

为了方便用户理解Marketing API调用返回的错误信息,平台将通过errors结构对关键信息进行暴露,确保所有接入客户均可通过程序化的方式,对报错进行处理。



    "code": 31033,
    "message": "This parameter is not permitted on this behavior_or_interest, the sign is intent_targeting. trace_id: a7afca14bb571095be3914645d3ec905",
    "message_cn": "您没有权限操作指定参数,参数名:behavior_or_interest,对应的白名单标识:intent_targeting,请联系您的运营经理申请此白名单权限。trace_id: a7afca14bb571095be3914645d3ec905",
    "errors": [
            "type": "PRIVILEGE_PARAM_EXCEPTION",     // 代表该客户因为账户不在灰度白名单范围内而无法使用指定功能
            "description": "This parameter is not permitted on this behavior_or_interest, the sign is intent_targeting.",
            "privilege_param_exception_spec": {
                "param": "behavior_or_interest",
                "privilege_code": "intent_targeting"     //通过privilege_code暴露白名单名称,方便接入客户进行程序化处理。

其中,errors是一个数组,仅在某些有必要返回关键信息的情况下存在。 该数组具有以下关键属性:
1、type: 一定会返回,表示报错类型,不同的报错类型,具有不同的spec结构,如例子中的privilege_param_exception_spec,是针对PRIVILEGE_PARAM_EXCEPTION类型的定制spec。
2、spec: 指定情况下会返回,关键报错信息,如privilege_code是白名单标识;和type是联动关系,spec的名字为type的小写+"_spec"组成,同一种type下,返回的spec结构是一致的,如例子中的PRIVILEGE_PARAM_EXCEPTION类型,返回的spec关键信息均为param和privilege_code。


返回码 提示消息 描述
10000We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated supporting team.系统繁忙,请稍后重试
10001Marketing API is undergoing temporary maintenance.Marketing API 正在进行临时维护,请稍后再访问
11000Access token is expired.您的 access_token 已过期,请通过 oauth/token 接口获取最新 token
11001Your IP is not in the whitelist for this API.您的 IP 不在此 API 允许访问的 IP 白名单中
11002Access token is invalid.您的 access_token 无效,请通过 oauth/authorize 接口获取 token
11004Access token is malformed.您的 access_token 格式不正确,请通过 oauth/authorize 接口获取 token
11005Access token is empty.access_token 为必填字段,请传入正确的 access_token
11006The redirect URI in the request does not match the ones authorized for the client.Please update the authorized redirect URIs.请求中的重定向 URI 与为客户端授权的重定向 URI 不匹配,请更新授权的重定向 URI
11007The client_id is invalid.应用 id 无效,请检查 access_token 正确性
11008Application request limit has been exceeded.该应用的请求次数已达限制,请稍后重试
11009Authorization code is expired.授权码过期,请重新发起授权流程
11010Refresh token is malformed.refresh_token 格式错误,请检查 refresh_token 正确性
11011Authorization code is malformed.授权码格式错误,请检查 authorization_code 正确性
11012Refresh token is expired.refresh_token 过期,请重新发起授权流程
11013Authorization code can only be used once.授权码只能使用一次,请重新发起授权流程
11014The API you requested is out of the scope of authority.您请求的接口超出了授权范围,请在开发者开通对应权限后,重新发起授权
11016Application has reached the request limit per second.应用程序已达到每秒的请求限制,请稍后再试
11017Application has reached the request limit per minute.应用请求已达分钟频次上限,请 1 分钟后重试,或在官网提交工单申请开通更多频次配额
11018Application has reached the request limit per day.应用请求已达天频次上限,请 1 天后重试,或在官网提交工单申请开通更多频次配额
11019Your request is much too frequent.您的请求太频繁了,请稍后重试
11020Access token of the stress-test is invalid.压测的访问令牌无效
11021You have been temporarily blocked. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team.您的 IP 暂时被封锁,如有疑问,可以联系我们技术支持团队
12000Your request is missing a required parameter.您的请求缺少必须参数:access_token,timestamp,nonce
12001Parameter 'grant_type' must be one of the following values: [authorization_code or refresh_token].参数 grant_type 的值必须是下列之一:[authorization_code or refresh_token]
12002Parameter 'authorization_code' cannot be an empty string.参数 authorization_code 不能为空字符串,请调整参数后重试
12003JSON string is malformed.JSON 字符串格式错误,请调整参数后重试
12004The parameter 'nonce' has too many characters.参数 nonce 的字符太多
12006A system frequency limit has been exceeded.超过系统频率限制,请稍后再试
12007The API you requested is unknown. Please check your URL and http method.您请求未知的接口,请检查您的 URL 和 HTTP 方法
12008Parameter 'fields' must be array.参数 fields 必须为数组,请调整参数后重试
12009Tried accessing nonexisting field in the parameter 'fields' you provided.参数 fields 中有不存在的字段,请调整参数后重试
12010The api you requested does not support idempotence.您请求的接口不支持幂等
12011The number of sub requests has reached the limit.批量请求的子请求个数超过限制
12100The nonce has been used before.nonce 已被使用,请更换 nonce
12101The timestamp is expired.时间戳过期,请确认发起请求时的 timestamp 字段赋值逻辑
12200Parameter 'account_id' is invalid.account_id 参数无效,请校验当前 token 是否具有操作当前 account_id 的权限
12201Parameter 'account_id' is invalid.account_id 参数无效,请校验当前 token 是否具有操作当前 account_id 的权限
12202The resource owner is not permitted to perform this operation.资源所有者未允许执行此操作,请确认操作者角色与资源关系的正确性
12203The resource owner is not permitted to operate this 'account_id'.资源所有者未允许操作此帐号 id,请确认当前 token 是否具有操作此 account_id 的权限
12300There is something wrong in encrypt decode加密解码失败,请检查传入参数正确性
12400Please activate your advertiser account for your mp account first.请先为您的 mp 帐户激活相应的广告帐户
12401The agency account you specified is not supported by MP Open API v1.0.MP Open API v1.0 不支持您指定的代理商帐户
12402The interface is not supported by MP Open API v1.1.MP Open API v1.1 不支持该接口
12500Parameter 'uid' is invalid.参数 uid 无效
12600The client does not exist.客户端不存在
12700The resource you specified is being modified. Please try again later.其他请求正在同时更新你请求的资源,为了保证数据一致性,请稍后重试
12701The account has been banned from creating new ads. If you have any questions, please contact online customer service or email "ads_ss"(Tencent Advertising Appeal Center)账户已被禁止新建广告,如有疑问请联系在线客服或邮件 ads_ss(腾讯广告申诉中心)
12806Service timeout, please retry.服务接口超时,请重试。
30000We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统繁忙,请稍后重试
30001Report service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 报表服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30002We are unable to process your request at this time.  please contact our dedicated operation team.我们目前无法处理您的请求,请联系我们的专业运营团队
30003Ad service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 投放服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30004Wechat ad service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 微信广告服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30005The version of api you specified is not supported any more. Please migrate to the latest version.调用的接口版本已经不再支持,请迁移到最新接口版本
30006Dmp service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: DMP 服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30007Tracking service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 转化归因服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30008Ocpa learning state service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: ocpa 学习状态服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30009Billing service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 计费服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30010Business manager service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: BM 服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30011CRM service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: CRM 服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30012Dynamic adcreative service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 动态创意服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30013Fmc service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 枫叶电商服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30014Myapp service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 应用宝服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30015Product catalog service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 商品库服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30016Task service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 定时任务服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30017Landing page service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 落地页服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30018User action service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 用户归因数据源服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30019Customer service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 客户服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30020Demography estimate service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 人群预估服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30021Delivery service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 投放服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30022Unionapp service interface error,please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 广告包服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队,接口错误码为:
30023Call Unionapp service interface error: {PARAM}, interface error code: {PARAM}请求广告包服务接口错误: {PARAM},接口错误码为:{PARAM}
30024Call Feature flag error: {PARAM}获取 Feature flag 错误: {PARAM}
31000Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is '{PARAM}'.缺失必填参数{PARAM},请传入必填参数
31079The operator has been added.该服务商角色已经存在,不需要添加
31080The wechat_id is invalid.微信 id 不存在.
31081The agency does not have this operator.服务商没有这个员工
18001Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is '{PARAM}'.您的请求缺失必要的参数: '{PARAM}'。
31001Required parameter '{PARAM}' cannot be an empty string参数{PARAM}不能为空
31002Parameter '{PARAM}' must be {PARAM}.参数{PARAM}取值范围是{PARAM}
18002Parameter '{PARAM}' must be {PARAM}.参数'{PARAM}'必须设置为 {PARAM}。
31003The value you specified for '{PARAM}' is invalid. Valid values must be less than {PARAM}.参数{PARAM}无效,取值需小于{PARAM}
18003The value you specified for '{PARAM}' is invalid. Valid values must be less than {PARAM}.您设置的参数'{PARAM}'数值错误,可用数值应小于等于{PARAM}。
31004The value you specified for '{PARAM}' is invalid. Valid values must be greater than {PARAM}.参数{PARAM}无效,取值需大于{PARAM}
18004The value you specified for '{PARAM}' is invalid. Valid values must be greater than {PARAM}.您设置的参数'{PARAM}'数值错误,可用数值应大于等于{PARAM}。
31005The value is invalid for the associated parameter '{PARAM}'.参数{PARAM}无效,请确认是否符合该字段正则要求
18005The value is invalid for the associated parameter '{PARAM}'.您设置的参数'{PARAM}' 数值非法
31006The value of parameter '{PARAM}' contains disallowed characters.参数{PARAM}包含不允许字符,请更新参数后重试
18006The value of parameter '{PARAM}' contains disallowed characters.参数'{PARAM}'包含不允许使用的字符
31007The parameter '{PARAM}' has too many characters, the length of the value cannot be more than the max length {PARAM}.参数{PARAM}长度超出最大限制{PARAM},请调整对应参数长度
18007The parameter '{PARAM}' has too many characters, the length of the value cannot be more than the max length {PARAM}.参数'{PARAM}'包含过多字符,数值长度不应大于最大值 {PARAM}
31008The parameter '{PARAM}' has too few characters, the length of the value cannot be less than the min length {PARAM}.参数{PARAM}长度小于最小限制{PARAM},请调整对应参数长度
18008The parameter '{PARAM}' has too few characters, the length of the value cannot be less than the min length {PARAM}.参数'{PARAM}'包含过少字符,数值长度不应小于最小值 {PARAM}
31009This operation is not permitted on this {PARAM}.没有权限操作指定对象,对象名:{PARAM}
31019This operation is not permitted on this {PARAM}, the sign is {PARAM}.您没有权限操作指定功能:{PARAM},对应的白名单标识:{PARAM},请联系您的运营经理申请此白名单权限
31010The {PARAM} is invalid: it could have been deleted or never existed.操作的对象不存在或已删除,对象名:{PARAM},请确认 account_id 是否可操作该对象
31011The specified parameter '{PARAM}' referred to an entity which either does not exist or is not accessible to you.参数{PARAM}错误,对应的数据不存在,请确认对应对象是否存在
31012You are not permitted to use the mobile app.产品内测中,如需使用可联系您的运营经理,感谢!
31013An {PARAM} is being added or renamed, but the name is already being used by another {PARAM}.{PARAM}对象存在重名,对象名:{PARAM},请修改对象名称
31014The MD5 value specified in the request did not match the MD5 value calculated by the server.文件签名校验失败,请确认上传文件与对应 MD5 是否匹配
31016parameter value is too tiny参数值太小,请调整参数值大小
31017Parameter '{PARAM}' must be one of the following values: [{PARAM}].参数{PARAM}的取值需在[{PARAM}]中
18009Parameter '{PARAM}' must be one of the following values: [{PARAM}].参数'{PARAM}'必须为'[{PARAM}]'其中之一。
31018The type of the uploaded file is invalid.上传文件的类型无效,请确认上传文件类型在允许范围内
18010The type of the uploaded file is invalid.上传的文件类型非法
31020Your request contains too many values for '{PARAM}'. This parameter can have a maximum of {PARAM} value(s).您的请求包含的{PARAM}值太多,此参数最多可包含{PARAM}值
18011Your request contains too many values for '{PARAM}'. This parameter can have a maximum of {PARAM} value(s).您请求的参数'{PARAM}'包含的数据条数过多,该参数允许的最大条数是:'{PARAM}'。
31021Your request contains too few values for '{PARAM}'. This parameter must have a minimum of {PARAM} value(s).您的请求包含的{PARAM}值太少,此参数最少可包含{PARAM}值
31022The '{PARAM}' field capability related to this feature is still open in grayscale. If you need to use it, you can contact our operator. (whitelist: '{PARAM}')该功能相关的{PARAM}字段能力还在灰度开放中,如果您需要使用可以联系我们的运营人员(白名单:{PARAM})
31023The operation-related capabilities are still open in grayscale. If you need to use, you can contact our operations staff. (whitelist: '{PARAM}')该操作相关能力还在灰度开放中,如果您需要使用可以联系我们的运营人员(白名单:{PARAM})
18012Your request contains too few values for '{PARAM}'. This parameter must have a minimum of {PARAM} value(s).您请求的参数'{PARAM}'包含的数据条数过少,该参数允许的最少条数是:'{PARAM}'。
31026The campaign daily budget adjustment is less than minimum推广计划日预算调整幅度小于最低修改幅度
31027An object with the same 'outer_id' has already been created.已使用相同的 outer_id 创建对象
31028The 'outer_id' provided does not match our records.outer_id 不匹配,请更新参数后重试
31029Parameter '{PARAM}' has too many decimal places. The maximum number of decimal places is {PARAM}.参数{PARAM}长度小于最小限制{PARAM},请调整参数大小
18013Parameter '{PARAM}' has too many decimal places. The maximum number of decimal places is {PARAM}.参数 {PARAM}的小数位数过多,最大小数位数为 {PARAM}
31030New version should be greater than the existing version. 版本必须比当前版本新,请更新后重试
31031The parameter '{PARAM}' is not allowed to be modified.参数{PARAM}不允许修改
31033This parameter is not permitted on this {PARAM}, the sign is {PARAM}.您没有权限操作指定参数,参数名:{PARAM},对应的白名单标识:{PARAM},请联系您的运营经理申请此白名单权限
31034Parameter '{PARAM}' is invalid.参数{PARAM}无效或者不合法,请检查该参数。
31035Your request must include at least one of {PARAM}.以下参数必须至少设置一项,参数名:{PARAM}
31036You can only provide one 'order_by' parameter.您只能提供一个 order_by 参数,请检查传入的 order_by 参数。
31037The uploaded file is too large.上传文件过大,请更新后重试
31038You are not permitted to do this request.您当前无权执行此请求
31039The {PARAM} has been locked.{PARAM}已被锁定,请稍后重试
31040The {PARAM} is not allowd in this request此请求中不允许{PARAM},请更新参数后重试
31041The '{PARAM}' must under the domain '{PARAM}'{PARAM}必须位于{PARAM}域下,请更新参数后重试
31042You are not permitted to use parameter '{PARAM}'您不能使用参数{PARAM},请确认是否拥有白名单权限,或是否满足策略要求
31043Parameter 'end_date' cannot be earlier than the parameter 'begin_date'参数 end_date 不能早于参数 begin_date,请更新参数后重试
31044The values of '{PARAM}' and '{PARAM}' can not be used simultaneously in this scenario.{PARAM}和{PARAM}不能同时使用,请更新参数后重试
31045The value of the parameter '{PARAM}' is not allowed to use the parameter '{PARAM}'.参数{PARAM}不允许使用{PARAM}值,请更新参数后重试
31046The values of '{PARAM}' and '{PARAM}' can not be used simultaneously in this '{PARAM}'.{PARAM}和{PARAM}的值不能同时用于{PARAM}的值,请确认对应参数值的组合是否符合的策略要求
31047The parameter '{PARAM}' you provided is not available to the {PARAM}.您提供的参数{PARAM}不适用于{PARAM},请确认是否符合策略要求
31048The value of '{PARAM}' cannot be used with the '{PARAM}' you provided.参数{PARAM}不允许使用{PARAM}值,请确认以上参数组合是否符合策略要求
31049Your request has unrecognized parameter [{PARAM}] in the parameter '{PARAM}' you provided.您提供的参数{PARAM}包含不识别的参数{PARAM},请确认结构体中传入参数名是否正确
31050The value of the parameter '{PARAM}' must be same as the value of the parameter '{PARAM}'.参数{PARAM}的值必须与参数{PARAM}的值相同,请更新参数后重试
31051The {PARAM}s you specified with ids '{PARAM}' do not exist.您指定的{PARAM}在'{PARAM}'列表中不存在
31052The start_date cannot be earlier than '{PARAM}'.开始时间 start_date 不能早于参数'{PARAM}'
31053The end_date cannot be later than '{PARAM}'.结束时间 end_date 不能晚于参数'{PARAM}'
31054Parameter 'end_date' cannot be earlier than the parameter 'start_date'参数'end_date'不能早于'state_date'
31055Parameter '{PARAM}' cannot be earlier than the parameter '{PARAM}'.参数{PARAM}不能早于参数{PARAM}
31056Parameter '{PARAM}' cannot be later than the Parameter '{PARAM}'.参数'{PARAM}'不能晚于'{PARAM}'
31057Parameter '{PARAM}' cannot be earlier than '{PARAM}'.参数'{PARAM}'不能早于'{PARAM}'
31058Parameter '{PARAM}' cannot be later than '{PARAM}'.参数'{PARAM}'不能晚于'{PARAM}'
31059Missing some of these parameters: '{PARAM}'您的请求缺失部分参数: '{PARAM}'
31060Your request differs from a previous request with the same X-Request-Id.您的请求参数与之前具有相同 X-Request-Id 的请求不同,请更新参数后重试
31067Invalid wechat account id, please check it and try again.微信账号 id 不正确,请检查后重试
31099Parameter is invalid.参数值错误,请更新参数后重试
31100You are not permitted to use the product catalog you specified.您无权使用您指定的商品目录,请确认是否具有操作对象的操作权限
31101The recommend_ids must have the same parent id.所选的推荐方式必须具有相同的父 id,请更新参数后重试
31102You are not permitted to use the recommend_id for the product catalog.所选推荐方式不适用于您所选的商品目录,请更新参数后重试
31103The product catalog does not support field '{PARAM}'.商品目录不支持字段{PARAM},请更换使用其他的商品库
31104The operator is not supported for the field you specified.您指定的字段不支持该运算符,请更新参数后重试
31105The dynamic template is either not available to you or is deprecated.动态模板不可用,请确认当前动态模板正确性
