level is not right.参数错误,level 字段取值不正确。
90022Parameter error, time_dimension is not right.参数错误,time_dimension 字段取值不正确。
90023Parameter error, date_range is not right.参数错误,date_range 字段取值不正确。
90024Parameter error, creative_wideness_rate_line is not right.参数错误,creative_wideness_rate_line 字段取值不正确。
90026the element is now again reviewing,please wait for patien该元素正在复审中,请耐心等待
90027the account is not in white list,please contact your sales manager广告主不在元素申诉复审白名单内,请联系行业销售经理
90028please check the result of again review and modify it,otherwise it will not support to submit请根据复审结果修改,否则无法再次提交复审,仍有疑问请联系行业销售经理
90029current quota is zero,not support to submit again review,please contact your sales manager当前申诉复审配额为 0,无法提交复审,请联系行业销售经理
90030at most to submit three additional pictures,please try again最多提交 3 张附件图片,请修改
90031the element not support to again review,please contact your sales manager该元素不能进行申诉复审(非拒绝态/不符合投放要求),请联系运营或渠道经理
90032current quota is expire,not support to submit again review,please contact your sales manager当前配额有效期已失效,无法提交元素申诉复审,请联系行业销售经理
126000mp service is busy, please try again later.MP 服务系统繁忙,请稍后再试,如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的技术支持团队。
127000Your account has not reached the threshold, and this interface is temporarily unavailable您的账户未达到筛选工具的准入门槛,暂时无法使用此功能,准入标准参考'屏蔽/定投流量包准入条件'
127001Each account (account_id) can create one asynchronous async task in five minutes at most, please try again later每账号(account_id)限制最多 5 分钟创建 1 个异步报表任务,请您稍后重试
127002Param 'date_range' is illegal'date_range'参数不合法
127003'end_date' cannot be earlier than 'begin_date'.'end_date'不能小于'begin_date'.
127004Param 'start_date' is illegal参数值'start_date'不合法.
127005Offset is oversize, please use asynchronous interface.翻页过多,请使用异步报表下载全部数据
127006Param 'page_size' should be between 1 and 100page_size 参数值应在 1-100 之间
127007Param 'start_date' is illegal参数值'start_date'不合法.
127008The gap between start_date and end_date should not exceed one year查询时间跨度不能超过 1 年
127012pegasus return code{PARAM0}message{PARAM1}pegasus return code{PARAM0}message{PARAM1}
127013params error参数错误
128000We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.我们目前无法处理您的请求。请重试您的请求。如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队
128001Your request is missing required parameter(s), please check and try again您的请求缺少必需的参数,请检查后重试
128002The account has no operation authority for this catalog, please check and try again当前账户对此商品库无操作权限,请检查后重试
129001Invalid request params.请求参数检验不通过
130001Failed to synthesize the image, product data path not found.图片合成失败,商品缺少模版中所需信息
130002Failed to mat image.抠图失败
130003Image composition service is abnormal.调用图片渲染生成服务失败,请重试
130004Upload image failed.图片上传投放端失败,请重试
130005No product found, please use other product.未找到商品,请使用其他商品
130006Invalid request params.请求参数检验不通过
130007Template is not found or do not support template size.模板不存在或者不支持模板尺寸
130008Invalid template content.使用的模版不可用
131001param flow_type invalid请求参数 flow_type 无效
131002param query empty请求参数 query 为空
131003param query.uid empty请求参数 query.uid 为空
131004param query.keyword and query.sku_id_list empty请求参数 query.keyword 和 query.sku_id_list 均为空
131005do query err执行查询错误,请联系开发人员排查
132000We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统繁忙,请稍后重试。如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的运营团队。
132001{PARAM} interface error, please contact our dedicated operation team, interface error code: {PARAM}.{PARAM}接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为{PARAM}
132002Customer service interface error, please contact our dedicated operation team, interface error code: {PARAM}.客户服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为{PARAM}
132003Whitelist service interface error, please contact our dedicated operation team, interface error code: {PARAM}.白名单服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为{PARAM}
132004Review service interface error, please contact our dedicated operation team, interface error code: {PARAM}.审核服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为{PARAM}
132005Creative service interface error, please contact our dedicated operation team, interface error code: {PARAM}.创意中心服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为{PARAM}
132006Ad service interface error, please contact our dedicated operation team, interface error code: {PARAM}.投放服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为{PARAM}
132007Finance service interface error, please contact our dedicated operation team, interface error code: {PARAM}.财务服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为{PARAM}
132100Your request is missing a required parameter '{PARAM}'.您的请求缺失必填参数'{PARAM}'
132101The type of parameter '{PARAM}' must be {PARAM}.参数'{PARAM}'类型应是{PARAM}
132102Parameter '{PARAM}' is invalid or illegal.参数{PARAM}无效或不合法
132103Parameter '{PARAM}' cannot be an empty string.参数'{PARAM}'不能为空字符串
132104Parameter '{PARAM}' is illegal.参数'{PARAM}'非法,请确认是否符合该字段正则要求
132105Parameter '{PARAM}' must be one of '{PARAM}'.参数'{PARAM}'必须是'{PARAM}'之一
132106Parameter '{PARAM}' must be less than or equal to {PARAM}.参数'{PARAM}'数值必须小于或等于{PARAM}
132107Parameter '{PARAM}' must be greater than or equal to {PARAM}.参数'{PARAM}'数值必须大于或等于{PARAM}
132108Parameter '{PARAM}' has too many characters, the length of the value cannot be greater than the max length {PARAM}.参数'{PARAM}'字符数不能超出最大限制{PARAM}
132109Parameter '{PARAM}' has too few characters, the length of the value cannot be less than the min length {PARAM}.参数'{PARAM}'字符数不能低于最小限制{PARAM}
132110Parameter '{PARAM}' contains too many values, it must have a maximum of {PARAM} value(s).参数'{PARAM}'值太多,最多可包含{PARAM}个值
132111Parameter '{PARAM}' contains too few values, it must have a minimum of {PARAM} value(s).参数'{PARAM}'值太少,最少可包含{PARAM}个值
132112Parameter 'system_industry_id' is illegal, please refer to the appendix industry id.system_industry_id 参数非法,请参照附录行业分类
132113Parameter 'area_code' is illegal, please refer to the appendix area code.area_code 参数非法,请参照附录地域码
132114Parameter 'qualification_code' is illegal, please refer to the appendix qualification code.qualification_code 参数非法,请参照附录资质类型
132115Parameter 'account_id' can't be empty when the API used by a business manager account.BM 账户调该接口时,参数 account_id 不能为空
132116Normal pagination mode only supports querying the first {PARAM} data, please use cursor pagination mode instead.普通分页模式仅支持查询前{PARAM}条数据,请改用 search_after 模式
132117The expand field(s) '{PARAM}' of qualification code '{PARAM}' are not supported.资质编码'{PARAM}'不支持扩展字段'{PARAM}'
132118The expand field(s) '{PARAM}' of qualification code '{PARAM}' are required and cannot be empty string.资质编码'{PARAM}'的扩展字段'{PARAM}'必填且不能为空字符串
132119The expand field '{PARAM}' of qualification code '{PARAM}' must be one of '{PARAM}'.资质编码'{PARAM}'的扩展字段'{PARAM}'必须是'{PARAM}'之一
132120The expand field '{PARAM}' of qualification code '{PARAM}' can contain up to {PARAM} characters.资质编码'{PARAM}'的扩展字段'{PARAM}'最多包含{PARAM}个字符
132300Your login information incomplete, please initiate authorization again.您的登陆态信息不完整,请重新发起授权
132301You are not permitted to do this request.您当前无权执行此请求
132302The API is not allowed to use by advertiser accounts.此接口不允许广告主账号使用
132303The API is not allowed to use by agency accounts.此接口不允许服务商账号使用
132304The API is not allowed to use by business manager accounts.该接口不允许 BM 账号使用
132305The API is not allowed to use by advertiser business manager accounts.此接口不允许广告主 BM 账号使用
132306This API is only allowed to operate on {PARAM} accounts.此接口仅允许操作{PARAM}账号
132310The API is not allowed to use by wechat agency accounts.此接口不允许微信服务商账号使用
132311Your current role is not permitted to request this API.您当前的角色无权请求此接口