31106The adcreative's product_catalog_id must be same as the adgroup's product_catalog_id.adcreative 的 product_catalog_id 必须与 adgroup 的 product_catalog_id 相同
31107The Dynamic Products Ad cannot be updated for the moment.当前无法更新动态产品广告,请稍后重试
31110The dynamic adcreative's product_catalog_id must be same as the adgroup's product_catalog_id.dynamic adcreative 的 product_catalog_id 必须与 adgroup 的 product_catalog_id 相同
31111The dynamic adcreative's product_mode must be same as the adgroup's product_mode.dynamic adcreative 的 product_mode 必须与 adgroup 的 product_mode 相同
31112The dynamic adcreative's product_source must be same as the adgroup's product_source.dynamic adcreative 的 product_source 必须与 adgroup 的 product_source 相同
31113Union ad position package has been upgraded, which has supported authorization from other accounts, and it has improved the limit to 2000 of ad position. So the {PARAM} you can only use less 5.当前流量包功能已升级:支持从其他账户授权流量包,且提升了单个流量包可以关联的广告位数至 2000 个。由于可以打包的广告位更多,您无需多个包即可实现定投/屏蔽目标,因此广告可绑定的{PARAM}流量包个数下调为 5 个
31114Union ad position package ({PARAM})'s authorization has been canceled or union ad position package has been deleted.您选择的流量包({PARAM})授权关系已经被解除或者包已经被删除
31115Union ad position package has been upgraded and it can not be modified when original {PARAM} exceeding 5 limits.当前流量包功能已升级:原始广告已绑定的{PARAM}流量包超出 5 个限制,本次流量包不允许修改
31116Union ad position package ({PARAM}) which you have selected is invalid.您选择的流量包({PARAM})存在非法
31117Multiple Dynamic Products Ads (MDPA) does not support dynamic_creative_id.动态多商品广告不支持动态创意
31118Failed to get Dynamic Products Ads recommendation options.获取动态商品广告推荐方式错误
31119The adcreative's {PARAM} must be same as the adgroup's {PARAM}.adcreative 的{PARAM}必须与 adgroup 的{PARAM}相同
32100Your account balance is not enough.余额不足,请充值后重试
32102Funds can only be transferred between accounts of the same type.只能在同类型资金账户间划账,请更新参数后重试
32103Funds transfer is not supported by your account.当前资金账户类型不支持划账,请更新参数后重试
32104The signature of the recharge message is invalid.充值通知签名错误,请更新参数后重试
32105Transfer failed: the current account has more than {PARAM} funds with validity period.划账失败,当前账户已超{PARAM}笔有效资金
32106Funds are not allowed to be transferred to a frozen account.不允许向冻结的账户划账
32107The 'daily_budget' can only be set when the advertiser becomes active.只有生效帐户才能设置日预算
32108The duration of the parameter 'date_range' is beyond the allowed maximum.参数 date_range 的时间跨度超过允许的范围
32109Transfer limit reached. Please retry after one day.超过每日划账次数限制,请明天再试
32110The specified account does not exist.指定的帐户不存在,请确认操作的资金账户正确性
32111The amount of your transfer is below the allowed minimum.您的转帐金额低于允许的最低金额,请调整转账金额
32112This fund_type has already been closed.您使用的'fund_type'已经被关闭
32122Cannot send authorization request to bound advertiser.该广告主已经绑定,不能再次发送请求
32203The budget of the account has been modified too many times.单日修改日预算已达上限,请明天再试
32206mobile and telephone must set one of them手机号和座机号不能同时为空
32207No advertiser is found for the 'account_id' provided in the request.没有找到有效的广告主
32208Unsupported operation for the current authorization status of the advertiser.广告主授权状态,不支持该操作。
32209The agency is inactive.代理商状态不可用,
32210The API can only be used by an agency.当前操作仅支持代理商使用,请确认调用方是否为代理商
32211The advertiser is inactive.广告主帐号当前不可用,请确认当前广告主状态是否正确
32212The 'daily_budget' was greater than the maximum allowed.日预算太大,请调整日预算大小
32213The 'daily_budget' was less than the minimum allowed.日预算太小,请调整日预算大小
32214current user status is not allowed to save drafts当前广告主状态不允许保存草稿
32215nothing changed for approval调用 update 接口必须修改至少一项内容
32216information is not complete for approval提交审核需要的信息不完整,请完善信息
32217no industry info provided至少要填一个行业 id 或者外部行业信息
32218the qq of user has been registere填写的 QQ 号已被注册为广告主,请更换 QQ 号后重试
32219The advertiser don't have any wechat account binding广告主没有绑定微信公众号,请先绑定公众号后重试
32220The wechat spid frozen can not be different from campaign's该推广计划由其他服务商创建,请确认是否拥有该推广计划的权限
32221The daily budget of Advertising should not be less than 1.5 times the current budget.日预算需要高于当前帐号的总消耗,请调大日预算
32225You cannot modify your qualifications at this time.您目前无法修改资质,仅当审核驳回后可做对应操作
32231You cannot provide different icp images for the same domain.对于相同的域名,不能提供不同的 icp 图片,请确认 icp 图片正确性
32232Your mp account has been successfully created.您的 mp 帐户已成功创建
32233You cannot get your agency and advertisers at the same time.您无法同时获得代理商和广告客户
32234You cannot modify the parameter(s) '{PARAM}' when the parameter 'system_status' is 'CUSTOMER_STATUS_NORMAL'当参数 system_status 为 CUSTOMER_STATUS_NORMAL 时,您无法修改参数{PARAM}
32235Your wechat account is pending audit or has been denied由于您的微信帐户正在等待审核或被拒绝,您目前无法执行此操作
32236Your agency_token does not match your agency id.您的 agency_token 与您的代理商 id 不符,请确认传入参数是否正确匹配
32237Please create your wechat advertising account first.请先创建您的微信广告帐户
32238The ticket of wechat account is expired.微信账号授权已过期,请确认是否在微信后台取消了授权,若已取消授权,请重新发起微信公众号绑定流程
32239Your wechat account is not supported.您的微信帐户暂无法使用,请确认当前操作是否允许当前广告主类型使用
32240The interface '{PARAM}' can only be used by a agency account仅支持代理商身份调用接口'{PARAM}'
32241The API can only be used by a wechat account who is not an agency该接口仅支持微信账号调用且非代理商身份
32242The API is not allowed to use by a qq account该接口不在 QQ 用户可访问的模块白名单中
32243The account_id can't be agency不支持代理商账号
32244The wechat account bound to this account can not be found当前账号绑定的微信账号信息不存在
32245A wechat official account has been bound to this account.当前账号已绑定微信账号
32255Agency operators are not permitted to operate this advertiser, please contact agency administrator.服务商运营人员无权操作此广告账号,请联系服务商管理员。
32256Agency operators are not permitted to operate this '{PARAM}', can only 'AD_QUALIFICATION', 'AD_QUALIFICATION_WECHAT' permitted, please contact agency administrator.服务商运营人员无权操作此'{PARAM}',仅可操作'广告资质'、'微信广告资质',请联系服务商管理员。
32301For wechat account, you can only use GREATER_EQUALS operator for the field 'last_modified_time'.微信广告主使用最后修改时间筛选时,仅支持使用大于等于
32302Campaign 'daily_budget' has been modified too many times.推广计划日预算修改次数已达上限
32306The campaign can not be deleted when 'configured_status' is not AD_STATUS_SUSPEND.只有暂停的计划才能被删除
32307Campaign 'daily_budget' was too low. Please increase the 'daily_budget' and retry.推广计划预算太小,请上调日预算
32308Parameter 'campaign_type' is not allowed to be modified. 计划类型不能被修改
32310The 'daily_budget' was greater than the maximum allowed.daily_budget 大于允许的最大值
32311The 'daily_budget' was less than the minimum allowed.日预算太小,请上调日预算
32312The 'begin_date' must greater than now.开始日期不得早于今日
32313The city's level of point {PARAM} is defferent from other points in Adgroup's geo_location所选的城市或商圈不属于同一出价级别{PARAM},请确认所选城市是否均属于同一级别
32314The incremental value of your campaign's 'total_budget' is below the allowed minimum.推广计划总预算低于允许可设置的最小值,请更新参数后重试
32315The number of your campaigns has reached the limit.推广计划个数已达上限,您可通过删除无效推广计划进行管理
32402Ad group time interval specified is invalid, 'end_date' cannot be earlier than 'begin_date'.开始日期必须早于结束日期,请更新参数后重试
32405Parameters 'min_impression_include' and 'max_impression_include' must be used together.最低曝光频次和最高曝光频次必须成对设置,请更新参数后重试
32406Parameter 'max_impression_include' cannot be less than 'min_impression_include'.最高曝光频次不得小于最低曝光频次,请更新参数后重试
32407Parameter 'site_set' has already been set by the campaign, you need set the same value 推广计划上已经设置了投放版位
32408A required parameter 'site_set' was not specified or is an empty string.广告投放版位未设置,请更新参数后重试
32409Parameter 'timeset' has already been set by the campaign, you should not set the parameter推广计划已经设置投放时段
32410Only campaigns of {PARAM} type can use 'bid_type' of {PARAM}.{PARAM}类型推广计划只能使用{PARAM}类型的计费方式
32413Parameters 'begin_date' and 'end_date' have already been set by the campaign, you should not set this parameters投放日期重复设置
32415The bid on an ad group is not allowed to be higher than 50% of the daily budget of the campaign.广告出价不得超过计划预算的 50%,请更新参数后重试
32416The bid on an ad group is not allowed to be modified.当前广告不允许修改出价
32417The 'product_type' you specified is not allowed to be used by your campaign.无法使用当前推广目标,请更新参数后重试
32418the 'code' of qualification is not exit资质编码不存在,请确认资质编码是否正确
32419the 'industry_id' of qualification code is not exit行业资质编码不存在,请确认行业资质编码是否正确
32420the number of qualifications is illegal营业执照号错误,请确认营业执照号是否正确
32421This targeting can not be modified定向不能进行修改
32422This bid is too samll or large出价超出限制,请确认出价是否满足策略要求
32423The total number of adgroups for the campaign has reached the maximum limit '{PARAM}'.当前推广计划下广告组数量超出限制{PARAM},请删除部分 adgroup 后重试
32424The {PARAM} need to be consistent with the values ​​ in the campaign参数{PARAM}的值与其他 adgroup 或 campaign 的值不一致,需保持一致
32425The wechat's adgroup allows its 'promoted_object_type' in {PARAM} only微信广告组的商品类型只能为{PARAM}
32426The point {PARAM} is illegal in wechat's adgroup.微信推广计划的参数非法,参数名:{PARAM}
32427The bid is illegal in the city of level {PARAM}.出价不符合城市{PARAM}的级别要求,请按照城市级别调整出价策略
32428Parameter'targeting_id' and parameter 'targeting' is not allowed to use at the same time.targeting_id 和 targeting 不能同时使用
32429The '{PARAM}' must be set and '{PARAM}' is not allowed to set.参数{PARAM}必传,且该参数传了时参数{PARAM}不允许传,请调整参数后重试
32430Parameter 'geo_location' must be set定向 geo_location 不能为空,请添加 geo_location 定向
32431Parameter 'regions' and 'business_districts' and 'custom_locations' cannot be empty at the same time.regions 和 business_districts 不能同时为空
32432The 'location_types' must be the {PARAM}.location_types 仅支持{PARAM}
32433The {PARAM} is not allowded to set由于策略限制,当前条件下{PARAM}参数不允许使用
32434The 'object_type','time_window','act_id_list' and 'object_id_list' must be set at the same time.object_type,time_window,act_id_list 和 object_id_list 必须同时设置
32435The Wechat Moments Ad time exceeded the limit微信朋友圈广告投放时间段超出限制
32436In the targeting package referred by targeting_id, the '/geo_location/location_types' must be 'LIVE_IN' when site_set contains SITE_SET_WECHAT当 site_set 包含 SITE_SET_WECHAT,定向包中的'geo_location/location_types'仅支持'LIVE_IN'
32456Bid paramter error出价参数错误,请更新参数后重试
32457The Wechat Moments Adgroup can not delete all in the Campaign微信朋友圈推广计划下的广告不允许全部删除
32458Wechat moments's Adgroup must set 'time_series' same everyday微信朋友圈广告必须每天的投放时间段保持一致,请更新参数后重试
32459The 'promoted_object_type' you specified is not allowed to be used by your 'optimization_goal'.当前推广目标类型不支持使用该优化目标,请调换使用其他优化目标
32460You do not fulfill the requirements of the OCPA ad.您不满足使用 ocpa 的门槛限制,请确认门槛要求后重试
32462The optimization_goal cannot be changed for oCPA ads.oCPA 广告的优化目标不允许更新
32463The 'begin_date' cannot be earlier than the current date.开始日期需要早于当前日期,请更新参数后重试
32464Parameter 'ocpa_expand_enabled' is allowed to be set to 'true' and 'ocpa_expand_targeting' is allowed to be used only for oCPA ads.当且仅当广告为 oCPA 广告时,才可将参数 ocpa_expand_enabled 设置为 true,以及使用 ocpa_expand_targeting,请确认当前是否为 oCPA 广告
32465Parameter 'ocpa_expand_targeting/cpc_expand_targeting' can only be used when 'ocpa_expand_enabled/cpc_expand_enabled' is set to 'true'.当且仅当 ocpa_expand_enabled/cpc_expand_enabled 设置为 true 时,才可使用 ocpa_expand_targeting/cpc_expand_targeting
32466Parameter 'ocpa_expand_targeting' conflicts 'targeting'.ocpa_expand_targeting 的定向设置需与 targeting 中的定向值一致
32467the value of arameter 'time_series' cannot be all zero.time_series 不允许全为 0,请更新参数后重试
32468The wechat moments adgroup must be advertised at least 6 hours a day.微信朋友圈广告每天的投放时间需大于等于 6 小时,请更新参数后重试
32469The paramter '{PARAM}' in the targeting you provided is not supported for this {PARAM}.targeting 中的参数{PARAM}不支持{PARAM},请更新参数后重试
32470You can have at most {PARAM} adgroups for a campaign.推广目标最多可包含{PARAM}广告组,请更新参数后重试
32471The adgroup's optimization_goal is invalid or you don't have the permission to use it广告组的 optimization_goal 无效,或者您无权使用它
32472The adgroup's bid_amount is invalid under OCPA广告组的出价在 oCPA 广告下无效,请更新参数后重试
32473The number of your adgroups has reached the limit.广告组的个数已达上限,您可通过删除无效的广告组进行管理
32474The number of your adgroups with the same {PARAM} you specified has reached the limit.您指定的具有相同{PARAM}的广告组的数量已达到限制
32475You cannot modify 'app_android_channel_package_id' of wechat moments.微信朋友圈广告不支持修改渠道包,请更新参数后重试
32476The targeting you specified has already been used by adgroups whose 'ocpa_expanding_targeting' is true. The adgroup_id of these adgroups are '{PARAM}'.定向已被用于使用扩量定向的广告,不支持再被其他广告引用,已被使用的广告组 id:{PARAM}
32477Parameter 'cpc_expand_enabled' is allowed to be set to 'true' and 'cpc_expand_targeting' is allowed to be used only for CPC ads.当且仅当广告为 CPA 广告时,才可将参数 cpc_expand_enabled 设置为 true,以及使用 cpc_expand_targeting
32478It is not allowed to update wechat moments' adgroup and other adgroups in the same batch.不允许同时修改朋友圈广告和非朋友圈广告
32480Parameter '{PARAM}' cannot be '{PARAM}' than the original '{PARAM}' of the adgroups with id '{PARAM}'.参数 {PARAM}不能是 {PARAM},而不是广告组的原始 {PARAM},广告组 id:{PARAM}
32481You cannot update the parameter 'begin_date' for the adgroups with id '{PARAM}' since those have begun.已开始投放的广告组{PARAM}不允许更新创建时间字段
32482You don't have the permission to use the adgroup's dynamic_ad_spec您没有使用 adgroup 的 dynamic_ad_spec 的权限
32483The parameter 'cpc_expand_enabled' can not be true if the adgroup's billing_event is BILLINGEVENT_CLICK, the optimization_goal is OPTIMIZATIONGOAL_CLICK and the parameter 'dynamic_ad_spec' is set.ocpa 的动态商品广告不允许开启 CPC 自动扩量功能
32484The 'daily_budget' must be at least 5000 higher than the cost today.日预算必须大于等于 50 元
32485The difference between 'daily_budget' and the current daily budget must be higher than {PARAM}.日预算每次更新必须大于{PARAM}分
32486The number of requests updating the daily budget of an adgroup has reached the limit.广告组日预算的修改次数已达到上限
32487The parameter 'promoted_object_type' should be 'PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_LINK' or 'PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_LINK_WECHAT' or 'PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_LEAD_AD', if the parameter 'targeting[app_installed_spec]' is set.仅推广目标为网页时,您可使用已安装定向
32488The feature 'app_installed_spec' does not support the app you specified. If you need to use this feature, please contact our dedicated operation team.您的应用暂不支持已安装定向,请联系您的运营经理申请权限
32489The targeting with id '{PARAM}' you specified is not allowed since the 'promoted_object_type' of the adgroup should be 'PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_LINK'仅推广目标为网页时,您可使用包含指定应用 id 的安装定向的定向包 {PARAM}
32490Values in the site_set must belong to the same site set.有版位必须在同一个版位集下面
32491Rewarded video ads can only be created when site_set is SITE_SET_WECHAT.仅当 site_set 为 SITE_SET_WECHAT 时才能创建激励视频广告
32492The audit status conflicts with the rateing of adgroup auditing审核状态与广告组审核的等级发生冲突
32494The parameter 'promoted_object_type' should be 'PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_APP_ANDROID_MYAPP', 'PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_APP_ANDROID_UNION', 'PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_APP_ANDROID' or 'PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_APP_IOS' if the parameter 'targeting[app_install_status]' is set.仅推广目标为 Android 应用、iOS 应用、应用宝推广或应用下载(联盟推广)时,您可使用应用安装定向
32495The parameter 'bid_strategy' you specified is not supported for the 'site_set ' of the adgroup微信广告不支持设置出价策略
32496The parameter 'bid_strategy' you specified is allowed to be used only for oCPA ads出价策略参数'bid_strategy'仅允许在 ocpa 广告中设置
32501{PARAM} can only be used when {PARAM} is {PARAM}当且仅当{PARAM}是{PARAM}时,{PARAM}才可以使用
32502Parameter 'auto_audience' conflicts 'targeting_id' or 'expand_enabled' or 'targeting/custom_audience'参数'auto_audience' 与 以下参数('targeting_id', 'expand_enabled', 'targeting/custom_audience') 不能同时使用
32503Parameter '{PARAM}' is not supported in the Wechat Moments Adgroup参数 '{PARAM}' 不支持朋友圈广告
32504The creative template cannot be used by the adgroup with the 'promoted_object_type' you specified.当前规格不能被您指定的标的物类型的广告组使用
32506The campaign id you specified must matches the campaign in your adgroup.广告组 id 和计划 id 不匹配,请检查 id 正确性
32507The file type is invalid.视频类型错误,请检查传入视频类型是否正确
32508The video is not of legal dimensions.视频尺寸不符合要求,请检查传入视频尺寸是否符合要求
32509The image could not be stored, please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.存储图片失败,请稍后重试
32510The domain is not whitelisted for the 'impression_tracking_url'.曝光监控地址主域不在允许的白名单内,请使用白名单范围内的域名地址
32513Parameter 'page_url' has already been set by the ad group.广告组已经设置落地页地址
32514Parameter '{PARAM}' is invalid.创意元素 creative_element 中参数{PARAM}错误
32515Parameters 'promoted_object_id' in landing page url and 'promoted_object_id' in adgroup must match.落地页地址中标的物 id 与 adgroup 中标的物 id 必须一致
32516This ad must use a dynamic ad template since it is a dynamic ad.当前广告是动态创意广告,必须使用动态创意规格
32517Video duration does not meet the requirements视频时长不符合要求,请更新文件后再试
32518Video file is too large.视频文件大小不符合要求,请更新文件后再试
32519Video is pending conversion.视频文件处理中,暂不可用,请稍后再试
32521Image file is too large.图片文件过大,请更新文件后再试
32522Image file of '{PARAM}' is too large.{PARAM}的图像文件太大
32523Parameters 'site_set' and 'promoted_object_type' must be used together.site_set 和 product_type 两个筛选条件必须一起使用