132312Agency operators are not permitted to operate this advertiser, please contact agency administrator.服务商运营人员无权操作此广告账号,请联系服务商管理员。
132313Agency operators are not permitted to operate this '{PARAM}', can only 'AD_QUALIFICATION' permitted, please contact agency administrator.服务商运营人员无权操作此'{PARAM}',仅可操作'广告资质',请联系服务商管理员。
132314Agency operators are not permitted to modify the parameter(s) '{PARAM}', please contact agency administrator.服务商运营人员无权修改参数'{PARAM}',请联系服务商管理员。
132315Wechat account is not permitted to modify the parameter(s) '{PARAM}'.微信账号不允许修改参数'{PARAM}'
132316The {PARAM} is invalid, it could have been deleted or never existed or is not accessible to you.{PARAM}无效,可能已被删除、从未存在过或您无权访问
132317The image in '{PARAM}' does not exist or is not accessible to you.{PARAM}中的图片不存在或您无权访问
132318This parameter is not permitted on this {PARAM}, the sign is {PARAM}.您没有权限操作指定参数,参数名:{PARAM},对应的白名单标识:{PARAM},请联系您的运营经理申请此白名单权限
132400Account {PARAM} does not exist.账户{PARAM}不存在
132401Account {PARAM} is not an advertiser.账户{PARAM}不是广告主
132402Account {PARAM} is not an agency.账户{PARAM}不是服务商
132403Account {PARAM0} is not a business manager.账户{PARAM0}不是 BM
132404The advertiser {PARAM} is inactive.广告主账号{PARAM}当前不可用,请确认账号状态是否正常
132405The agency {PARAM} is inactive.服务商账号{PARAM}当前不可用,请确认账号状态是否正常
132406The business manager {PARAM} is inactive.BM 账号{PARAM}当前不可用,请确认账号状态是否正常
132407Advertiser's corporation info is incomplete, please check ['corporation_name', 'certification_number'].账户主体信息不完整
132408Advertiser's corporation info is invalid, please check ['corporation_name', 'certification_number'].账户主体信息不合法
132409Advertiser's corporation info is not allowed to be modified.账户主体信息不允许变更
132410Failed to create advertiser, please contact our dedicated operation team.账号创建失败,请联系我们的技术支持团队处理
132411Operation failed due to closure policy.受封闭政策限制,操作失败。
132412The number of this customer's advertiser added today under this agency has reached the maximum limit.该服务商下该客户今日开户数量已达上限
132413You must delete all industry qualifications before you update the parameter 'system_industry_id'.在更新参数 system_industry_id 之前,必须删除所有行业资质
132414This 'system_industry_id' is not allowed to update for JD advertiser.京东敏感行业禁止修改到综合电商-综合电商行业
132415New version must be greater than the current version.版本必须比当前版本新,请更新后重试
132416Your request differs from a previous request with the same X-Request-Id.您的请求参数与之前具有相同 X-Request-Id 的请求不同,请更新参数后重试
132417You cannot modify the parameter(s) '{PARAM}' when advertiser's system_status is 'CUSTOMER_STATUS_NORMAL'.当广告账号的 system_status 为 CUSTOMER_STATUS_NORMAL 时,您无法修改参数'{PARAM}'
132418The 'daily_budget' can only be set when the advertiser becomes active.只有生效帐户才能设置日预算
132419The 'daily_budget' was greater than the maximum allowed.日预算太大,请调整日预算大小
132420The 'daily_budget' was less than the minimum allowed.日预算太小,请调整日预算大小
132421The difference between 'daily_budget' and the current daily budget must be higher than {PARAM} cents.日预算每次更新必须大于{PARAM}分
132422You cannot provide different icp images for the same website domain.相同推广链接域名下不能提供不同的 icp 图片,请确认 icp 图片正确性
132423Due to the current corporation's presence on the Tencent advertising blacklist, new advertising accounts are not allowed, please consult our dedicated operation team for specific reasons.当前主体已被加入至腾讯广告黑名单,不允许新增广告账号,具体原因请咨询我们的专业运营团队
132501The number of your qualifications has reached the maximum limit '{PARAM}'.您的资质数量已达上限'{PARAM}'
132502The number of your qualifications page has reached the maximum limit '{PARAM}'.您的资质页数已达上限'{PARAM}'
132503The number of your qualifications page has not reached the minimum limit '{PARAM}'.您的资质页数未达下限'{PARAM}'
132504The industry qualification cannot be created when the advertiser's system_status is CUSTOMER_STATUS_NORMAL.当广告帐号的 system_status 为 CUSTOMER_STATUS_NORMAL 时,无法创建行业资质
132505The parameter 'industry_id' is not allowed to be different from the advertiser's system_industry_id.参数 industry_id 需与开户时填写的 system_industry_id 相同