32524The creative elements do not meet the specifications of the creative template.创意元素不符合规格要求
32525Image file is too small.图片文件过小
32526Video transcoding has failed.视频文件转码失败
32527The creative template cannot be used on the 'site_set' of the adgroup.当前规格不能在广告组对应的版位投放
32528You are not permitted to use this creative template.未授权使用该规格
32529cannot use search ad creative currently当前创意不可使用
32530invalidate creative_elements创意元素无效
32531unmatched placement group on adgroup and creative创意和广告组上的广告类型不一致
32533Parameters 'site_set' and 'promoted_object_type' must be set when 'account_id' is set.广告组的版位和广告创意的版位不匹配
32534campaign promoted_object_type and ad_creative promoted_object_type is not match广告组的标的物类型和广告创意的标的物类型不匹配
32535Adgroup site_set and AdCreative site_set is not match广告组的标的物 id 和广告创意的标的物 id 不匹配
32536Adgroup promoted_object_type and AdCreative promoted_object_type is not match广告组的推广目标类型与广告创意上的推广目标类型不匹配,请检查后再提交
32537Adgroup promoted_object_id and AdCreative promoted_object_id is not match同一推广计划下的微信朋友圈广告仅能关联同一广告创意
32538The number of Wechat moments Ad in one campaign reach limit微信朋友圈广告仅能关联一个广告创意
32539Wechat moments Ad in one campaign must refers the same ad_creative微信公众号广告仅能关联一个广告创意
35020The item you selected is not available, please select another item.您选择的 item 不可用,请选择其他 item
35021The param excluded_converted_audience can not use for targeting package.排除已转化用户定向暂不支持定向包
35022The value of excluded_converted_audience is only can be use for oCPC/oCPM.排除已转化用户定向,仅支持 oCPC、oCPM 出价方式广告,若开启自定义转化行为则不限制出价方式
35023The value of excluded_converted_audience is only can be use for SDPA.排除已转化用户定向,同商品选项只支持 SDPA 商品广告
32540This Adgroup in the Wechat moments Campaign already refers one AdCreative朋友圈创意必须归属于朋友圈推广计划
32541This Adgroup in Wechat offical account Campaign already refers one Creative创意数量达到限制
32542AdCreative's campaign must set the placement PLACEMENT_MOMENTS微信朋友圈广告仅支持一张图片
32543The number of AdCreative associations reaches the limit广告创意被引用的次数已达上限
32544Wechat moments ad only support one imag创意元素的文字描述最多 4 行
32545Wechat moments ad are not allowed modified after exposure微信朋友圈广告一旦有过曝光后,即不允许修改
32546Creative elements's texts at most have 4 rows创意元素的文本最多支持 4 行
32547This template id is not exist or had been disabled模板 id 不存在或已被下线
32548The file type is invalid.文件类型无效
32549You donnot have permission to use this creative_template您无权限使用该创意模板
32550Parameter '{PARAM}' cannot be used in this creative template参数{PARAM}不允许使用在该创意模板
32551The domain of your page_url is not on the authorized domain list.落地页 url 的域名不在允许投放的列表中
32552Parameter 'deep_link_url' is not supported for the adcreative_template_id, site_set and promoted_object_type you specified.您指定的 adcreative_template_id,site_set 和 promote_object_type 不支持参数{PARAM}
32553Parameter 'deep_link_url' is not authorized to be used.无权使用参数{PARAM},请联系产品后再试
32554The package of the parameter 'page_url' you provided does not match the package of the parameter 'promoted_object_id'您提供的参数 page_url 与参数 promote_object_id 不匹配。
32555The 'promoted_object_type' or 'site_set' you provided cannot be used on this AdCreative template.您提供的 promote_object_type 或 site_set 无法在此广告创意模板上使用
32556The value of parameter 'adcreative_template_id' you specified is not supported by Marketing API for the moment.该创意模板 id 暂不支持
32557The promoted_object_id you specified must matches the app in your landing page.落地页的应用 id 需与广告中的应用 id 一致
32558The billingevent of your adgroup is not supported by the adcreative_template_id of your adcreative.创意规格的出价类型与广告组所选择的出价类型不一致
32559The number of ad related to the adgroup reaches limit. The limit is {PARAM}.与广告组相关的广告数量达到了限制,限制是{PARAM}
32560The app with the 'product_refs_id' of the adgroup related to the ad you specified is not found.找不到与您指定广告相关的广告组应用
32561Your wechat official account does not have a profile image.您的微信公众号找不到头像图片
32562The value of the parameter '{PARAM}' is not supported for the adcreative_template_id, site_set and promoted_object_type you specified.您指定的 adcreative_template_id,site_set 和 promote_object_type 不支持参数{PARAM}的值
32563The number of your ads has reached the limit.广告的个数已达上限,您可通过删除无效的广告进行管理
32564The domain of the parameter 'wechat_spec/introduction_url' you specified is not supported by Marketing API for the moment.{PARAM}所使用的域名暂不支持
32565Users '{PARAM}' are invalid.{PARAM}无效
32566Parameter '{PARAM}' is not supported for the adcreative_template_id, site_set and page_type you specified您指定的 adcreative_template_id, site_set 和 page_type 不支持参数{PARAM}
32567Parameter '{PARAM}' is not supported for the site_set and page_type you specified.您指定的 site_set 和 page_type 不支持参数{PARAM}
32568The promoted_object_id is invalid, it could have been deleted or never existed.promote_object_id 无效,可能已被删除或从未存在过
32569The original page type of your adcreative is not supported by Marketing API for the moment.该落地页暂不支持
32570You don't have the permission to use the adcreative's dynamic_adcreative_spec您没有使用创意 dynamic_adcreative_spec 的权限
32571You are not allowed to use the page_id you specified.您无权使用当前的落地页 id
32572The adcreative template you specified is deprecated or you are not permitted to use it.此创意形式已下线,或您无权使用此创意形式
32573The codec of your provided video does not match the requirements of the creative template.您上传的视频不符合该创意形式的编码要求
32574The audio codec of your provided video does not match the requirements of the creative template.您上传的视频不符合该创意形式的音频编码要求
32575The profile of your provided video does not match the requirements of the creative template.您上传的视频不符合该创意形式的简介要求
32576The data rate of your provided video does not match the requirements of the creative template.您上传的视频不符合该创意形式的数据格式要求
32577The frame rate of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的帧速率与页面模板的要求不匹配
32578The key frame interval of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的关键帧间隔与页面模板的要求不匹配
32579The audio data rate of your provided video does not match the requirements of the creative template.您上传的视频不符合该创意形式的音频数据速率要求
32580The audio sample rate of your provided video does not match the requirements of the creative template.您上传的视频不符合该创意形式的音频采样率要求
32581The sampling aspect ratio of your provided video does not match the requirements of the creative template.您上传的视频不符合该创意形式的采样纵横比要求
32582The scan type of your provided video does not match the requirements of the creative template.您上传的视频不符合该创意形式的扫描类型要求
32583Your video cannot be used for wechat ads for the moment.您上传的视频暂不支持投放微信广告
32584The audio profile name of your video does not match the requirements of the creative template.您上传的视频不符合该创意形式的音频配置文件名称要求
32585The difference between image_duration_millisecond and audio_duration_millisecond of your video does not match the requirements of the creative template.您上传的视频图像与音频之间的时间差不符合要求
32586Data processed in batch is empty批量处理的数据为空
32587It contains invalid adcreative id包含无效的创意 id
32588The adcreative status is invalidadcreative 状态无效
32589It is not allowed to update adcreative id创意形式 id 不允许修改
32590The meta version should be 2meta 的版本应该为 2
32591The adcreative must contains deep_link_url创意内必须包含 deep_link_url
32592The adcreative must not contains deep_link_url创意内不允许包含 deep_link_url
32593The adcreative can't be modify before audit.创意审核前不允许修改
32594Dynamic product ads do not support universal_link_url for the moment.dpa 广告暂不支持 universal link
32595The universal_link_url is invalid.参数 universal_link_url 错误
32596Parameter 'universal_link_url' is not supported by the adcreative template you specified.您指定的广告模板不支持参数 universal_link_url
32605The element of array 'app_behavior[object_id_list]' is invalid.app_behavior 下 object_type 不存在
32606The element of array 'app_behavior[object_id_list]' must be a leaf node.app 分类必须指定最细级别
32607Parameters 'location' and 'area' cannot be used together.不能同时使用位置和地域定向
32609Parameter '{PARAM}' is invalid.定向详细条件中{PARAM}错误
32610You have selected a Min '{PARAM}' greater than Max '{PARAM}', you should select a valid range.区间错误: 您指定的区间最小值{PARAM}大于区间最大值{PARAM},更更新参数后再试
32615Parameter 'targeting_setting[ad_behavior]' is invalid. The action is not allowed to be used by your account.当前帐号不允许使用该行为作为定向
32616BEHAVIOR_INTEREST_SCENE_ALL cannot be used with other scenes together.BEHAVIOR_INTEREST_SCENE_ALL 不能与其他场景一起使用
32617Parameters 'behavior_or_interest' and 'keyword' cannot be used together.参数 behavior_or_interest 和 keyword 不能一起使用
32618The difference of the value of the parameter '{PARAM}' must be {PARAM}.参数{PARAM}的值必须是{PARAM}
32619The size of the parameter '{PARAM}' cannot be more than {PARAM}.参数{PARAM}的大小总和不能超过{PARAM}
32620The targeting with the targeting_id '{PARAM}' has the deprecated targeting '{PARAM}'.定向包[{PARAM}]中包含已废弃的参数{PARAM}
32621The audience you specified does not exist or is not allowed to be used.您指定的受众不存在或不允许使用
32622here are deprecated targetings in the targetings you specified.您指定的定位中已弃用定位条件
32623You cannot use overseas location(s) in 'custom_locations'您不能在 custom_locations 中使用海外位置
32624Parameter 'targeting[{PARAM}]' contains deprecated or invalid value('{PARAM}').参数 targeting [{PARAM}]包含已弃用或无效的值({PARAM})
32625The value '{PARAM}' is not allowed for the parameter '{PARAM}' if the parameter '{PARAM}' is set.当参数{PARAM}已设置时,参数{PARAM}不允许设置为{PARAM}
32626The total number of parameter '{PARAM}' AND '{PARAM}' cannot be more than {PARAM}.参数'{PARAM}'和'{PARAM}'个数加和总值不能超过{PARAM}
32670Parameter 'auto_derived_creative_enabled' does not match the requirements of the ad自动衍生创意开关不符合开启条件
32700The advertiser can only use the following [{PARAM}] as 'promoted_object_id', when 'promoted_object_type' is 'PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_MINI_GAME_WECHAT'.该账户已绑定微信小游戏[{PARAM}],不允许投放其他微信小游戏,请您修改计划投放的微信小游戏 id
32702Too many app products are created in this month.每月创建的 APP 标的物超上限
32705Required parameter 'app_id' cannot be an empty string.app id 不能为空
32706The app with the 'promoted_object_id' is not found, please check 'promoted_object_id' is correct.未发现对应的应用,请检查 promoted_object_id 是否正确
32708Channel package cannot be found.未发现对应的渠道包
32709The preview image of the channel package cannot be found.视频说说缩略图不存在
32710A product is being added, but the 'promoted_object_id' is already being used by another product.请不要重复创建标的物
32711The pc app identified with the 'product_id' cannot be found.找不到对应的开发平台 PC 应用
32712The name of the pc app cannot be found.获取开放平台 PC 应用名称失败
32714You do not need promoted_object_id for the promoted_object_type you specified.对于您指定的 promote_object_type,不需要输入 promote_object_id
32715You must first register the app '{PARAM}' in 'myapp.com'.您必须先在 myapp.com 中注册{PARAM}应用
32716Advertiser does not have access to the app '{PARAM}' in 'myapp.com'.无权限访问 myapp.com 中的应用{PARAM}
32717Advertiser does not have any app in 'myapp.com'.您在 myapp.com 中没有任何应用
32718Promoted object '{PARAM}' not exist推广对象{PARAM}不存在
32719Channel package with the 'promoted_object_id' is not match.渠道包和应用不匹配
32801The 'group_by' condition is invalid.无效的聚合条件
32803Parameter 'date' is before allowed minimum or after allowed maximum. 报表日期超限
32804Parameter 'order_by' is invalid. 当前的排序规则不支持
32805Report type and level not match.报表的类型和层级不匹配
32806The value '{PARAM}' is not allowed for the parameter '{PARAM}' if the parameter '{PARAM}' is '{PARAM}' and the parameter '{PARAM}' is '{PARAM}'以下条件时值{PARAM}不能用于参数{PARAM},条件是参数{PARAM}的值为{PARAM},并且参数参数{PARAM}的值为{PARAM}
32807The amount of data hit by queries in last 10 seconds exceeds the maximum limit. Please try again later or download it using asynchronous tasks.您 10s 内的查询操作所命中的数据超出最大限制,请稍后重试或者使用异步任务接口进行下载
32808Too much data, please narrow the query scope or use asynchronous interface.数据太多,请缩小查询范围或使用异步接口。
32809The value of 'task_type' is not allowed for {PARAM} user.参数 task_type 不允许使用{PARAM}
30100Your request is missing the token parameter. Please add the token parameter to your request and retry. 缺少 token,请将 token 参数添加到您的请求中并重试,通过 oauth/authorize 接口获取 token
30101Access token is invalid.您的 token 无效,请通过 oauth/authorize 接口获取 token
30102Access token is expired.您的 token 已过期,请通过 oauth/token 接口获取最新 token
30103The skey is invalid.当前传入的 skey 无效,请传入有效的 skey。
30104Request limit reached. Please retry after one minute.已达到请求限制。请在一分钟后重试。
30106Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is 'agency_token'.缺失必填参数 agency_token,请传入 agency_token
30108Agency token is expired.代理 token 已过期,请确认 agency_token 的生成时间
30109Agency token is invalid.代理 token 无效,请确认 agency_token 的生成方式
30110The token must be the third party authorization token of the wechat official account.token 必须是微信官方帐户的第三方授权令牌。
30111The specified client does not exist指定的客户端不存在
32901The uploaded file is invalid.上传文件为空
32902The type of the uploaded file is not supported.文件类型不支持
32903The image identified with the URL cannot be found.无法找到使用 URL 标识的图像。
32904The duration of the file is beyond the allowed maximum.文件播放时间太长或太短
32905The image cannot be found in '{PARAM}'.在{PARAM}中找不到图像
32906The 'auto_derived_creative_enabled' can only be used for single product_mode您指定的动态商品类型,暂不支持此创意形式
33006An audience is being added or renamed, but the name is already being used by another audience.人群名称已被使用
33007Only leaf nodes can be deleted.只能删除叶节点
33008The number of seed audience users is too small.种子受众用户数量太少
33009Parameter 'refs_app_id' was not specified or is missing.参数 refs_app_id 未指定或缺失
33012A data source is being added or renamed, but the domain is already being used by another data source.数据源名称已被使用
33013payload is illegalpayload 非法
33014The number of audience users to be insighted is too small.被洞察的受众用户数量太少
33015Parameter 'magnification' is not within the suggested range.参数 magnification 不在允许范围内
33016You have too many custom audiences.您的客户人群已超上限
33017Partial payload data is invalid.部分有效负载数据无效
33018All payload data is invalid.所有有效载荷数据均无效
33019The audience has been deleted or is not accessible to you.人群已被删除或无法访问
33020The audience cannot be deleted because it has been authorized to other advertisers.无法删除客户人群,因为它已被授权给其他广告客户
33021The audience cannot be deleted because it has been used by other adgroups/targetings.无法删除客户人群,因为它已被其他广告组/定位使用
33022The audience cannot be deleted because it has been used by lookalike audience(s).无法删除客户人群,因为它已被用于扩展人群
33023The audience cannot be deleted because it has been used by other combine audiences.无法删除客户人群,因为它已被用于组合人群
33100Conversion cannot be created.无法创建转化
33101The parameter '{PARAM}' you provided must be same as the '{PARAM}' of the user_action_set_id.您提供的参数{PARAM}必须与 user_action_set_id 的{PARAM}相同
33102dest url display type is invalid落地页链接的类型无效
33103The parameter '/user_action_sets/type' you provided does not match the 'promoted_object_type'.您提供的参数/ user_action_sets / type 与 promote_object_type 不匹配
33104The parameter 'user_action_sets' must be set in adgroup.必须在广告组中设置参数 user_action_sets
33105The type 'USER_ACTION_SET_TYPE_WEB' must be set in this promoted_object_type.必须在此 promote_object_type 中设置类型 USER_ACTION_SET_TYPE_WEB
33106outerkey incomplete state外键不完全状态
33107Parameters '{PARAM}' and '{PARAM}' must be used together.参数{PARAM}和{PARAM}必须一起使用
33108Parameters '{PARAM}' and '{PARAM}' cannot be used together.参数'{PARAM}'和'{PARAM}'不能同时一起使用
33109Parameters 'is_deleted' and 'last_modified_time' in filtering must be used together.参数 is_deleted 和参数 last_modified_time 必需一起使用
33113The value of parameter 'page_type' must be PAGE_TYPE_TSA_APP.Android 应用(联盟推广)的推广目标在投放移动版位、腾讯新闻、腾讯视频版位,或使用自动版位功能时,仅允许使用蹊径落地页
33400The async task you specified can only be created for agency account.您指定的异步任务只能由代理商帐户创建。
33401The async task you specified can only be created for advertiser account.您指定的异步任务只能由广告主帐户创建。
33402The parameter 'begin_time' you specified is too early.参数 begin_time 过早
33403The difference between 'begin_time' and 'end_time' is too large.begin_time 和 end_time 之间的差异太大
33404The parameter 'begin_time' must be earlier than 'end_time'.参数 begin_time 必需早于参数 end_time
33405The 'date' of 'task_type_ad_hourly_report_spec' must be within last 30 days.对于 TASK_TYPE_AD_HOURLY_REPORT 类型的任务,请求中的 date 日期应在 30 天内
33406The task_type is only for the account have bind myapp.对于 应用宝渠道包 类型的任务,必须先进行应用宝授权
32720You can only use 'promoted_object_id' in filtering when 'promoted_object_type' is either 'PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_APP_ANDROID' or 'PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_APP_IOS'当 promoted_object_id 是 PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_APP_ANDROID 或 PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_APP_IOS 时,您只能在过滤中使用 promoted_object_id
34031The page_type you specified is not supported for your campaign.您的推广计划不支持该落地页类型
34024The scan type of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的扫描类型与页面模板的要求不符
33150The total number of viewers for the campaign is greater than the maximum allowed value 50.推广计划可设置的预览受众最多为 50 个
33151The adgroup used for preview must have at least one ad.预览广告组至少包含一条广告
33152You cannot preview an adgroup that has ended.广告投放时间结束后不允许设置预览