132506The parameter 'industry_id' of the industry qualification is not allowed to be different from other industry qualifications.不同行业资质的 industry_id 需一致
132507The qualification cannot be modified when the qualification_status is QUALIFICATION_STATUS_NORMAL.当 qualification_status 为 QUALIFICATION_STATUS_NORMAL 时,不允许修改资质
132508Batch deletion of qualifications failed, the following qualification ids do not belong to the current account: {PARAM}, please confirm and delete.资质批量删除失败,以下资质 id 不属于当前账户:{PARAM},请确认后删除。
132509The qualification image is duplicated, and the qualification update failed.资质图片重复,资质更新失败。
132510The qualification image is empty资质图片为空,请上传图片
132511The qualification image is large than '{PARAM}'资质图片大小不可超过'{PARAM}'
132512The qualification image format is invalid资质图片格式错误
132513The qualification image upload fail资质图片上传失败
132514The MD5 value specified in the request did not match the MD5 value calculated by the server.文件签名校验失败,请确认上传文件与对应 MD5 是否匹配
132515The qualification image validation fail.资质图片 MD5 校验错误
1000000We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated supporting team.系统繁忙,请稍后重试。如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的技术支持团队。
1000001Params {PARAM} error, please check the request params.参数 {PARAM} 错误,请稍后重试。
1000002Network error, please check the request params.网络错误,请稍后重试。
1000003A system frequency limit has been exceeded.超过系统频率限制,请稍后再试。
1000009Your wechat official account does not have a profile image.您的微信公众号找不到头像图片。
1000012The resource owner is not permitted to perform this operation.资源所有者未允许执行此操作,请确认操作者角色与资源关系的正确性。
1000054MP account type is not allowed to call this interface. Please check if the token is correct.MP 账户类型不能调用此接口
1000284Request has reached the system request limit per second.请求已达系统秒频次上限,请稍后重试
1050009The number of tasks created has reached the upper limit. Please retry after ten minutes.创建的任务数达到上限。请在十分钟后重试。
1670008The dynamic creative ad is retrying动态创意广告创建重试中
1670009The dynamic creative status is not support retry动态创意当前状态不支持重试
1700015Smart delivery platform should be the same in {PARAM} and {PARAM}.不支持在自动投放版项目中手动新建广告
1800113Account service is busy, please try again later.账户服务异常,请稍后重试
1800222bid_coefficient of siteset search_scene must be greater than or equal to 1.搜索场景的分版位出价系数不允许低于 1。
1800260This operation is not permitted on this myapp_auth_key.你所指定的 api 授权 id 没有权限拉取该应用下的渠道包,请检查该授权是否正确。
1800261The App is not found, please check whether the Android app is correct.请求指定的应用宝 APP id 不存在或对应应用已下架,请检查该应用宝 APP id 是否正确或对应应用状态是否正常。
1800266The pages is invalid, please use another page instead.当前广告上使用的落地页 id 不合法,请检查落地页 id 对应的落地页是否不存在或者已删除。
1800269Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is \'{PARAM0}\'.{PARAM1}必填,请传入必填参数
1800270current brand is not supported.您使用创意形式、版位和商品类型组合不支持当前品牌形象类型。
1800278Your request must include at least one of image_component_options,image3_component_options,video_component_options.请添加 1:1 单图、16:9 图片、16:9 视频其中任何一种素材。
1800286The LandingPage Component id :{PARAM} is invalid, please use another page instead.当前广告上使用的落地页组件 id :{PARAM} 不合法,请检查落地页 id 对应的落地页是否不存在或者已删除。
1800293Missing some of these parameters: 'page_spec/wechat_channels_spec/live_notice_id'.您的请求缺失部分参数: 'page_spec/wechat_channels_spec/live_notice_id'。
1800294Current creative_template_id not support The option SIMPLE_CANVAS_SUB_TYPE_DEFAULT of simple_canvas_sub_type.当前创意形式下简版原生页不支持使用默认模板类型,请修改 simple_canvas_sub_type 参数后重试请求。
1800295The param 'page_spec/page_id' is empty.请求参数中的落地页 id 参数为空,请传入合法的落地页 id 并重试请求。
1800296The params 'page_type' and 'link_page_type' in param 'landing_page_options' should be the same.使用动态创意配置多组落地页时,请求参数 'landing_page_options' 中的 'page_type' 和 'link_page_type' 需要使用相同的落地页类型。