33153You can create at most 50 previews per day.您最多设置 50 个预览受众
33154The creative with the creative_template_id you specified cannot be previewed.您指定的 creative_template_id 暂不支持预览
33155The user_id_type you specified is not supported for your campaign.用户 id 类型不支持在您所选的推广计划下使用
33156Paramter 'duration' cannot be used for campaign of type CAMPAIGN_TYPE_WECHAT_MOMENTS.duration 参数不允许在朋友圈推广计划下使用
33157The campaign used for preview must have at least one adgroup.预览的推广计划至少包含一条广告
33158The campaign must be the type of CAMPAIGN_TYPE_WECHAT_MOMENTS.推广计划必须为朋友圈推广计划
33159Some viewer you specified has not followed your official account.仅允许您的公众号粉丝进行广告预览
33160You can set ad preview only for your assistants.仅允许为您的账号的协作者设置广告预览
33200The number of your qualifications has reached the limit.您的资质数量已达到{PARAM}的限制
33201The qualification cannot be created when the advertiser's system_status is CUSTOMER_STATUS_NORMAL.当广告帐号的 system_status 为 CUSTOMER_STATUS_NORMAL 时,无法创建行业资质
33202The qualification cannot be modified when the qualification_status is QUALIFICATION_STATUS_NORMAL.当 qualification_status 为 QUALIFICATION_STATUS_NORMAL 时,不允许修改资质
33203The parameter 'industry_id' of the industry qualification is not allowed to be different from other industry qualifications.不同行业资质的 industry_id 需一致
33204The parameter 'industry_id' is not allowed to be different from the advertiser's system_industry_id.参数 industry_id 需与开户时填写的 system_industry_id 相同
33205You must delete all industry qualifications before you update the parameter 'system_industry_id'.在更新参数 system_industry_id 之前,必须删除所有行业资质
33206The number of your qualifications page has reached the maximum limit '{PARAM}'.您的资质数量已达到{PARAM}的最高限额
33207The number of your qualifications paagehas reached the minimum limit '{PARAM}'.您的资质数量已达到{PARAM}的最低预算
33300Failed to get preview url. Please retry later.无法获得预览网址,请稍后重试
33310Dynamic-creative adgroup is not allowed to create ad.动态创意广告组 adgroup 不允许创建广告 ad
33311Dynamic-creative ad can only update configured_status.动态创意广告仅允许更新 configured_status
33312Dynamic-creative ad is not allowed to delete动态创意广告不允许删除
33313Dynamic-creative adcreative is not allowed to update.动态创意广告创意不允许更新
33314Dynamic-creative adcreative is not allowed to delete.动态创意广告创意不允许删除
33315You don't have the permission to create dynamic_adcreative.您没有权限创建动态创意
33316Dynamic-creative could have been deleted or never existed.动态创意被删除或不存在
33317Creative_template_id used do not support dynamic-creative.该创意模板 id 不支持使用在动态创意广告中
33318Dynamic-creative Creative_template_id is not allowed to be modified.动态创意广告创意模版 id 不允许修改
34100Request type is invalid请求类型无效
34103Client id is invalidClient id 无效
34104Request process error请求流程错误
34105Auth type is invalidAuth type 类型无效
34106Auth token is invalidtoken 无效
34107Http request process errorHttp 请求进程错误
34109Parameter {PARAM} is invalid参数{PARAM}无效
34110Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is {PARAM}您的请求缺少必需的参数,所需参数为{PARAM}
34111Parameter {PARAM} type error参数{PARAM}类型错误
34112The value is invalid for the associated parameter {PARAM}参数{PARAM}值无效
34113IDL check error {PARAM}IDL 检查错误{PARAM}
34114Your request contains too many values for {PARAM}. This parameter can have a maximum of {PARAM} value(s)您的请求包含太多{PARAM}的值,此参数可以具有{PARAM}个值的最大值
34115our request contains too few values for {PARAM}. This parameter must have a minimum of {PARAM} value(s)我们的要求包含{PARAM}的值太少。此参数必须至少有{PARAM}个值
34116IDL perconditions error {PARAM}IDL 错误{PARAM}
34117The method {PARAM} you called is wrong您调用的方法{PARAM}错误
34118Unknown request type未知请求类型
34144Error collection is invalide错误收集是无效的
34119The parameter {PARAM} has too many characters.The maximum length of this parameter is {PARAM}参数{PARAM}太多,此参数的最大长度为{PARAM}
34120The parameter {PARAM} has too few characters.The minimum length of this parameter is {PARAM}参数{PARAM}的字符太少,此参数的最小长度为{PARAM}
34121Unsupported string {PARAM}不支持的字符串{PARAM}
34122The value of parameter {PARAM} contains disallowed characters参数{PARAM}的值包含不允许的字符
34123The value is invalid for the associated parameter{PARAM}参数{PARAM}值无效
34124The enum {PARAM} is invalid枚举{PARAM}无效
34125Upload file {PARAM} error上传文件{PARAM}错误
34126The file {PARAM} is missing缺少文件{PARAM}
34127The floating point {PARAM} exceed the maximum limit.The maximum limit of floating point is {PARAM}浮点数{PARAM}超出了最大限制,浮点数的最大限制为{PARAM}
34130The floating point {PARAM} not reached the minimun limit.The minimun limit of floating point is {PARAM}浮点数{PARAM}未达到最小限制,浮点数的最小限制为{PARAM}
34131Floating point {PARAM} accuracy exceeds the limit浮点{PARAM}精度超出限制
34132The integer {PARAM} exceed the maximum limit.The maximum limit of integer is {PARAM}整数{PARAM}超出最大限制,整数最大限制为{PARAM}
34133The integer {PARAM} not reached the minimun limit.The minimun limit of integer is {PARAM}整数{PARAM}未达到最小限制,整数最小限制为{PARAM}
34134Against rule's regulation规则错误
34135The specified parameter {PARAM} referred to an entity which either does not exist or is not accessible to you指定的参数{PARAM}指的是您不存在或无法访问的实体
34136Unsupported operator不支持的运营商
34137Rule error规则错误
34138The interface {PARAM} is invalid接口{PARAM}无效
34139Parameter error参数错误
34145The account needs to be approved账户需要审核
34150Parameter 'start_date' greater than parameter 'end_date'参数 start_date 大于参数 end_date
34151Parameter 'start_date' is earlier than 90 days ago参数 star_range 早于 90 天前
34152Parameter 'date_range' is long than 1 day参数 date_range 大于 1 天
34153Parameter 'end_date' is greater than today参数 end_date 不能大于今天
34160The account is not allowed to add union position package不允许该帐户添加联合职位包
34161The package is not allowed to delete, because it have binding relation不允许删除包,因为它具有绑定关系
34162You have removed the binding relationship of the BM account. For historically generated union position packages or downloaded data, the new advertisement binding will no longer be supported. The bound advertisements can continue to be used. It is recommended to use the latest delivery data to filter and generate new ones.您已经删除了 BM 帐户的绑定关系。对于历史上生成的联合位置包或下载的数据,将不再支持新的广告绑定。绑定的广告可以继续使用,建议使用最新的传递数据来筛选和生成新的传递数据。
34181Parameter text or image is invalid参数文本或图像无效
34182The text and image can't audit at the same time文本和图像不能同时审核
34183Image must be less than 2M图像大小不能超过 2M
34201The parameter '{PARAM}' you specified should either contain only wechat adgroups or contain only non-wechat adgroups您指定的参数{PARAM}应该只包含微信广告群,或者只包含非微信广告群
34170The promoted_object_type, promoted_object_id is not allowed to create package该 promoted_object_type, promoted_object_id 当前不允许创建。
34171The promoted_object_type, promoted_object_id is not allowed to create UNION_PACKAGE_TYPE_INCLUDE package你提交的 promoted_object_type,promoted_object_id 不允许创建 UNION_PACKAGE_TYPE_INCLUDE 包
34172The promoted_object_type, promoted_object_id is not allowed to create UNION_PACKAGE_TYPE_EXCLUDE package升级后的 promoted_object_type,promoted_object_id 不允许创建 UNION_PACKAGE_TYPE_EXCLUDE
34173The package number of this account is out of range此帐户的包编号超出范围
34174There is unbound adgroups in this package此包中有未绑定的 adgroups
34175The package is not exist参数 start_date 早于 90 天前
34176The package is not allow to delete, because it bound some adgroup不允许删除该包
34177The union_package_name is already existunion_package_name 已存在
34180You are not allowed to change {PARAM} to {PARAM}你不允许将 {PARAM} 变更为 {PARAM}
34300You must provide one and only one of parameters 'site_set' and 'automatic_site_enabled'.您仅能使用参数 site_set 或参数 automatic_site_enabled 其中之一
34301Multiple sites or 'automatic_site_enabled' can only be used for new normalized adcreative templates.多版位或者 automatic_site_enabled 仅可用于新标准化后的规格
39999Maximum code placeholder, please ignore.最大代码占位符,请忽略
32230Your wechat official account is not entrusted to the agency.您的账号未授权给该服务商,请先做授权后再进行此操作
32229The qualification is not allowed to be deleted.当前资质状态不允许删除资质,仅当状态为提交中时可删除
32228The qualification is invalid: it could have been deleted or never existed.资质无效,可能已被删除或从未存在过,请更新参数后重试
32227You have added too many qualifications.您添加的资质超过上限,请调整后再试
32226Your wechat official account has not been verified.您的微信官方帐号尚未经过验证,请核实后再试
30115The city field of the advertiser is empty.广告主的城市字段为空
30105Request limit reached.已达到请求次数上限
32520The height of your image does not match the requirements of the page template.图片尺寸不符合要求,请更新文件后再试
35012The width of your image does not match the requirements of the page template.图片素材宽度与模板不符
34001The total number of images does not match the requirements of the page template.图像总数与页面模板的要求不匹配
34002The file size of the image does not match the requirements of the page template.图像的文件大小与页面模板的要求不匹配
34003The image type is invalid图片类型无效
34004The text is too long the requirements of the page template.文本对页面模板的要求太长
34005The elements_type does not match the requirements of the page template.elements_type 与页面模板的要求不匹配
34006The elements_type is not supported.不支持该元素类型
34007The total number of elements component your provided does not match the total number of the page template.您提供的元素组件总数与页面模板的总数不匹配
34009The height of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的高度与页面模板的要求不匹配
34010The width of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的宽度与页面模板的要求不匹配
34011The duration of your provided video is invalid.您提供的视频的有效期无效
34012The file size of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的文件大小与页面模板的求不匹配
34013The file type of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的文件类型与页面模板的要求不匹配
34014The codec of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的编解码器与页面模板的要求不匹配
34015The audio codec of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的音频编解码器与页面模板的要求不符
34016The profile of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的个人资料与页面模板的要求不符
34017The data rate of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的数据速率与页面模板的要求不符
34018The frame rate of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的帧速率与页面模板的要求不符
34019The audio type of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的音频类型与页面模板的要求不符
34020The key frame interval of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的关键帧间隔与页面模板要求不匹配
34021The audio data rate of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的音频数据速率与页面模板的要求不匹配。
34022The audio sample rate of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的音频采样率与页面模板的要求不符
34023The sampling aspect ratio of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的采样宽高比与页面模板的要求不匹配
34101The page_type of your provided page_url is PAGE_TYPE_FENGYE_ECOMMERCE.当前 page_url 检测为枫页落地页,请通过枫页落地页类型使用该落地页。
34102The page_url is preview url, please use reviewed url instead.当前 page_url 检测为蹊径预览地址,请更换为审核通过后的蹊径落地页 url。
34000The pages is invalid, it could have been deleted or never existed.页面无效,可能已被删除或从未存在过
30116Advertiser is under SMB protection.广告主已申请 SMB 保护,不能授权代理商
30117Advertiser is applying for SMB protection.广告主正在申请 SMB 保护,不能授权代理商
32223You cannot entrust too many service providers.您绑定的服务商已达上限,无法继续绑定更多服务商
32251Current version is not supported.当前版本不支持
32224Your account is not activated, please contact our dedicated operation team.您的账号未激活,请确认当前账号状态后,联系我们的专业运营团队,
32252Advertiser and the agency confirm that the unbinding time is 24 hours.广告主与服务商确认解绑生效时间为 24 小时
32222The service provider does not exist.您操作的服务商不存在,请确认服务商 id 的正确性
30114Real estate industry binding restrictions:agency has no license in the enclosed area.房产行业绑定限制,代理商不在对应封闭区域内
30107Binding to the agency has failed. Please check whether your account has already been bound.代理商已经绑定广告主
30118Advertiser and the agency has an unfinished refund order.广告主和当前代理商有未完成的退款
34025The top element you provided does not satisfy the requirements of the page template you specified.您提供的顶部组件元素不满足您指定的页面模板的要求
34008The value of parameter 'adcreative_template_id' you specified is not supported for wechat pages for the moment.创意模板不支持微信原生页
34026Parameter 'promoted_object_type' of your adcreative does not match the 'promoted_object_type' of your wechat page.微信原生页支持的推广目标不包含广告创意的推广目标
34027The wechat page contains 'element_button', which adcreative promoted_object_type not support.当前使用的推广目标不支持使用 element_button
34028The wechat page contains 'element_button/url', which only 'PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_ECOMMERCE' promoted_object_type support.当且仅当使用电商推广时,微信原生页才可使用 element_button/url
34029The top element of your wechat page you provided does not match the 'adcreative_elements'.微信原生页的顶部组件和创意元素的内容不匹配
34030Parameter 'element_button/url' is invalid.element_button/url 无效
32713The promoted_object_type not support yet.标的物类型暂不支持
34033The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/video_spec/video_id' is empty.视频组件中,video_id 参数为空
34034The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec/title' is empty.原生页组件 button_item 的按钮文案为空
34035The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec/title' is more than 10 words.原生页组件 button_item 的按钮文案长度超过 10 字
34036The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec/app_ios_spec' is empty.ios 模板页,app_ios_spec 为空
34037The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec/app_ios_spec/app_ios_id' is empty.ios 模板页,app_ios_spec_id 参数为空
34038The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec/app_android_spec' is empty.android 模板页,app_android_spec 为空
34039The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list' is empty.page_elements 参数为空
34040The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/element_type' is empty.组件 element_type 参数为空
34041The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/image_spec' is empty.组件 element_image 参数为空
34042The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec' is empty.组件 element_button 参数为空
34043The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/text_spec' is invalid.文本组件,组件 element_text 参数错误
34044The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/video_spec' is invalid.视频组件,组件 element_video 参数错误
34045The wechat page parameter 'page_name' is more than 30 words.原生页名称长度超过 30 个字
34046The wechat page parameter 'page_name' is empty.原生页名称不能为空
34047The wechat page parameter 'page_template_id' is empty.page_template_id 不能为空
34048The wechat page parameter 'share_content_spec' is empty.share_content_spec 不能为空
34049The wechat page parameter 'share_content_spec/share_title' is empty.分享标题长度不能为空
34050The wechat page parameter 'share_content_spec/share_title' is more than 14 words.分享标题长度超过 14 字
34051The wechat page parameter 'share_content_spec/share_title' is more than 20 words.分享描述长度超过 20 字
34052The wechat page parameter 'share_content_spec/share_description' is empty.分享描述不能为空
34053The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec/app_ios_spec/deep_link_url' is empty.ios 模板页支持应用直达,app_ios_spec_link_url 参数为空
34054The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec/app_android_spec/deep_link_url' is invalid.android 模板页支持应用直达,android_spec_link_url 参数错误
34055The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec/url' is invalid.button_item_url 跳转链接参数错误
34058Parameter 'dest_url' is invalid.dest_url 错误
34059Parameter 'CRT_INFO' is invalid.CRT_INFO 参数错误
34060Parameter 'video' is invalid.下载的视频 vedio 参数错误
34062Native promotion page is inconsistent with the advertising promotion target promoted_object_id原生推广页与广告推广目标应用 id 不一致
34063Current adcreative_template_id is not support option `KEEP_DIFFERENT` of field page_spec/override_canvas_head_option当前规格不支持原生页头部素材替换选项值 KEEP_DIFFERENT
34064Outer layer images not the same number with wechat native landing page广告外层图片素材数量与原生推广页的头图数量不一致
34065Outer image not the same with wechat native landing page first image外层图片素材与原生推广页的顶图不是同一个图片
34066This wechat mini game id error.小游戏填写错误
34067This wechat mini program id or mini game id error小程序或小游戏填写错误
34068This wechat mini game developer qualification unsupported小游戏厂商资质未满足上线要求
34069This mini game id is not allowed to be used小游戏不存在,或不可在腾讯社交广告推广
34070This qq mini game id errorQQ 小游戏不存在,或不可在腾讯社交广告推广
34071Current set must use xijing landing page with ref creative component当前站点必须使用包含引用外层素材组件蹊径落地页
34072The status of the video in this page is invalid当前使用的落地页上的视频转码状态异常
32323The   param 'campaign_name' is empty or length over 600.参数 campaign_name 为空或长度超过 600
32324non-wechat moment advertise param 'daily_budget' is not exist.非朋友圈广告主不存在 daily_budget 参数
32318Parameter 'total_budget' is invalid.参数 total_budget 无效
32250Parameter 'dest_url_display_type' is empty.参数 dest_url_display_type 不能为空
35013Parameter 'dest_url_display_type' is invalid.参数 dest_url_display_type 无效
32600Parameter 'promoted_object_type'  is empty.参数 promoted_object_type 为空
32601Parameter 'promoted_object_type'  is invalid.参数 promoted_object_type 为空
32602Parameter 'page_type' is empty.参数 page_type 为空
32603Parameter 'page_type' is invalid,following one of { PAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT, PAGE_TYPE_TSA_APP, PAGE_TYPE_TSA_WEB_NONE_ECOMMERCE, PAGE_TYPE_CANVAS_WECHAT }.参数 page_type 无效
32604Parameter 'page_spec/page_id' is empty.参数 page_spec?/?page_id 为空