1800297LANDING_PAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN is not allowed to use when param 'promoted_object_type' is PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_APP_ANDROID or PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_APP_IOS.自定义落地页类型在推广安卓应用或者推广 IOS 应用时使用受限,请联系运营申请开通 'landing_page_free' 或者 'PAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT' 白名单后重试。
1800298Your request contains too many values for PAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT in param 'landing_page_options'.在动态创意配置多组落地页时,安卓默认落地页/App Store 下载页仅允许使用一组。
1800300brand is requied for siteset: {PARAM}.当前选择的版位: {PARAM},品牌形象必填。
1800307The adgroup you specified does not exist or has been deleted. Please confirm whether this account has the permission to operate the adgroup and check the status of the adgroup.您指定的广告组不存在或者已删除,请确认该账号是否有操作广告组的权限和广告组状态。
1800313The param 'filtering' must include 'page_type' or 'platform' for current 'promoted_object_type'.当前推广目标类型下,必须在 filtering 请求参数中增加 page_type 或者 platform 筛选条件,请求修改请求参数后重试。
1800320Xijing page maker service is unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request.落地页自动生成量级过大导致广告创建失败,请重试。若持续失败,请考虑减少创意数量后重试。
1800325Parameter \'{PARAM0}\' is not exist or has been deleted.{PARAM1}不存在或者已删除,请更换后重试。
1800335This phone component doesn't exist, please check.当前广告上使用的电话组件 id :{PARAM} 不合法,请检查 id 对应的电话组件是否不存在或者已删除。
1800368dynamic_creative: {PARAM} not exits or already deleted.动态创意: {PARAM} 不存在或已删除。
1800385creatives of same adgroup exceed limit: {PARAM}.该广告下对应的创意已达到数量上限({PARAM}个),请删除现有创意后再次创建。
1800387expand creative count will exceed limit.创意创建失败:创意素材组合数量将超过上限,请减少素材数量或减少开启创意数。
1800390The param 'filtering' must include 'page_type' field.'filtering' 请求参数中未使用 'page_type' 过滤字段,或者 'page_type' 过滤字段的值不合法,请修改 'filtering' 请求参数后重试请求。
1800400The '{PARAM}' of jump_info item is empty.跳转信息中的 '{PARAM}' 参数为空,请修改请求参数后重试。
1800426The modification of the adgroup for this data version is not allowed.该数据版本的广告不允许修改。
1800428There is a similar ad {PARAM0} to this ad. Please modify the relevant parameters and resubmit.该广告存在相似广告{PARAM0},请修改相关参数重新提交
1800437button_text of all button_text components must be same行动按钮组件中的所有按钮文案必须保持一致
1800438The number of text link components can have two situations: Not used /Equals to with the number of landing page components.文字链组件数量可以有两种情况: 不使用/和落地页组件数量一致
1800439The number of action button components can have three situations: Not used / One without a landing page /Equals to the number of landing page components.行动按钮组件数量可以有三种情况: 不使用/一个不包含落地页/和落地页组件数量一致
1800441The dynamic_creative with dynamic_creative id: {PARAM} is duplicated.创意与创意 id: {PARAM} 重复,请修改。
1800531The {PARAM} cannot be empty when marketing_carrier_type of adgroup is MARKETING_CARRIER_TYPE_WECHAT_CHANNELS_LIVE_RESERVATION.当广告组的营销载体类型为视频号直播预约(MARKETING_CARRIER_TYPE_WECHAT_CHANNELS_LIVE_RESERVATION)时,请求参数中的 {PARAM} 字段不能为空。
1800533The params 'live_notice_id' in param 'landing_page_options' should be the same.使用动态创意配置多组落地页时,选择的直播预约信息需要保持一致。
1800545deletion of promoted product is not supported, please delete the adgroups first.不支持删除已推广的产品,请先删除推广该产品的广告。
1800564Invalid id of wechat mini game. Please double check the mini game id.微信小游戏 id 填写错误,请检查。
1800569Param 'componet_value' is repeated, existed component id: {PARAM}.已存在内容完全一致的组件,id: {PARAM},请直接选择该组件进行投放。
1800581Creative component with related dynamic creative cannot be deleted.当前创意组件存在关联创意,请先将组件从对应创意中删除,才能执行删除操作;创意 id:{PARAM}
1800596No matched wechat accounts found, please change your request then try again.未查询到相关视频号信息,请修改后重试。
1800599Wechat channels live reserve id cannot be empty.推广视频号直播预约时,视频号直播预约 id(page_spec/wechat_channels_spec/live_notice_id)不能为空,请修改请求参数后重试。
1800787AdGroup of automatic delivery accepts exactly one DynamicCreative.自动投放广告仅支持单创意投放
1800818Unauthenticated, currently not supported for use. Please go to ADQ to complete identity verification.未通过身份验证,暂不支持使用,请前往 ADQ 完成身份验证.