32319Parameter 'page_spec/page_id' is invalid.参数 page_spec?/?page_id 无效
32320Parameter 'adcreative_name' is empty.参数 adcreative_name 为空
32321Parameter 'adcreative_name' is invalid.参数 adcreative_name 无效
32253The query object not exist.查询对象不存在
32322PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_ECOMMERCE is not support.推广目标类型,不支持电商推广
30112The agency cannot bind real estate industry customer.该代理商无法绑定房产行业客户
30113The agency can only bind to designated customers in the real estate industry.该代理商只能绑定房产行业的指定用户
32254account_type is not exist.account_type 不存在
32497Parameter 'expand_targeting' conflicts 'targeting'参数'expand_targeting'和'targeting'无法同时使用
32498The user message is not allowed to be updated to new.不允许将站内信标记为未读状态
32499The 'msg_id' is invalid: it could have been deleted or never existed.参数'mig_id'不合法,该资源已被删除或未被创建。
32613SITE_SET_WECHAT is not supported by the template referred by adcreative_template_id. Find other templates supporting SITE_SET_WECHATadcreative_template_id 引用的模板不支持 SITE_SET_WECHAT。查找其他支持 SITE_SET_WECHAT 的模板
31015The media title page Can't get.无法获取媒体标题页,请确认上传视频正确性
33410Element '{PARAM}' is not exist.视频元素'{PARAM}'不存在
33411Video verification failed.'{PARAM}'.视频校验失败'{PARAM}'
33412The difference between image_duration_millisecond and audio_duration_millisecond of your video is beyond 3000 millisecond.视频的音视频时长差异超过 3s
33413The aspect ratio of your provided video does not match the requirements of the creative template.视频比例有误
33414The current video shoud meet the following restrictions: {PARAM}当前视频文件不符合要求,需满足: {PARAM}
33415The integer {PARAM} exceed the maximum limit.The maximum limit of integer is {PARAM}参数{PARAM}超出最大限制,最大限制为{PARAM}
33416The value you specified for '{PARAM}' is invalid. Valid values must between {PARAM} and {PARAM}您设置的参数'{PARAM}'数值错误,可用数值应在{PARAM}与{PARAM}之间。
33417The value you specified for '{PARAM}' is invalid. The width should be {PARAM} and height should be {PARAM}您设置的参数'{PARAM}'数值错误,宽度应为{PARAM}, 高应该为{PARAM}。
32611The video does not follow the restriction, {PARAM}视频没有遵循限制规则,{PARAM}
32612The enum '{PARAM}' of param '{PARAM}' is no longer be suppouted for you, you can use '{PARAM}' instead.您设置的'{PARAM}'参数的枚举值'{PARAM}'已经不再支持,请使用'{PARAM}'代替
32614The '{PARAM}' is no longer be suppouted, please use '{PARAM}' instead.您设置的'{PARAM}'已经不再支持,请使用'{PARAM}'代替
33418Video file has no audio data.视频文件没有音频数据
33419No valid video parsed.没有有效的解析视频
33420The value of parameter 'adcreative_template_id' you specified is deprecated, please refer to our latest documentation.您指定的参数 adcreative_template_id 的值已弃用
33421The campaign you specified does not support multiple adcreatives. You can add this adcreative using other campaign_id.您指定的 campaign 不支持多个 adcreative, 您可以使用其他 campaign_id 来创建这个 adcreative
33422You cannot delete adcreatives of a campaign with campaign_type CAMPAIGN_TYPE_WECHAT_MOMENTS.您不能删除推广计划类型为 CAMPAIGN_TYPE_WECHAT_MOMENTS 的推广计划下面的 adcreative
33423The adcreative_id you specified has been used to add an ad. You can add this ad using other adcreative_id.您指定的 adcreative 已经关联了一个 ad,您可以使用其他 adcreative_id 来创建这个 ad
33424The data version has changed. Please try again.数据版本已经发生变更,请重试
31061The {PARAM} and {PARAM} can not appear at the same time.{PARAM}和{PARAM}不能同时使用
31062Parameter '{PARAM}' and parameter '{PARAM}' can not both be empty.参数{PARAM}和参数{PARAM}不能都为空
31063Parameter '{PARAM}' must be empty.参数{PARAM}必须为空
31064{PARAM} already exists.{PARAM}已经存在
31065{PARAM} does not exist.{PARAM}不存在
31066The number of {PARAM} and {PARAM} exceeds the limit.{PARAM}和{PARAM}的数量超出限制
31068{PARAM} can not be modified when {PARAM} is being modified.修改{PARAM}时无法修改{PARAM}
31069{PARAM}, {PARAM} and {PARAM} can not appear at the same time.{PARAM}、{PARAM}和{PARAM}不能同时出现
31070{PARAM} and {PARAM} do not match.{PARAM}和{PARAM}不匹配
31071The file is invalid.文件无效
31072The file name is invalid.文件名称无效
31073The {PARAM} and {PARAM} must appear at the same time.{PARAM}和{PARAM}必须同时使用
31074The image type is not allowed.图片类型不允许使用
31075The image url is invalid.图片 url 无效
31076The image type is not allowed.图片类型不允许使用
31077The difference between '{PARAM}' and '{PARAM}' should not be greater than '{PARAM}'.{PARAM}和{PARAM}之间的差异不应大于{PARAM}
31078The '{PARAM}' must be set with the value of parameter '{PARAM}' you provided.{PARAM}必须使用您提供的参数{PARAM}的值进行设置
31108Failed to upload file. Please retry later.无法上传文件,请稍后重试
31109Dependency service returns unknown error code, please contact our dedicated operation team,interface error code: 依赖服务返回未知错误码,请联系我们的专业运营团队,错误码为:
31201The video you are requested is being generated, please request later正在生成您请求的视频
31202The video generate failed视频生成失败
31203The param 'video_max_duration' is invalid.参数 video_max_duration 无效
31204The param 'dynamic_ad_template_width' and 'dynamic_ad_template_height' is invalid.参数 dynamic_ad_template_width 和 dynamic_ad_template_height 无效
31205Failed to synthesize the video, the product lacks the required information in the template, please change a template,or upload the creative.视频合成失败,商品缺少模版中所需要的信息,请更换一个模版,或手动上传创意图
31206Information on template is incomplete, please use another template.模版信息不全,请使用其他模版
31207No template {PARAM} found, please use another template.未找到{PARAM}模版,请使用其他模版
31208No product {PARAM} found, please use another product.未找到{PARAM}商品,请使用其他商品
31209Less than three product images.商品图片少于三张
31210Video composition service is abnormal, please try again.视频合成服务异常,请重试
31211Failed to synthesize video, the original video required in the template is missing from the product, please replace the product, or upload the creative.视频合成失败,商品缺少模版中所需要的原始视频,请更换一个商品,或手动上传创意图
31212Failed to synthesize the image, the product lacks the required information in the template, please change a template, or upload the creative.图片合成失败,商品缺少模版中所需要的信息,请更换一个模版,或手动上传创意图
31213Composition service is abnormal, please try again.服务异常,请重试
31214No product {PARAM} found, please use another product.未找到{PARAM}商品,请使用其他商品
31215No template {PARAM} found, please use another template.未找到{PARAM}模版,请使用其他模版
32113The order id is repeated.订单编号重复
32114It is up to 5 valid funds in the account.帐户中最多有 5 个有效资金账户
32116The specified account does not support validity period.指定的帐户不支持有效期
32117Failed to create account. Please retry later.无法创建帐户。请稍后重试
32118Failed to create account.无法创建帐户
32119Failed to create payment order.无法创建支付订单
32120Failed to create recharge order.无法创建充值订单
32121According to industry closure policy, the specified agency has been closed.根据行业封停政策,指定的代理商已封停
32123According to industry closure policy, the specified account has been closed.根据行业封停政策,指定的账户已封停
32132The daily transfer limit of the service provider has been reached已达到服务商每天间转账次数上限
32155The amount of transfer is too small划账失败,转账金额过小
32156The transfer amount exceeds the upper limit划账失败,转账金额过高
32157finance tag unsupported服务商之间划账,资金类型不支持
32158finance tag unequal服务商之间划账,资金类型不一致
32159account not exist账户不存在
32160fund_type transfer operation is not supported不支持此资金类型转账操作
32161finance error财务相关错误
32162sorry, your credit is running low余额不足
32163duplicate bull no重复订单号
32165Failed to verify the transfer to the company对公打款验证失败
32167Advertiser deposit verification failed广告主保证金验证失败
32168Agency deposit verification failed服务商保证金验证失败
32246The API can only be used by a business manager account.该接口只允许 BM 帐户使用
32247The API is not allowed to use by a business manager account.该接口不允许 BM 帐户使用
32248The param account_id can't be empty when the API used by a business manager account.BM 账户调该接口时,参数 account_id 不能为空
32249There is no such advertiser under the agency.代理商下没有这个广告主
32303The value of parameter 'campaign_type' you specified is not supported for MP account, which only 'CAMPAIGN_TYPE_NORMAL', 'CAMPAIGN_TYPE_WECHAT_MOMENTS' campaign_type support.MP 帐户不支持您指定的参数 campaign_type 的值
32316It is not allowed to use `daily_budget` by this campaign.推广计划不允许使用 daily_budget
32317The 'total_budget' that has been completed cannot be reduced.无法减少已完成的 total_budget
32325Adgroup of campaign CAMPAIGN_TYPE_NORMAL with SITESET_WECHAT does not support parameter 'dynamic_ad_spec' for the moment.CAMPAIGN_TYPE_NORMAL 推广类型且 SITESET_WECHAT?推广版位的 Adgroup 不支持 dynamic_ad_spec 参数
32326The account_id must belong to an advertiser.仅支持广告主账号的 account_id
32403This ad group bid_amount not support modify.此广告组 bid_amount 不支持修改
32500The optimizationgoal of parameter '{PARAM}' does not fulfill the requirements.参数{PARAM}的优化目标无法满足要求
32532Media mime type is invalid.媒体类型是无效的
32597The 'is_rewarded_video_ad' needs to be true on adgroup when creative_template_id is in [{PARAM}].当 creative_template_id 位于[{PARAM}]中时,is_rewarded_video_ad 需要在广告组上设置为 true
32598The adcreative template specified do not support {PARAM}.指定的广告模板不支持{PARAM}
32599The product type cannot be used on the 'site_set' of the adgroup.无法在广告组的 site_set 上使用该产品类型
32627Parameter 'targeting_id' is not allowed to be used if parameter 'ocpa_expand_enabled' is set 'true'.如果参数 ocpa_expand_enabled 被设置为 true,则不允许使用参数 targeting_id
32628Combine audiences is not supported.该组合人群包不支持
32629'app_action' audience and 'website_action' audience are not allowed to use 'time_window'.app_action 人群包和 website_action 人群包不允许使用 time_window
32630Only one region targeting can be used.只能使用一个区域定向
32631Only one audience targeting can be used.只能使用一个人群包定向
32632Only one custom audience targeting can be used.只能使用一个自定义人群包定向
32633The total number of combine audience in both custom_audience and excluded_custom_audience should be less than 50当自定义人群使用组合人群时,组合人群包数不能超过 50 个,请调整人群包数量
32664Deprecated pararameter '{PARAM}' conflict with '{PARAM}', please use '{PARAM}' only.系统检测'{PARAM}'和'{PARAM}'传值不一致,请仅使用升级版的'{PARAM}'
32721It is not allowed to use sub product for the product type specified.指定的推广目标类型不允许使用 sub?product
32722Video feeds data is not found.找不到视频源数据
32723There is no product type can be used.没有可以使用的产品类型
32724The product type specified is not allowed.不允许使用指定的产品类型
32725The app is missing screenshot info, please complete it first.该应用封面图为空,请补充封面图信息
32810Date exceeds limit.数据超限
32811Query more than one week or 'end_date' is earlier than 'start_date'.查询范围超出一个星期或 end_date 早于 start_date
32812Date and time range can not both be empty.日期和时间范围都不能为空
32813Time range exceeds limit.时间范围超出限制
32814Datetime exceeds limit.日期时间超出限制
32815Playable page not exist or is pending audit.互动推广页不存在或尚未通过审核
32816Landing page type is not allowed to use for site、product_type and creative_template_id.落地页类型不被支持
32817Video end page type is not allowed to use.视频播放结束页类型不支持使用
32818Excitation text can be used only on site of mobile union.仅优量汇版位能够使用激励文案
32819Excitation text is not allowed to use.激励文案非法,不允许被使用
32820Excitation text is only allowed to use '完成互动' with landing page type for playable.互动类型落地页只能选择激励文案'完成互动'
32821The excitation text is not allowed to use.激励文案不允许被使用
33024The cold_start_audience param is not supported for SITE_SET_WECHAT and SITE_SET_MOBILE_MYAPP.SITE_SET_WECHAT 和 SITE_SET_MOBILE_MYAPP 不支持 cold_start_audience 参数
33025The cold_start_audience param is only supported for the ad group that ocpa_expand_enabled is true.仅 ocpa_expand_enabled 为 true 的广告组支持 cold_start_audience 参数
33026The given cold_start_audience id is invalid:'{PARAM}'.给定的 cold_start_audience?id:{PARAM}无效
33027The cold_start_audience param is only supported for the ad group that ocpa_expand_enabled is true, if you want to set ocpa_expand_enabled to false, you should also set the cold_start_audience param to empty array.仅 ocpa_expand_enabled 为 true 的广告组支持 cold_start_audience 参数
33028The parameter '{PARAM}' you specified is allowed to be used only for oCPA ads您指定的参数{PARAM}仅用于 oCPA 广告
33110The value '{PARAM}' is not allowed for the parameter field for MP account in parameter 'filtering'.不允许在参数 filtering 中为 MP 帐户的参数字段输入{PARAM}的值
34032The interface for the wechat service provider is failed, please contact our dedicated operation team.微信接口失败
34056The type of mini program is not supported, please use common mini program.您使用的小程序类型暂不支持,请使用通用小程序类型
34057This wechat mini game id is invalid.微信小游戏 id 无效
33319The Creatives of Dynamic-creative ad are not allowed to be modified.不允许修改动态广告的广告素材
33320Dynamic-creative ad is not allowed to be deleted.不允许删除动态创意广告
33321The Creatives of Dynamic-creative ad are not allowed to be deleted.不允许删除动态广告的广告素材
34140The {PARAM} is invalid: it could have been deleted or never existed{PARAM}无效:它可能已被删除或不存在
34401the account have no permission to create catalog or product, please contact the workbench administrator暂无权限,可联系工作台管理员进行添加,或开通商品库协同管理权限
34402products update frequency is too high, please try again later.商品更新频繁失败,请减少更新频率
34163The position number of this package is out of range.该 package 的 package 数超出范围
34302'scene_spec' is not supported when multiple sites or 'automatic_site_enabled' is used for new normalized adcreative templates.当为新的标准化广告模板使用多个版位或 automatic_site_enabled 时,不支持 scene_spec
35001The adcreative can not be modified since it is related multiple ads.由于与多个广告关联,因此无法修改该 adcreative
35002The adcreative specified is still related adgroup.指定的 adcreative 仍然是相关的 adgroup
35003The myapp landing page is not found.应用宝落地页找不到
35004Up to 4 rows text is allowed.最多允许 4 行文本
35005Failed to get logo image.无法获取 logo 图像
35006The parameter 'element_url' is invalid which is not in authorized domain list.参数 element_url 无效,不在授权域名列表中
35007Valid placement group is not found.找不到有效的 placement?group
35008Placement group can not be empty.placement?group 不能为空
35009Placement group tag id and placement group id can not be used together.placement?group 标签 id 和 placement?group?ID 不同时使用
35010Failed to create adcreative.创建创意失败
35011Failed to update adcreative.更新创意失败
35016Online enable failed because there is no ad binding to this ad_creative.因为没有 ad 与此 ad_creative 绑定,online 启用失败,
35017Online enable failed because the ad is reviewing.由于广告正在审核,online 启用失败
35018Online enable failed because the ad is review disapproved.由于广告审核被拒,online 启用失败
35019Parameter 'category' is not exist or is not the last level.参数 category 不存在或不是最后一级
35901Review status of this page is rejected.当前落地页的审核状态为审核拒绝,请修改落地页内容后重试。
35902The page is not available.当前落地页状态为审核中或者已下线,请选择其他落地页。
35903The page_type is PAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT and the page_url of page_spec is empty, which adcreative promoted_object_type not support.当前使用的推广目标不支持使用默认落地页,请修改落地页类型或者落地页内容后重试。
36001Dynamic ad can not be changed to other ad type.无法将动态广告更改为其他广告类型
36002Dynamic adcreative can only be used by one ad.动态创意广告只能由一个广告使用
36003Reward video ad can not bind targeting package.激励视频广告不能绑定定向包
36100The parameter 'conversion_id' can't bee changed.转化规则 id 不允许更新
36101The parameter 'conversion_id' and OptimizationGoal is not match.转化规则 id 与优化目标不匹配。
36102The conversion_id is not exist.转化规则不存在或已删除。
36103The conversion_id is not supported.不支持使用转化规则 id。
36004Parameter 'billing_event' of oCPM ads must be BILLINGEVENT_CLICK or BILLINGEVENT_IMPRESSION.oCPM 广告的参数 billing_event 必须为 BILLINGEVENT_CLICK 或 BILLINGEVENT_IMPRESSION
36005Parameter 'billing_event' and 'cost_type' of oCPM ads do not match. oCPM 广告的参数 billing_event 和 cost_type 不匹配
36006Parameter 'optimization_goal' is required for oCPM ads.oCPM 广告需要参数 optimization_goal
36007Parameter 'deep_conversion_spec' is invalid.参数 deep_conversion_spec 无效
36008You can not modify 'deep_conversion_type' for this adgroup because you chose another type before.您不能为此广告组修改 deep_conversion_type,因为之前选择了其他类型
36009You do not fulfill the requirements of the OCPA ad with 'deep_conversion_worth_spec'.您使用的 deep_conversion_worth_spec 不满足 OCPA 广告的要求
36010You do not fulfill the requirements of the OCPA ad with 'deep_conversion_behavior_spec'.您使用的 deep_conversion_behavior_spec 不满足 OCPA 广告的要求
36011You can not modify 'goal' for this spec, unless both fields in this spec are empty.您不能为此 spec 修改 goal,除非该 spec 中的两个字段均为空
36013The '{PARAM}' of parameter '{PARAM}' you specified must be the same.您指定的参数{PARAM}必须相同
36014You can only use one wechat mini program id in this campaign.您只能在此推广计划中使用一个微信小程序 id
36015The status of 'app_android_channel_package_id' do not support operation渠道包未通过审核
36016The adgroup is not allow to update with bid_mode不允许使用 bid_mode 更新由 billing_event 创建的 adgroup
36017The value of bid_mode is invalid, it can only be modified from BID_MODE_CPC to BID_MODE_OCPC or BID_MODE_CPM to BID_MODE_OCPMbid_mode 仅允许从 BID_MODE_CPC 修改成 BID_MODE_OCPC 或者 BID_MODE_CPM 修改成 BID_MODE_OCPM
36018The bid_mode is not allow to update for SITE_SET_WECHAT微信流量不允许修改 bid_mode
32404Wechat moments adgroup must set same begin_date and end_date in the same campaign.微信朋友圈相同推广计划的广告组必须设置相同的开始日期和结束日期
32505Wechat moments SDPA adcreative can't share with other adgroup.微信朋友圈无法将 SDPA 广告与其他广告组共享
32511Wechat moments ad can't be modified after broadcast.播出后无法修改微信朋友圈广告
32512The mini_program_spec/mini_program_id you specified must match the promoted_object_id.落地页的小程序 id 需与广告-目标详情中小程序 id 一致
32640Can't operate adgroup after adgroup end_date reach or adgroup is deleted.不能操作过期或者删除的广告
32641Can't resume sytem paused adgroup.不能重启系统暂停的广告
32643Campaign 'daily_budget' you set must higher than current plus 10000 fen推广计划的 daily_budget 必须大于 10000 分
32644Can't operate delete object.不能操作已经删除的对象
32645Wechat official account bottom ad bid type is error, which must be set cpc when image style and cpm when video style.微信公众号底部图片广告必须以 cpc 出价,视频广告必须以 cpm 出价
32646You operate objecct is not exist or has been deleted.操作对象不存在或者已删除
32647Estate industry can't bind agency.房产行业不能绑定服务商
32648Object name repeated, please rename it.对象名称重复,请重新命名
32649Account privilege is error, please check if the account bind agency.账号权限错误,请检查账号是否绑定了服务商
32650Parameters 'promoted_object_type' in landing page url and 'promoted_object_type' in adgroup must match.落地页推广目标和广告组上的推广目标不同
32651Agency has bound no advertiser.服务商没有绑定广告主
32652Agency has bound no advertiser, or advertiser account is not valid.代理商没有绑定广告主,或者广告主账户无效
32653Agency appid is not match.服务商和 appid 不匹配
32654Budget must be set 1.5 times than current.预算必须高于当前预算的 1.5 倍
32655The parameter 'agency_token' is expired.参数 agency_token 已经过期,请更新 token 后再试
32656The parameter 'daily_budgyet' set must higher than current plus 50000.daily_budget 修改必须比当前值高 500 元
32657Can't resume adgroup when adgroup duration less than 2 hours.广告剩余时间已经不足 2 小时,不能启动
32658The wechat appid you specify is not registered as an advertiser.微信公众号没有注册成为广告主
33111The start_time cannot be earlier than '{PARAM}'.start_time 不能早于{PARAM}
33112Parameter 'end_time' cannot be earlier than the parameter 'start_time'参数 end_time 不能早于参数 start_time
35800Invalid task params渠道包异步任务参数错误
35801Upload channel pkg no than 100 once time.一次性上传渠道包的不能超过 100
35802Upload union channel pkg task service error.联盟渠道包异步任务服务错误
35803Union app error.渠道包应用参数错误
35804AppId not match uid.广告主与 appId 不匹配
35805The status of app not allow to modify.App 状态不允许操作渠道包
35806Channel pkg name repeated.渠道名称不能重复
35807Channel pkg error.渠道包错误(查询不到渠道包或 url 不一致)
35808Invalid data.数据错误
4068adcreative_template_id mapping failedMP 规格映射失败
36070The user message is not allowed to be updated to new.不允许将用户消息更新为新消息
36071Option education in expand_targeting is not allowed by your industry_id.您的行业不允许使用学历不可突破定向。
36072Parameter 'account_id' must not be repeated.account_id 不允许重复,请检查你的入参
36073Parameter 'campaign_id' must not be repeated.campaign_id 不允许重复,请检查你的入参
36074Parameter 'adgroup_id' must not be repeated.adgroup_id 不允许重复,请检查你的入参
36075Parameter 'ad_id' must not be repeated.adgroup_id 不允许重复,请检查你的入参
36076You should update at least one parameter for each adgroup_id.你需要对每个 adgroup_id, 至少修改 begin_date, end_date 或 time_series 中的一个参数
38001Parameters 'promoted_object_type' and 'profile_type' must match.该推广目标不能自动生成 profile 页,请生成自定义类型的 profile 页
38002The number of your definition profile has reached the limit. The limit is {param}自定义生成的 profile 页达到上限,限制是{param}个,您可先删除其他 profile 页
38003auto generate profile cannot be deleted不能删除自动生成的 profile 页
38004This Campaign already refers Wechat moments,category conflicts under the same Campaign该推广计划已投放朋友圈广告,同一推广计划下不支持朋友圈和非朋友圈混投
38005profile id and promoted_object_id not matchprofile id 和 promoted_object_id 信息不匹配
38006profile and promoted_object not match.传入的 profile 信息和创意对应的 promoted_object 信息不匹配
38007get app info failed.获取应用信息失败
38008get we app info failed.获取小游戏(小程序)信息失败
38009auto generate profile,promoted_object_id cannot be null.自动填充的 profile 页,promoted_object_id 不能为空
38010adgroup type need to be consistent on the same campaign.同一推广计划下,所有广告组的广告类型必须一致(不允许同时投放朋友圈及非朋友圈广告)
38011product_catalog_id need to be consistent on the same campaign.同一推广计划下,所有广告组的商品库 id 必须一致
38012Parameter 'end_date' 'time_series' cannot be earlier than the parameter {PARAM}.投放结束时间不能早于{PARAM}
38014The report_fields contains fields[{PARAM}] those are not supported given the level and granularity you specified.异步报表返回的字段,包含你指定的报表类型级别和报表粒度下不支持的字段[{PARAM}],请检查你的入参。
38015The level you specified is only available to Tencent account.你使用的报表类型级别只支持腾讯广告平台广告主,请检查你的入参。
38016The level you specified is only available to Wechat account.你使用的报表类型级别只支持微信公众平台广告主,请检查你的入参。
38017The file of the task you specified cannot be downloaded using this interface.你指定的任务的文件不能在本接口下载,你可以参考 async_task_files/get 接口。
38018The granularity is not supported by the level of report you specified.你选择的报表类型级别在你选择的报表粒度下暂不支持,你可以参考接口文档更换报表类型级别或报表粒度。
38024The channel package is not created from URL.渠道包不是 URL 类型的渠道包
38025You do not have update permission on channel package.渠道包未授权更新
38026adgroup app_android_channel_package_id and wechat_page app_android_channel_package_id must be the same.当前广告的应用渠道包与所选推广页的应用渠道包不一致,请选择正确的渠道包
38042The profile user link property is not officially supported, please contact our dedicated supporting team for help头像页面自定义链接未正式开放使用,请联系技术支持团队获得帮助
38046The parameter '{PARAM}' has too many emoji, the length of the emoji cannot be more than the max length {PARAM}.参数'{PARAM}'包含过多表情,表情个数不应大于最大值 {PARAM}
38047The value of parameter '{PARAM}' contains disallowed emoji.参数{PARAM}包含不允许的表情,请更新参数后重试
38048The option page_spec/override_canvas_head_option must set to OPTION_CREATIVE_OVERRIDE_CANVAS when canvas_type of wetchat_page is CANVAS_TYPE_COMMON_PAGE使用包含'引用外层素材'组件原生页时,必须设置广告创意素材替换原生页顶部素材
38049material-library-mp/media/edit not return match format_id media_info_list.创意中台视频编辑接口未返回满足要求的视频
38051The page_type 'PAGE_TYPE_MOMENTS_SIMPLE_NATIVE_WECHAT' is temporary not allowd for promoted_object_type'PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_APP_ANDROID', use 'PAGE_TYPE_CANVAS_WECHAT' insteadAndroid 应用推广下「简版原生页」已下线,目前暂不支持使用,建议更换「原生推广页」
38052The text on download button is not allowed now, please use a new canvas page instead应监管要求,原生推广页下载按钮文案必须含有“安装”或“下载”请更换原生页提交。
38053The text on download button is not allowed now, please use a new canvas page instead应监管要求,原生推广页下载按钮文案必须含有“安装”或“下载”
38055page_type should keep same with link_page_type外层元素落地页类型需要和行动按钮落地页类型保持一致
38056ios and android promoted object, app pre order must need landing page typeAndroid 和 IOS 推广目标,新游预约落地页必选
38057Wechat ad service interface error,please try again微信广告 ocpm 门槛服务接口异常,请重试
38058Tracking service interface error,please try again归因接口异常,请求转化 id 信息失败,请重试
38059Dpstrategy service interface error,please try again请求策略中台接口失败,请重试
38060This bid is too samll 当前浅层优化目标出价过低
38061This bid is too large 当前浅层优化目标出价过高
38062This deep_conversion_behavior_bid is too samll 当前深度行为优化目标出价过低
38063This deep_conversion_behavior_bid is too large 当前深度行为优化目标出价过高
38064This deep_conversion_worth_rate is too samll 当前深度 ROI 优化目标出价过低
38065This deep_conversion_worth_rate is too large 当前深度 ROI 优化目标出价过高
38066The deep_conversion_behavior_bid on an not deep ad group is not allowed to be modified.浅层 Ocpx 广告不能设置深度行为出价
38067The deep_conversion_worth_rate on an not deep ad group is not allowed to be modified.浅层 Ocpx 广告不能设置深度 ROI 出价
38068begin time errbegin date 或者 first day begin time 格式错误,请检查
38069BeginTime Not Match TimeSet广告开始时间与 TimeSet 配置不匹配
38070BeginTime Too Early广告开始时间早于当前时间
38071InTimeSet check err广告开始时间与 TimeSet 配置匹配校验出错
38072Current set not support xijing landing page with ref creative component当前站点不支持使用包含引用外层素材组件蹊径落地页
38073Current Account not support xijing landing page with ref creative component当前广告主不支持使用包含引用外层素材组件蹊径落地页
38074contains at least one download button is required when wechat canvas page used for app ad应用下载类原生页必须包含至少一个下载按钮组件
38075The parameter 'auto_acquisition_budget' is not allowed to be modified when the ad is on auto acquisition.广告一键起量中,一键起量预算不可以修改
38076The parameter 'auto_acquisition_enabled' can only be opened once每条广告在全生命周期内只能使用一次一键起量
38077current landing page without miniprogram info当前落地页缺少小程序相关信息
38078SIMPLE_CANVAS_SUB_TYPE_DEFAULT is not support by PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_APP_ANDROID应用推广目标不支持简版原生页-默认模板,可以更换自定义
38079SIMPLE_CANVAS_SUB_TYPE_DEFAULT is not support by PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_APP_IOS应用推广目标不支持简版原生页-默认模板,可以更换自定义
38080The creative template is not support by WECHAT_SCENE_SPEC_POSITION广告组限定微信公众号与小程序定投,当前创意不支持微信公众号与小程序定投
34303You are not permitted to use the site set, please contact our dedicated supporting team for help.没有该版位投放权限,请联系对应运营经理申请
34304You are not permitted to use the site set, the sign is {PARAM}.没有该版位投放权限,对应的白名单标识:{PARAM},请联系您的运营经理申请此白名单权限
38081Only monments ad support 'CANVAS_TYPE_COMMON_PAGE' wechat page只有朋友圈广告支持'引用外层素材'类型原生页
39000DEngine replay failed双引擎回放数据未录制,本条差异请忽略。
55103Unsupported operator:IN不支持的运算符:IN
55100Function is wrong and there is a possibility that it cannot be converted函数错误,可能无法转换
32659logo and logo_description should not be used separately. Other wise, an error message would appear.logo 和 logo_description 需要同时存在或同时不存在,否则将报错。
32660brand_img and description should not be used separately while using on SITE_SET_TENCENT_VIDEO.投放到腾讯视频(SITE_SET_TENCENT_VIDEO)时,品牌标识图和文案(6-30 字)需要同时提供。
32661the API:playable_pages/add is stop serving, and the API:playable_pages/get can go on to use but will stop serving in the plan. We advertise the developer change to use xijing_page_interactive/get.playable_pages/add 接口已停服,playable_pages/get 接口暂时可以继续使用,后续计划废弃;建议开发者同步切换至 xijing_page_interactive/get 接口。
34141An '{{$PARAM}}\’ is being added or renamed, but the name is already being used by another '{{$PARAM}}\’正在添加或重命名{PARAM} 但该名称已由另一个名称使用{PARAM}
34142New version should be greater than the existing version.新版本应大于现有版本
50002Parameter ‘ account_id ’ is invalid.account_id 无效
50003token not found errorapi 请求 token 缺失
50004invalid tokentoken 参数无效
51000unknown parameter error.未知参数异常
51001system error系统异常
51002unknown protocol error.无效的数据协议
52011file receive error文件接收异常
52012file extension invalid无效的文件类型
52015file size exceeds limit.文件大小超过限制
52021audience name length exceeds limit.人群名称长度超过限制
52028lookalike segment target number not in valid range.lookalike 扩展目标人群数不在有效范围内
52041audience description length exceeds limit.人群描述长度超过限制
53018parent tag id invalidparent_tag_id 无效
53023tag id invalidtag_id 无效
53028id type invalidid_type 字段无效
53036audience user count is not support operation ‘%s人群当前覆盖数不支持此操作
53037audience id invalidaudience_id 无效
53038audience name duplicated.人群名称重复
54013non-leaf tag delete forbidden不允许删除非叶子结点标签
54103audience which has lookalike audience gene unsupports lookalike,combine or insight.含有 lookalke 基因人群不支持 lookalike、combine 和 insight
54104audience which has combine audience gene unsupports combine.含有 combine 基因人群不支持 combine
54134has insight permission denied gene种子人群或者交并差人群的原子人群没有透视权限
54153audience type ‘%s ’ do not support operation人群类型不支持此操作
54154audience status ‘%s ’ do not support operation人群状态不支持此操作
54157you do not have %s permission of audience没有此人群的权限
54158Your request contains params ‘%s ’ that are mutually exclusive. Not more than one参数互斥
54159outer id duplicates人群的 ouerId 和标签的 tagCode 不能重复
54160request more frequently请求过于频繁,请稍后操作
54161tag total count exceeds limit标签总数超过上限,不能创建
54162tag level count exceeds limit标签层级超过上限,不能创建
54164has associate grant relation存在授权关系
54165has associate ad or targeting存在关联的广告或者定向
54166has associate lookalike audience存在关联的 LOOKALIKE 人群
54167has associate combine audience存在关联的 COMBINE 人群
54173file not ready文件尚未准备好
54174rule total count exceeds limit ‘%s ’.规则总数超过上限,不能创建
54175tag binding total count exceeds limit ‘%s ’.标签绑定总数超过上限,不能绑定
54176dp tag can not delete.DP 标签不允许删除
55001not have support extracted action param value type没有可提取的参数值类型
55002action param value not exist参数值不存在
55201create audience permission denied数据源不可以被用来创建人群
55202actionSet create request too frequently数据源创建请求过于频繁,请稍后操作
55401visual track not exist可视化配置不存在
55402visual track already exist可视化配置已存在
58002order_id can not be found订单 id 不存在
58003delivery_tracking_number and express_commany must be both not null for update快递公司和快递单号都不能为空
58004express_company invaild快递公司不合法
58007date_range invaild时间范围不合法
120000Advertiser has no right on Catalog广告主对商品库无操作权限
120001Catalog not exists商品目录不存在
120002Product[productOuterId] not exists所指定的商品不存在
120004Product series has existed商品系列名称已存在
38027Cannot get mdmid by account_id获取主体信息失败,请检查 account_id 对应的主体状态是否正常
37800Failed to create advertiser,Please contact our dedicated operation team.账号创建失败,请联系我们技术支持团队处理
32437You cannot use overseas location(s) in 'geo_location'微信流量不支持投放海外地域,regions 仅支持中国大陆(不包含港澳台)地域 id
32438The difference between 'total_budget' and the current total budget cannot be less than 5000.推广计划总预算每次更新的幅度必须大于等于 50 元
32439You can only grant ad qualification.广告资质授权只支持类型为广告资质的资质
32440The 'account_id' and 'path_id' should in the same MDM资产授权方所属的主体 id 需与传入的 path_id 相同
32441The 'licensing_account_id_list' and 'path_id' should in the same MDM or BM资产被授权所属的主体 id 或者 bmid 需与传入的 path_id 相同
32446The 'account_id' and 'path_id' should in the same BM资产授权方所属的商务管家 id 需与传入的 path_id 相同
32447Placeholder not supported on this adcreative. Please delete “{{}}“ in adcreative_elements该创意不支持使用动态词包,请删除文案中的{{}}字符
32448There are up to 5 redirect pages for avatar nicknames under one account (including self-built and authorized assets), and an error will be reported if more than 5 authorizations are made.1 个账号下头像昵称跳转页最多 5 个(包括自建和被授权的资产),超过 5 个授权会报错。
38500empty uid paramuid 参数为空
38501empty element_id paramelement_id 参数为空
38502no element data没有元素数据
38503empty creative_template_ids paramcreative_template_ids 参数为空
36822The smart_bid_type field capability related to this feature is still open in grayscale. If you need to use it, you can contact our operator. (whitelist: smart_bid).当前用户无自动出价功能权限
36823The value of the parameter site_set is not allowed to use the parameter smart_bid_type.暂不支持通投场景下的自动出价
36824The value of the parameter smart_bid_type is not allowed to use for SITE_SET_MOBILE_MYAPP、SITE_SET_MOBILE_YYB.SITE_SET_MOBILE_MYAPP,SITE_SET_MOBILE_YYB 版位不支持自动出价功能
36825The value of the parameter smart_bid_type is not allowed to use the parameter deep_conversion_spec.选择自动出价后,无法使用深度转化优化
36826The value of the parameter daily_budget can not be empty if the value of smart_bid_type is SMART_BID_TYPE_SYSTEMATIC.选择自动出价后,广告日预算必填且不允许为不限
36827The value of the parameter smart_bid_type do not match the value of parameter auto_acquisition_enabled.选择自动出价后,不支持一键起量
36828The value of the parameter smart_bid_type is not allowed to use the parameter bid_adjustment.选择自动出价后,不支持分版位出价
36829The value of the parameter smart_bid_type is not allowed to be modified.出价类型不支持修改
36830The value of the parameter smart_bid_type is not allowed to use the parameter smart_cost_cap.非自动出价不允许填写出价上限
36831The value of the parameter smart_bid_type is not allowed to use the parameter bid_amount.自动出价广告不可设置出价
36832The value of the parameter smart_bid_type is only can be use for ocpx.非 ocpx 广告不能使用自动出价
36833Diagnosis service interface error. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team.成本预估接口返回异常,如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
36766The parameter bid_adjustment can be used for oCPC/oCPM only.只有 oCPC 与 oCPM 广告可以使用分版位出价
36767he same site_set(bid_adjustment/site_set_package/site_set) cannot be set in more than one group.同一个版位不能被设置在多个组里
36768The value of bid_adjustment/site_set_package/site_set is invalid.自动版位情况下只能对以下版位设置系数:优量汇,腾讯新闻,腾讯视频,腾讯看点,QQ、腾讯音乐及游戏
36769The value of site_set is not suppout to use bid_adjustment.仅投放单个版位时,不支持分版位出价
36770The value of bid_adjustment/site_set_package/site_set is invalid.只能为广告投放的版位设置出价系数
36771The bid_adjustment field capability related to this feature is still open in grayscale. If you need to use it, you can contact our operator. (whitelist: bid_by_pg).当前用户无分版位出价功能权限
36772The bid_adjustment field capability related to this feature is still open in grayscale. If you need to use it, you can contact our operator. (whitelist: deepbid_by_pg).当前用户无分版位深度目标出价功能权限
36773The vlue of deep_conversion_spec is not support to use bid_adjustment.广告未设置深度优化目标,不支持使用分版位深度目标出价
36774The value of site_set is not support to user bid_adjustment.广告版位包含待废弃的“ QQ、腾讯看点、腾讯音乐”,不支持分版位出价
36775The value of bid_adjustment/site_set_package/site_set if cannot be modified.编辑广告时只支持修改分版位出价的系数设置
36776The value of bid_adjustment is invalid.分版位出价参数错误
38505The param of live_status can be updated for live ad only非直播广告不允许修改直播状态
38508The number of {PARAM} must be equal {PARAM} use dynamic_creative_group_used启用动态创意分组,{PARAM}与{PARAM}数量必须一致
36836The unlimited option and other options can not use at the same time公众号与小程序场景定向内不限选项和其他选项不能同时传入
36837The 'wechat_scene' field capability related to this feature is still open in grayscale. If you need to use it, you can contact our operator当前客户不支持使用微信公众号与小程序场景定向
36838The 'wechat_position' field capability related to this feature is still open in grayscale. If you need to use it, you can contact our operator当前客户不支持使用公众号与小程序定投
36839The wechat_position and wechat_scene is only can be use for SITE_SET_WECHAT公众号与小程序定投/微信公众号与小程序场景定向 仅支持微信公众号版位