1800850Specialized joint budget rule can not be used. Please choose other rules.自动投放专用联合预算,无法在非自动投放广告中使用,请选择其他预算组
1800880The current ad settings, {PARAM0} are all the same, but the number of ads with different {PARAM1} has reached the upper limit of {PARAM2} and cannot be created. Please modify/delete the existing ads.当前广告的设置内容,{PARAM0}均一致,而{PARAM1}不同的广告已达到{PARAM2}个上限,无法创建,请修改/删除已有广告。
1800884The number of your dynamic_creatives has reached the limit.创意的个数已达上限,您可通过删除无效的创意进行管理
1800888{PARAM}, unable to trace the component.以下资源,无法溯源组件:{PARAM},请替换,如果是 1X1 图片,尽量使用 800*800 400kb 以下大小
1800899at least one of account_id or organization_id is set.推广帐号 id 或业务单元 id 至少被设置一项。
1800900account_id and organization_id cannot be set at the same time.推广账号 id 和业务单元 id 不能被同时设置。
1800925The number of your creatives has reached the limit.账户的创意数已达上限,请删除部分创意再新建
1800992The current ad's settings are similar to existing ads and cannot be created. Please modify the settings ({PARAM0}) or go to view existing ads ({PARAM1})当前广告的设置内容和已有广告相似,无法创建,请修改设置({PARAM0})或 前往查看已有广告({PARAM1})
1800993The industry you are in does not allow placing an app advertisement您所在的行业不允许投放应用
1801038The newly created {PARAM0} component has a high similarity with component id: {PARAM1}. It is recommended to increase creative diversity and consider using an existing component. Please make the necessary modifications and resubmit.当前新建{PARAM0}组件与组件 id:{PARAM1} 相似度较高,建议提升创意多样性,建议使用已有组件,请修改后重新提交
1801104The following custom_audience package have expired ({PARAM0}), please clear them in time.以下人群包已失效({PARAM0}),请及时清除。
1801105The old version of lookalike custom_audience package has been offline ({PARAM0}), please clear it in time. If you need to use custom_audience expansion capability, you can create a new custom_audience package to expand and bind advertising.旧版拓展人群包已下线({PARAM0}),请及时清除。如需要使用人群拓展能力,可新建人群包进行拓展后,绑定广告投放。
1801106Current conversion id does not contain link info. Please use a conversion with link information.当前转化 id 不包含链路信息,请使用带有链路信息的转化。
1801108The request parameters are invalid, please check the parameters.请求参数非法,请检查传参。
1801179Adjustment failed. Please check and increase your available balance and budget.调整失败,系统将根据出价情况预估所需预算。为避免预算限制导致广告无法起量等问题,请您检查并提高可用余额与预算
1801290Adjustment failed. Please check and increase your available balance and budget.调整失败,系统将根据出价情况预估所需预算。为避免预算限制导致广告无法起量等问题,请您检查并提高可用余额与预算
1801318This audit data {PARAM} has been cleaned.当前审核数据{PARAM}已被清理。
1801319In smart_delivery_scene_spec.conversion_id_list, one conversion_id with optimization_goal = {PARAM} is required.转化 id 选择有误,该场景需要选择目标为{PARAM}的转化 id。请先联系运营升级转化归因到最新版本,请参照:https://datanexus.qq.com/doc/develop/manual/new_conversion_switch
1801320In smart_delivery_scene_spec.conversion_id_list, one conversion_id with optimization_goal = {PARAM} and deep_worth_optimization_goal = {PARAM} is required.转化 id 选择有误,该场景需要选择浅层为{PARAM},深层为{PARAM}的转化 id。请先联系运营升级转化归因到最新版本,请参照:https://datanexus.qq.com/doc/develop/manual/new_conversion_switch
1801327Concurrently adding components with the same param 'componet_value' is not allowed.不允许并发使用相同组件内容来创建组件。
1801330If smart_delivery_goal = {PARAM}, in smart_delivery_scene_spec.smart_delivery_goal_spec, only {PARAM} can be and should be used.当 smart_delivery_goal = {PARAM} 时,在 smart_delivery_scene_spec.smart_delivery_goal_spec 结构中,必须且仅可使用 {PARAM}。
1901403The parameter "material_derive_id" is required, when the "auto_derived_program_creative_switch" is true.自动衍生功能开启时,衍生 id(material_derive_id)必填。
1901408The operation-related capabilities are still open in grayscale. If you need to use, you can contact our operations staff. (whitelist: '{PARAM0}')该操作相关能力还在灰度开放中,如果您需要使用可以联系我们的运营人员(白名单:{PARAM1})