36840The wechat_position is not allowed to be modified.公众号与小程序定投不支持修改
36845This adtarget is not allowed modify.adtarget 不支持修改
36846This adgroup is not allowed modify.adgroup 不支持修改
36847This campaign is not allowed modify.教育极速版推广计划仅支持更改名称和状态
36848The campaign's total_budget out of range.推广计划总预算超出范围
36849The campaign's delivery_day out of range.推广计划投放天数超出范围
36850The campaign's total_budget miss.推广计划缺失必填参数总预算
36851The campaign's delivery_day out of range.推广计划缺失必填参数投放天数
36852The adtarget param error 定向请求参数错误
36862This 'system_industry_id' is not allowed to update for JD advertiser 京东敏感行业禁止修改到综合电商-综合电商行业
36857The wechat_ad_behavior in the targeting package does not support the placement of the ad 定向包中的微信再营销定向不支持当前广告的版位
36858When the targeting package uses the exclued_converted_audience of this data dimension, the conversion_behavior_list is not allowed to be empty定向包在使用该数据维度的排除已转化行为时,自定义行为不准为空
36859When the targeting package uses the exclued_converted_audience of this data dimension, the conversion_behavior_list should be empty定向包在使用该数据维度的排除已转化行为时,自定义行为应该为空
36860The value of 'impression_tracking_url' is invalid.未使用腾讯已认证的监测公司链接
36861The value of 'click_tracking_url' is invalid.未使用腾讯已认证的监测公司链接
38082The param of end_date or last_day_end_time is invalidend date 或者 last_day_end_time 格式错误,请检查
38083The param of last_day_end_time and time_series is not match广告结束时间与 time_series 配置不匹配
38084The value of parameter 'mobile_union' or 'exclude_mobile_union' you specified is deprecated, please refer to our latest documentation.您指定的参数'mobile_union' 或者 'exclude_mobile_union'已弃用
38085Request for subcustomer_transfer fail. info:{PARAM}.子客转账失败:{PARAM}.
38086The value of parameter 'mobile_union_category' you specified is deprecated since 2021.10.29, please refer to our latest documentation[https://developers.e.qq.com/news]..您指定的参数'优量汇媒体类型'从 2021 年 10 月 29 日开始,已弃用,详见最新公告:[https://developers.e.qq.com/news]
38087The value of parameter 'mobile_union_industry' you specified is deprecated since 2021.10.29, please refer to our latest documentation[https://developers.e.qq.com/news]..您指定的参数'优量汇行业精选流量包'从 2021 年 10 月 29 日开始,已弃用,详见最新公告:[https://developers.e.qq.com/news]
38088The value of parameter 'flow_optimization_enable' you specified is only used on SITE_SET_MOBILE_UNION, please refer to our latest documentation.您指定的参数'优量汇智能流量匹配'仅适用于优量汇版位
38089The value of parameter 'flow_optimization_enable' you specified conflicts with 'mobile_union_industry' or 'mobile_union_category', please refer to our latest documentation.您指定的参数'优量汇智能流量匹配' 不能同时和 '优量汇行业精选流量包' 或者 '优量汇媒体类型' 一起使用
38090The value of parameter 'flow_optimization_enable' you specified is not allowed to use with your account.您的账户不在使用参数'优量汇智能流量匹配'的白名单开放之内,如需要,请联系我们的运营团队
38091The value of parameter 'mobile_union_category' you specified is deprecated since 2021.10.29, please refer to our latest documentation[https://developers.e.qq.com/news]..您指定的参数'移动媒体类型'从 2021 年 10 月 29 日开始,已弃用,详见最新公告:[https://developers.e.qq.com/news]
38092Your operations are too frequent, the maximum number of operations per second has been reached, please try again later.您的操作太频繁,达到每秒的操作次数上限,请稍后再试。
38093Operation failed due to closure policy.受封闭政策限制,操作失败。
38094The value of parameter 'mini_game_openlink' you specified is only support creative group(site_set: SITE_SET_MOBILE_UNION + promoted_object_type: PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_MINI_GAME_WECHAT + page_type: PAGE_TYPE_MINI_GAME_WECHAT)您指定的参数'mini_game_openlink'仅支持创意组合为(包含优量汇版位+推广目标为小游戏+微信小游戏落地页)
38095Request for get-transfer-recommend-money fail. info:{PARAM}.获取推荐的转账金额失败: {PARAM}.
38096The transfer amount is greater than the upper limit of the amount that can be transferred out (the upper limit of the amount that can be transferred out = account balance - the estimated amount to be reserved), the upper limit of the amount that can be transferred out is: {PARAM}, please modify the transfer amount or try again later划转金额大于可转出金额上限(可转出金额上限=账户余额 - 预估需保留金额),可转出金额上限为:{PARAM},请修改转出金额或稍后重试
38098Batch deletion of qualifications failed, the following qualification ids do not belong to the current account: {PARAM}, please confirm and delete资质批量删除失败,以下资质 id 不属于当前账户:{PARAM},请确认后删除。
38097Check user in gray name list, {PARAM}用户在灰度名单, {PARAM}
38100The area_code parameter is illegal, please refer to the appendix area codearea_code 参数非法,请参照附录地域码。
38101The qualification image is duplicated, and the qualification update failed资质图片重复,资质更新失败。
38102The qualification is duplicated, and the qualification add failed资质重复添加,添加失败。
38103You are not permitted to modify the parameter(s) '{PARAM}', please check your identity.您无权修改参数{PARAM},请检查您的身份。
38104Wechat account is not permitted to modify the parameter(s) '{PARAM}'.微信账号不允许修改参数'{PARAM}'。
35301The specified account does not exist, please confirm the correctness of the operation account.指定的帐户不存在,请确认操作的账户正确性
35302The target customer is not an effective advertiser, please confirm the account validity.目标客户不是有效的广告客户,请确认账户有效性
36301Failed to call SuperTemplate service, please check template id and template size.调用超模服务失败,模版 id 错误或模版尺寸不符合规定,请检查参数值。
36302Catalog permission denied. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated operation team.商品库未授权。如有疑问,请联系我们专业运营团队。
36303Catalog not found, please check catalog id.未找到商品库,请检查商品库 id 是否正确。
36401Conversion Already Exists相同规则的转化已存在
36402Conversion Tracking Spec Generate Fail转化归因规则生成失败
36403Conversion id Generate Fail转化 id 生成失败
36404Conversion Action Set id Generate Fail转化数据源 id 生成失败
36405Feedback Url Illegal转化点击监测 URL 不合法,请传入合法的宏定义 URL
36406Illegal Optimization Goal or Deep Behavior OG or Deep Worth OG 当前场景、账号或转化链路 id 不支持该优化目标或深层优化目标或深层 ROI
36407Illegal App id For Creating Conversion创建转化时 AppID 不合法
36408Illegal Action Set id For Creating Conversion创建转化时数据源 ActionSetID 不合法
36409Illegal Feedback URL For Creating Conversion创建转化时点击监测链接不合法
36410Illegal SELF_ATTRIBUTED, TRUE FOR API, FALSE FOR SDK转化自归因参数校验不合法,API 为自归因,SDK 为非自归因
36411Deep_behavior_optimization_goal And Deep_worth_optimization_goal Should Not Exist At Same Time深层优化目标和深层 ROI 优化目标不能同时出现
36412Claim Type Illegal归因方式不合法
36413FeedBack URL Not Completed,Must Contains __CLICK_ID__,__HASH_MAC__,__CLICK_TIME__,__MUID__,__OAID__,__ACCOUNT_ID__,__PROMOTED_OBJECT_ID__,__CALLBACK__,__HASH_ANDROID_ID__,__DEVICE_OS_TYPE__ 点击监测链接不完整,有必需包含的宏定义
36414Conversion id Not Exist转化 id 不存在
36415Illegal Action Set id When Self_Attribute is true自归因不可传入数据源 id
36416SDK accessType must be iOS or AndroidSDK 上报方式仅支持安卓和 iOS 的转化场景
36417JS accessType must be web platform_typeJS 上报方式仅支持 WEB 的转化场景
36418promoted_object_id should not fill when conversion scene is WEB or WECHAT_MINI_PROGRAMweb 或者微信小程序转化场景,推广目标不填
36419landing_page_url is requiredlanding_page_url 不合法或为空
36420mini_program_id or promoted_object_id is required小程序 id 或者标的物 id 不合法或者为空
36421conversions add too frequently转化规则创建请求过于频繁,请稍后操作
36422app_android_channel_package_id not exist腾讯渠道 id 不存在
36423custom_channel_id belongs to app_android_channel_package_id not exist, Please check the channel package attribution doc https://docs.qq.com/doc/DQlhOdWVTV2JnUmFT腾讯渠道 id 对应的自定义渠道 id 不存在,渠道包归因功能请查看 https://docs.qq.com/doc/DQlhOdWVTV2JnUmFT
36424app_android_channel_package_id pattern error腾讯渠道 id 格式不正确
36425app_android_channel_package_id not support腾讯渠道 id 不支持
36426Your request is missing a required parameter缺少必填参数
36427ConversionLinkID not exist转化链路 id 不存在
36428conversion link only supports the web-type and api data reporting转化链路仅支持 Web 类型 api 形式的数据接入
36429conversion link id not supported不支持此转化链路 id
36701campaign daily budget is out of range, please confirm whether the daily budget meets the strategic requirements.推广计划日预算超出范围,请确认日预算是否满足策略要求
36702Please check whether the file type of your video is correct.视频类型错误,请检查传入视频类型是否正确
36703Please check whether the Android app is correct. Please try again if correct.获取 Android 应用信息失败,请检查传入 Android 应用是否正确
36704Download image failed. Please try again later.下载图片失败,请稍后重试
36705We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated supporting team.系统繁忙,请稍后重试
36706System http error, please retry调用下游 http 服务失败,请稍后重试
36707Customer service interface error. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team.客户服务接口错误,如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
36708You do not fulfill the requirements of the OCPA ad with 'deep_conversion_behavior_spec'.您使用的 deep_conversion_behavior_spec 不满足 OCPA 广告的要求
36709The targeting with the targeting_id contains deprecated or invalid value您指定的定向包中包含已弃用或无效的值
36710The text is too short the requirements of the page template.文本素材长度小于模板要求
36711The delivery service system is busy, please retry.投放服务系统繁忙,请稍后重试
36712The delivery service calls the downstream service timeout, please retry.投放服务调用下游服务超时,请稍后重试
36713The delivery service system is busy, please retry.投放服务系统繁忙,请稍后重试
36714Delivery service failed to call downstream dmp service. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team.投放服务调用下游 dmp 服务失败。如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
36715Get Android app info failed. Please retry your request.获取 Android 应用信息失败,请稍后重试
36716The creative elements do not meet the specifications of the creative template.创意元素不符合规格要求
36717Please check whether the app is correct. Please try again if correct.请检查传入应用是否正确
36718The text is too long the requirements of the page template.文本素材长度超过模板要求
36719Unionapp service interface error. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team.广告包服务错误,如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
36720Android or Ios promoted_object_type, wechat_page cannot contain FengYe or wechat mini game element投放“应用推广”的推广目标时,原生推广页中不能包含枫页、小游戏组件
36721Android or Ios promoted_object_type, wechat_page must contain at least one download element投放“应用推广”的推广目标时,原生推广页中至少添加并使用一个应用下载组件
36722Ad promoted_object_id is not the same with wechat_page promoted_object_id 当前广告的应用 id 与所选推广页的应用 id 不一致,请选择正确的应用 id
36723Ad android_channel_package_id is not the same with wechat_page android_channel_package_id当前广告的应用渠道包与所选推广页的应用渠道包不一致,请选择正确的渠道包
36724Wechat minigame promoted_object_type,wechat_page cannot contain FengYe element投放“小游戏推广”的推广目标时,原生推广页中不能包含枫页组件
36725Wechat minigame promoted_object_type,wechat_page must contain at least one wechat minigame element投放“小游戏推广”的推广目标时,原生推广页中至少添加并使用一个小游戏组件
36726Ad wechat minigame id is not the same with wechat_page minigame id当前广告的小游戏原始 id 与所选推广页的小游戏原始 id 不一致,请选择正确的小游戏原始 id
36727Wechat shop promoted_object_type, wechat_page cannot contain wechat minigame element投放“商品推广”的推广目标时,原生推广页中不能包含小游戏组件
36728Wechat Lbs promoted_object_type, wechat_page cannot contain FengYe or wechat minigame element投放“门店推广”的推广目标时,原生推广页中不能包含枫页、小游戏组件
36729Lead ad promoted_object_type, wechat_page cannot contain FengYe or wechat minigame element投放“销售线索收集”的推广目标时,原生推广页中不能包含枫页、小游戏组件
36730Wechat article promoted_object_type, wechat_page cannot contain FengYe or wechat minigame element投放“品牌活动推广”的推广目标时,原生推广页中不能包含枫页、小游戏组件
36731Wechat card promoted_object_type, wechat_page cannot contain FengYe or wechat minigame element投放“优惠券推广”的推广目标时,原生推广页中不能包含枫页、小游戏组件
36732Wechat card promoted_object_type, wechat_page must contain at least one wechat card element投放“优惠券推广”的推广目标时,原生推广页中至少添加并使用一个优惠券组件
36733Wechat promoted_object_type, wechat_page cannot contain FengYe or wechat minigame element投放“公众号推广”的推广目标时,原生推广页中不能包含枫页、小游戏组件
36734Wechat promoted_object_type, wechat_page must contain at least one wechat official account follow element投放“公众号推广”的推广目标时,原生推广页中至少添加并使用一个公众号关注组件
36735The parameter 'optimization_goal' is not allowed to be modified.ocpc/ocpm 广告不允许切换成 cpc/cpm 广告
36736The parameter 'deep_conversion_spec/deep_conversion_type', 'deep_conversion_behavior_spec/goal' and 'deep_conversion_worth_spec/goal' is not allowed to be modified.深度优化不允许取消,不允许编辑广告时再选择
36737Adgroup automatic_site_enabled must be same with dynamic_creative automatic_site_enabled广告组的版位设置与动态创意的版位设置需要保持一致
36738Image store CDN error图片转存 CDN 错误
36739The account_id has not correspondence CP in YINGYONGBAO, need to bind the YINGYONGBAO account应用宝-该 account_id 在换量上没有对应 CP。需要绑定应用宝账户,请参考:https://e.qq.com/ads/adfaq/delivery/special/13/
36740Specifications can only serve OCPM ads925,927,929 规格只能投放 OCPM 广告
36741The video used is too old to be used for WeChat advertising. Please upload the video again for transcoding所使用的视频过于老旧, 无法应用于微信广告投放, 请重新上传该视频进行转码
36742The adgroup is not allow to update with bid_mode不允许使用 bid_mode 更新由 billing_event 创建的 adgroup
36743The value of bid_mode is invalid, it can only be modified from BID_MODE_CPC to BID_MODE_OCPC or BID_MODE_CPM to BID_MODE_OCPMbid_mode 仅允许从 BID_MODE_CPC 修改成 BID_MODE_OCPC 或者 BID_MODE_CPM 修改成 BID_MODE_OCPM
36744The bid_mode is not allow to update for SITE_SET_WECHAT微信流量不允许修改 bid_mode
36745The advertisements have chosen the WeChat Moments position, and the advertisements are not supported for other positions under this plan.该计划下的广告选择了微信朋友圈版位,暂不支持该计划下的广告选择其他版位
36746The daily budget set is too low. The daily limit cannot be less than 1.5 times the consumption amount on the day or the consumption amount plus 50. Please increase the daily budget set您设置的日预算过低,日限额不能低于当日消费金额的 1.5 倍或消费金额加上 50 元,请提高设置金额
36747The adgroup is not allow to update with billing_event请使用 bid_mode 更新该广告
36748The param bid_mode and billing_event can not use at the same timebid_mode 和 billing_event 不能同时使用
36749The param of bid_mode and cost_type is not matchbid_mode 与 cost_type 不匹配
36750The param of bid_mode and billing_event can not both be emptybid_mode 与 billing_event 不能同时为空
36751The param of bid_mode and optimization_goal can not both be emptybid_mode 与 optimization_goal 不能同时为空
36752The param of bid_mode and optimization_goal is not matchbid_mode 与 optimization_goal 不匹配
36753The param of bid_mode and optimization_goal is not match非 ocpx 广告不能填写 optimization_goal
36754The param excluded_converted_audience can not use for targeting package排除已转化用户定向暂不支持定向包
36755The value of excluded_converted_audience is only can be use for ocpx.排除已转化用户定向,仅支持 oCPC、oCPM 出价方式广告,若开启自定义转化行为则不限制出价方式
36756The value of excluded_converted_audience is only can be use for SDPA排除已转化用户定向,同商品选项只支持 SDPA 商品广告
36757The 'excluded_converted_audience' field capability related to this feature is still open in grayscale. If you need to use it, you can contact our operator. (whitelist: 'Exclude_converted_users')当前客户不支持使用排除已转化定向,功能灰度开放中
36758The 'excluded_converted_audience' field capability related to this feature is still open in grayscale. If you need to use it, you can contact our operator. (whitelist: 'Exclude_converted_users')排除已转化用户定向-同应用选项只支持应用推广目标广告
36759The value of the parameter 'excluded_converted_audience/excluded_dimension' is not allowed to use the parameter 'conversion_behavior_list'.排除已转化用户定向-同商品选项不支持自定义转化行为,默认排除当前所选商品的已下单和已付费用户
36760The value of the parameter excluded_converted_audience/excluded_dimension is not allowed to use the parameter conversion_behavior_list.排除已转化定向不支持当前 conversion_behavior_list
36761You do not fulfill the requirements of the oCPC/oCPM ad with deep_conversion_behavior_bid非 oCPC/oCPM 广告不支持深度优化目标出价
36762The param of (conversion_target_type) conversion_data_type is not invalid数据展示转化数据(转化数据量类型 conversion_target_type)类型 conversion_data_type 不正确
36763The creative or the type of conversion_data_type not support conversion_target_type当前创意或非转化数据量类型不支持支持指定 conversion_target_type
36764The creative not support conversion_data_type当前创意不支持支持 conversion_data_type
36765The param of conversion_target_type can not be empty数据展示转化数据量 conversion_target_type 不能为空
36777The value of 'first_day_begin_time' is invalid.首日开始时间与投放时间段不匹配
36778The value of 'first_day_begin_time' and 'begin_date' do not match.开始时间和开始日期不匹配
36779The value of 'first_day_begin_time' cannot be earlier than now.开始时间不能早于当前时间
36780The value of 'auto_acquisition_budget' is too low, Please increase and retry.一键起量预算过低
36781The value of 'auto_acquisition_budget' is too high.一键起量预算过高
36782The bid_adjustment field capability related to this feature is still open in grayscale. If you need to use it, you can contact our operator.(whitelist: wechat_ocpx_boost).没有权限使用一键起量
36783The value of 'site_set' you provided is not supported for use 'auto_acquisition_enabled'.该站点不支持一键起量
36784The value of 'deep_conversion_behavior_spec' you provided is not supported for use 'deep_conversion_behavior_bid'.非深度优化广告不能传入深度出价
36785The param of poi_list and siteset is not match门店信息仅支持朋友圈、公众号和小程序版位
36786The value of 'poi_list' you provided is not supported for this promoted object type门店信息不支持该推广目标
36787The value of 'poi_list' you provided exceeds 10 limits, please reduce the number门店数量超过 10 个限制,请减少数量
36788The value of 'poi_list' you provided is invalid, please fill in again该门店信息无效,请重新填写
36789The value of 'auto_derived_creative_enabled' you provided is not supported.该广告不支持自动衍生创意