1901439Duplication of all image id in the component is not allowed in multi-picture components. Please modify and resubmit.多图组件内不允许组件内所有素材都重复,请修改后重新提交
1901440Video file is too large, limit is {PARAM}.视频文件大小超过了可以支持的上限 {PARAM},请更新文件后再试
1901443The Harmony app does not support user action set鸿蒙应用投放不支持精准匹配归因,请修改为全网归因
1901444The selected dynamiccreative does not belong to the selected adgroup.所选动态创意不属于所选广告组,该动态创意对应的广告组 id 为{PARAM}。
1901445The number of assets that can be queried is limited to 20,000 at most. If you need to query more, please adjust the query conditions.查询资产数量受限,最多 20000 条。如需查询更多,请调整查询条件。
1901446You are not permitted to use SITE_SET_CHANNELS,SITE_SET_MOMENTS,SITE_SET_WECHAT by Insufficient margin当前账户保证金不足,不允许投放视频号、朋友圈、公众号版位
1901468The currently used {PARAM0}, component id: {PARAM1} is in the process of duplicate detection and cannot be associated with creatives temporarily.当前使用的{PARAM0},组件 id:{PARAM1} 正在重复度检测中,暂不可关联创意,请等待检测成功后重试
1901469The currently used {PARAM0}, component id: {PARAM1} failed the duplicate detection. To improve creative diversity, it is recommended to use existing components. Please modify and resubmit.当前使用的{PARAM0},组件 id:{PARAM1} 重复度检测不通过,为了提升创意多样性,建议使用已有组件,请修改后重新提交
1901493smart delivery report interface not support site_set data,please remove "site_set" from group_by fields智能投放报表不支持查询分版位数据,请在 groupby 中移除 site_set
1901515Adjustment failed. Please check and increase your available balance and budget.调整失败,系统将根据出价情况预估所需预算。为避免预算限制导致广告无法起量等问题,请您检查并提高可用余额与预算
1901527In smart_delivery_scene_spec.conversion_id_list, one conversion_id with optimization_goal = {PARAM0} and deep_worth_optimization_goal = {PARAM1} is required.转化 id 选择有误,该场景需要选择浅层为{PARAM2},深层为{PARAM3}的转化 id。请先联系运营升级转化归因到最新版本,请参照:https://datanexus.qq.com/doc/develop/manual/new_conversion_switch
1901533deploy fail, reason: {PARAM0}部署失败, 原因为 {PARAM0}
1901534dpadmin 操作失败,失败原因:{PARAM0}dpadmin The action was unsuccessful,season:{PARAM0}
1901535parameter expected_roi_mix_factor and GOAL_1DAY_PURCHASE_MONETIZATION_ROAS must use together.“混变系数”和“首日混合变现 ROI ”优化目标需要同时使用。
1901536The expected_roi_mix_factor param is only applicable to version 3.0.“混变系数”只适用于 3.0 版本。
1901537The optimization goal of using "GOAL_1DAY_PURCHASE_MONETIZATION_ROAS" must have {PARAM} whitelist permission.使用“首日混合变现 ROI ”优化目标必须拥有 {PARAM} 白名单权限。
1901538invalid product series name in mini-store component: must be 1-12 characters小店商品组件中商品系列名称不合法。
1901539Cannot enable both WeChat Shop and Quick Access components when more than 1 official account is configured小店商品组件与快捷组件组件同时开启时,官方账号仅支持配置 1 个
1901540The verification code generation failed. Please try again later服务器繁忙,生成验证码失败,请稍后再试
1901541The captcha is incorrect图片验证码不正确
1901542This phone has reached the limit for sending verification codes. Please try again the next day此手机发送检验码已经达到上限,请在 24 小时后重试
1901543Mobile phone number cannot be empty手机号码不能为空
1901546Failed to obtain {PARAM0} element information, failed element ids: {PARAM2}获取{PARAM1}素材信息失败,获取失败素材 id 列表:{PARAM2}
1901548The universal_link_url is not registered, please contact the operations personnel to make an application for registration.输入的通用链接未备案,请联系您的运营人员申请备案。
1901551Adjustment failed. Please check and increase your available balance and budget.调整失败,系统将根据出价情况预估所需预算。为避免预算限制导致广告无法起量等问题,请您检查并提高可用余额与预算。
1901552Failed to obtain daily account consumption.获取账号日消耗失败。
1901553Failed to obtain daily budget for account.获取账号日预算失败。
1901554Failed to obtain account balance.获取账号余额失败。
1901555Parameter "{PARAM0}" contains unsupported or deleted value: {PARAM2}.参数"{PARAM1}"包含不存在或已删除值:{PARAM2}。
1901556Page data is updating, please retry.落地页数据更新中,请重试
1901557Verification code mismatch验证码不匹配
1901558The maximum number of verifications within one hour is 10. Please try again later一小时内验证次数最多为 10 次,请稍后再试
1901559The verification code cannot be empty验证码不能为空
1901560Failed to get siteset list, please confirm input parameter is correct. If you have any questions, please contact our technical support team.获取版位列表失败,请检查入参是否正确。如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队。
1901561The parameter {PARAM0} is invalid. please check the parameter and retry.获取绑定广告预览受众列表请求参数错误,请检查参数后重试。
1901562The WeChat Channels account you are promoting has been deactivated or does not exist.您投放的视频号帐号已注销或者不存在
1901563The backups can not be empty, and must not be {PARAM0} .当前落地页组件的兜底落地页不能为空,并且不能使用 {PARAM1} 作为兜底落地页。
1901564developer_id and login_name can't be empty at the same timedeveloper_id 和 login_name 不能同时为空
1901565add app too more创建的应用超过上限
1901566add app name has been exist该应用名已存在
1901567app created error创建应用发生异常,请联系技术人员
1901568add app permission_scope is invalid创建应用填写的权限信息有误
1901572the mapping relationship of car brand and series and vendor is not incorrect汽车品牌、厂商、车系的映射关系不正确
1901573The ADX account can only create ADX advertisements.adx 账号只能创建 adx 广告。
1901587Activation email has been sent激活邮件已发送
1901588This phone number has already registered a developer account该手机号已经注册开发者账户
1901589This email has already registered a developer account该邮箱已经注册开发者账户
1901590Enterprise name cannot be empty企业名称不能为空
1901591Email activated邮箱已激活
1901601Maximun wildcards count: {PARAM0}.最多支持使用{PARAM0}个通配符,请修改。
1901608The current account has reached the maximum limit ({PARAM}) of WeChat/QQ id for preview.当前广告账户已到达在线预览可配置微信号/qq 数量上限:'{PARAM}'个,无法配置新账号。
1901609Sorry, this adgroup has reached the maximum limit ({PARAM}) of WeChat/QQ id for preview.抱歉,当前广告绑定的预览人数已达上限({PARAM})。
1901610Failed to get user info, please check login information获取用户 id 错误,请检查登录信息。
1901611Developer name is empty or illegal开发者姓名为空或者非法
1901612Enterprise name is empty or illegal企业名称为空或者非法
1901613Developer has reached the limit for creating accounts开发者创建账户达到上限
1901614Developer identity error开发者身份错误
1901615Parameter {PARAM0} must be later than {PARAM1}参数{PARAM2}的值必须晚于{PARAM3}
1901617The WeChat Channels account you are promoting has been deactivated or does not exist.您投放的视频号帐号已注销或者不存在
1901621Parameter "component_id_filtering_mode" cannot be used when organization id is specified.参数“被共享组件读取方式”不能在指定组织时使用,只能用于指定账户的场景
1901622Current wechat store product set is not exists当前微信小店商品集合不存在
1901625Current dynamic creative is locked by other expansion execution.当前创意已经在展开中,不允许重复执行展开操作。
1901626You have reached the limit for sending activation emails within one day. Please try again after 24 hours您在一天内发送激活邮件的次数已达到上限,请在 24 小时后重试
1901627MARKETING_TARGET_TYPE_WECHAT_STORE_PRODUCT_SET don't support this site set: {PARAMS}微信小店商品集合不支持使用此版位: {PARAMS}
1901628MARKETING_TARGET_TYPE_WECHAT_STORE_PRODUCT_SET don't support auto site set.微信小店商品集合不支持使用自动版位。
1901629The current account belongs to the pharmaceutical industry which has limitations in wechat mini program id.基于广告链路交易生态治理,进一步保障维护小程序用户权益,降低客诉,腾讯广告将于 2025 年 3 月 31 日开始,除附件所列二级开户节点外,所有实物商品类小程序均需通过 SaaS 「融合小店」小程序或「微信小店」开展经营。如有任何疑问,请联系所属行业经理或渠道经理咨询,谢谢!详见:https://doc.weixin.qq.com/doc/w3_AMQAlgbdAFw6wcJllwTQcqW8GIh78?scode=AJEAIQdfAAoS8tAmXgAMQAlgbdAFw
1901630The number of wildcards should be less than {PARAMS}.使用的通配符数量不得大于{PARAMS}个
1901631Marshal smartdelivery sceneconfig error投放目标七彩石配置信息解析错误,请稍后重试
1901633Only marketing_sub_goal = MARKETING_SUB_GOAL_MINI_GAME_NEW_CUSTOMER_GROWTH is available in smart_delivery_platform = SMART_DELIVERY_PLATFORM_EDITION_MINI_GAME_PROMOTION小游戏跑量场景,新建项目只支持“新客增长”二级营销目的
1901634The current ad settings are highly similar to the audience coverage of existing ads. It cannot be created. Please modify the targeting settings or go to view existing ads ({PARAM0})当前广告的设置内容和已有广告人群覆盖高度相似,无法创建,请修改定向设置或 前往查看已有广告({PARAM0})