36790The auto_derived_creative_enabled field is not allow to update开启后自动衍生创意开关不允许关闭
36791The auto_derived_creative_enabled field capability related to this feature is still open in grayscale. If you need to use it, you can contact our operator.(whitelist: automatic_derived_video_ad).没有权限使用自动衍生创意功能
36792Error getting relation data between the channel package and the App.获取渠道包关联应用数据错误
36793Product catalog service interface error. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team.商品库服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队
36794Video store CDN error, please retry.视频转存 CDN 错误, 请稍后重试
36795Unionapp service interface error. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team.广告包服务接口错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队
36796Wechat page not found, please check it and try again.未找到对应的原生页,请检查后重试
36797Icon label not found, please check it and try again.图标标签不存在
36798This deep_conversion_behavior_bid is too large.深度优化行为出价过高
36799This deep_conversion_behavior_bid is too samll.深度优化行为出价过低
36800Wechat ad service interface error,please try again微信广告 ocpm 门槛服务接口异常,请重试
36801Tracking service interface error,please try again归因接口异常,请求转化 id 信息失败,请重试
36802This bid amount is too large当前浅层优化目标出价过高
36803This bid amount is too samll当前浅层优化目标出价过低
36804This deep_conversion_worth_rate is too large当前深度 ROI 优化目标出价过高
36805This deep_conversion_worth_rate is too samll当前深度 ROI 优化目标出价过低
36806The deep_conversion_behavior_bid on an not deep ad group is not allowed to be modified浅层 Ocpx 广告不能设置深度行为出价
36807The deep_conversion_worth_rate on an not deep ad group is not allowed to be modified浅层 Ocpx 广告不能设置深度 ROI 出价
36808The targeting package is not exist分享账户不存在该定向包
36809The targeting package is empty分享的定向包不能为空
36810The account id is not allowed to use targeting copy function当前客户不支持使用定向包复制功能
36811There is no Business Manager id in the shared account or the accepted account分享账户或接受账户没有商务管家 id
36812There is no same business manager id in the shared account or the accepted account分享账户和接受账户没有相同商务管家 id
36813There is no MDMID in the shared account or the accepted account分享账户或接受账户没有主体 id
36814There is no same MDMID in the shared account or the accepted account分享账户和接受账户没有相同主体 id
36815The number of targetings of the receiving account has reached the upper limit of 200接收账户定向包数量已达上限 200 条,可在接收账户中删除部分定向包
36816Wechat page with common page compnonent is available only for monment ad带有引用外层素材组件的原生页仅可用于朋友圈广告
36817The targeting pakchage contains audience id assets from authorization, which can be removed and shared again该定向包含有来自授权的人群资产,可移除后再次分享
36818The targeting pakchage contains invalid audience id分享定向包内人群包状态无效
36819The targeting pakchage contains unsupported targeting分享定向包内有不支持的定向,可移除后再次分享
36820The receiving account does not have permission to use audience id接收账户缺少人群资产使用权限,可前往 DMP 授权后再次分享
36821The receiving account can not be wechat account接收账户不支持微信账号
36834The value of 'adscene_setting/placement_type' cannot be used with the 'adcreative_template_id' you provided.参数 adscene_setting/placement_type 不允许使用 adcreative_template_id 值,请确认以上参数组合是否符合策略要求
36835The creative elements does not exist or had been deleted, If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team.解析创意数据错误,素材不存在或已删除,如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
36841Failed to find channel package.获取详细渠道包信息失败
36842Channel package is not associated with current App.渠道包尚未关联当前应用
36843The adcreative's dynamic_product_spec.page_url is not available.商品广告动态落地页链接不可用
36844The 'mobile_union_media_industry' field capability related to this feature is not open. If you need to use it, you can contact our operator当前客户不支持使用优量汇媒体类型场景定向
36853The adcreative's barrage is not exist.弹幕不存在
36854The adcreative's barrage is not available.该规格未开放弹幕功能
36855The adcreative's barrage is out of range.单条广告的弹幕数量须为 3-20 条
36856No right to use the site set, please contact our dedicated supporting team for help.没有该版位投放权限,请联系对应运营经理申请
37601Report service call downstream service timeout, please retry.报表服务调用下游服务超时,请稍后重试
37602The time_line is not supported by the current level, please check the official documentation which time_line is supported regarding the given level.当前 level 不支持该 time_line, 请查询官网文档查看当前 level 支持的 time_line
37603Failed to call delivery service, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用投放服务失败,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37604Failed to call ReportService, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37605Failed to call ReportService, database service is unavailable, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,数据库服务不可达,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37606Failed to call ReportService, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37607Failed to call ReportService, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37608Report parameters are invalid, please check the official documentation which parameters are supported regarding the given level报表参数不合法, 请参考官网文档查询当前 level 支持的报表参数
37609Failed to call ReportService, php exception occur, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,php 发生异常,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37610Failed to call ReportService, internal system error occur, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,内部系统错误,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37611Failed to call ReportService, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37612Failed to call ReportService, general error occur in database, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,数据库发生一般性错误,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37613Failed to call ReportService, syntax check error occur in database, please check request params. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,查询数据库语法错误,请检查请求参数. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37614Failed to call ReportService, rpc close in database, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,数据库 rpc 关闭,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37615Failed to call ReportService, invalid field name error occur,please check request params. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,查询数据库不合法的字段名,请检查请求参数. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37616Failed to call ReportService, invalid field value error occur, please check request params. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,查询数据库不合法的字段值,请检查请求参数. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37617Failed to call ReportService, missing field error occur, please check request params. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,查询数据库缺少必要字段,请检查请求参数. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37618Failed to call ReportService, database doesn't find entity, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,数据库无法查找到实体,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37619Failed to call ReportService, illegal query pattern error occur, please check request params. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,不合法的数据库查询模式,请检查请求参数. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37620Failed to call ReportService, forbid query pattern, please check request params. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,数据库禁止此查询,请检查请求参数. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37621Failed to call ReportService, illegal data error occur, please check request params. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,查询数据库不合法数据,请检查请求参数. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37622Failed to call ReportService, exceed pegasus access frequency threshold, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,超过数据库查询频率,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37623Failed to call ReportService, exceed pegasus return row count threshold, please check request params. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,超过数据库返回记录数,请检查请求参数. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37624Failed to call ReportService, database fail to generate query sql, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,数据库生成查询 SQL 失败,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37625Failed to call ReportService, database is timeout, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,访问数据库服务超时,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37626Failed to call ReportService, database is busy, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,数据库服务繁忙,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37627Failed to call ReportService, database call bad method, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,数据库调用错误方法,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37628Failed to call ReportService, response is empty from database, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,数据库响应为空,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37629Failed to call ReportService, database predicator error occur, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,数据库操作符错误,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37630Failed to call ReportService, error occur when database return result, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,数据库返回结果时遇到错误,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37631Failed to call ReportService, error occur when connecting to database, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,连接数据库发生错误,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37632Failed to call ReportService, http header of response from database is bad, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,数据库返回响应头错误,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37633Failed to call ReportService, http body of response from database is bad, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,数据库返回响应体错误,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37634Failed to call ReportService, page of response from database is incomplete, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用报表服务失败,数据库返回响应不完整,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37635page * page_size cannot be greater than 20000, please use async reportspage * page_size 不能大于 20000,请使用异步报表
37636Failed to call customer service, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用客户服务失败,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
37637Failed to call ad service, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用投放服务失败,请稍后重试. 如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
38901Failed to call BillingCenter service, please try again later. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team调用计费中心接口失败,请稍后重试。如有疑问,请联系我们技术支持团队
39001The 'daily_budget' must be at least 5000 higher than the cost today.日预算修改后至少应比当日消耗多 50 元
39002The 'daily_budget' must be at least 5000 higher than the cost today.日预算修改后至少应比当日消耗多 50 元
39003Can't operate adgroup after adgroup end_date reach or adgroup is deleted.不能操作已经结束或被删除的广告
39004Account privilege is error, please check if the account bind agency.账号权限错误,请检查是否绑定了服务商
39005Your wechat official account does not have a profile image.您的微信公众号未设置头像
39006Some viewer you specified has not followed your official account.您指定的受众未关注您的公众号
39007Agency has bound no advertiser.服务商没有绑定任何广告主
39008Budget must be set 1.5 times than current.预算必须大于当前预算的 1.5 倍
39009The query object not exist.查询的对象不存在
39010The parameter 'daily_budgyet' set must higher than current plus 50000.日预算必须比当前预算多 500 元
39011Campaign 'daily_budget' you set must higher than current plus 10000 fen推广计划日预算修改后必须比当前多 100 元
39012Your wechat official account has not been verified.您的微信公众号没有验证通过
39013Wechat official account bottom ad bid type is error, which must be set cpc when image style and cpm when video style.公众号底部广告出价错误,图片样式应为 CPC 出价,视频规格应为 CPM 出价
39014The query object not exist.查询的对象不存在
39015Your account is not activated, please contact our dedicated operation team.您的帐户未激活,请联系我们的专业运营团队
39016The width of your image does not match the requirements of the page template.图片素材宽度与模板不符
39017The height of your image does not match the requirements of the page template.图片素材高度与模板不符
39018The total number of images does not match the requirements of the page template.图片素材数量与模板不符
39019The file size of the image does not match the requirements of the page template.图片尺寸与模板不符
39020The image type is invalid图片类型与模板不符
39021The text is too long the requirements of the page template.文本素材长度超过模板要求
39022The elements_type does not match the requirements of the page template.组件类型与页面模板要求不符
39023The elements_type is not supported.组件类型暂不支持
39024The total number of elements component your provided does not match the total number of the page template.素材组件数量与模板组件数量不符
39025The height of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.视频素材高度与模板要求不符
39026The width of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.视频素材宽度与模板要求不符
39027The duration of your provided video is invalid.视频素材时长有误
39028The file size of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.视频素材大小有误
39029The file type of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.视频素材文件类型有误
39030The codec of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.视频素材编码有误
39031The audio codec of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.视频素材音频编码有误
39032The profile of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.视频素材格式类型有误
39033The data rate of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.视频素材码率有误
39034The frame rate of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.视频素材帧率有误
39035The audio type of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.视频素材音频格式类型错误
39036The key frame interval of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.视频素材关键帧间隔有误
39037The audio data rate of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.视频素材音频码率有误
39038The audio sample rate of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.视频素材音频采样率有误
39039The sampling aspect ratio of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.视频素材采样纵横比有误
39040The scan type of your provided video does not match the requirements of the page template.您提供的视频的扫描类型与页面模板的要求不符。
39041The pages is invalid, it could have been deleted or never existed.落地页不存在
39042The pages is invalid, it could have been deleted or never existed.落地页不存在
39043The top element you provided does not satisfy the requirements of the page template you specified.顶层元素与创意规格不匹配
39044The value of parameter 'adcreative_template_id' you specified is not supported for wechat pages for the moment.朋友圈创意规格不支持微信原生页
39045Parameter 'promoted_object_type' of your adcreative does not match the 'promoted_object_type' of your wechat page.创意上的推广目标类型和原生页不匹配
39046The wechat page contains 'element_button', which adcreative promoted_object_type not support.当前推广目标不支持微信原生页中的'element_button'组件
39047The wechat page contains 'element_button/url', which only 'PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_ECOMMERCE' promoted_object_type support.当前推广目标不支持微信原生页中的‘ element_button/url'组件
39048The top element of your wechat page you provided does not match the 'adcreative_elements'.微信原生页顶层元素与创意元素不匹配
39049Parameter 'element_button/url' is invalid.参数'element_button/url'不合法
39050The promoted_object_type not support yet.推广目标类型暂不支持
39051The   param 'campaign_name' is empty or length over 600.推广计划名称为空或长度大于 600 个字节
39052non-wechat moment advertise param 'daily_budget' is not exist.非朋友圈广未填写日预算
39053Parameter 'total_budget' is invalid.总预算无效
39054Parameter 'dest_url_display_type' is empty.参数'dest_url_display_type'不能为空
39055Parameter 'dest_url_display_type' is invalid.参数'dest_url_display_type'无效
39056Parameter 'promoted_object_type'  is empty.推广目标类型不能为空
39057Parameter 'promoted_object_type'  is invalid.推广目标类型不合法
39058Parameter 'page_type' is empty.落地页类型不能为空
39060Parameter 'page_spec/page_id' is empty.参数'page_spec/page_id'不能为空
39061Parameter 'page_spec/page_id' is invalid.参数'page_spec/page_id'不能为空
39062Parameter 'ad_name' is empty.参数'ad_name'不能为空
39063Parameter 'promoted_object_type'  is empty.推广目标类型不能为空
39064The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/video_spec/video_id' is empty.视频组件中,video_id 参数为空
39065The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec/title' is empty.原生页组件 button_item 的按钮文案为空
39066The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec/title' is more than 10 words.原生页组件 button_item 的按钮文案长度超过 10 字
39067The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec/app_ios_spec' is empty.ios 模板页,app_ios_spec 为空
39068The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec/app_ios_spec/app_ios_id' is empty.ios 模板页,app_ios_spec_id 参数为空
39069The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec/app_ios_spec/deep_link_url' is empty.ios 模板页支持应用直达,app_ios_spec_link_url 参数为空
39070The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec/app_android_spec' is empty.android 模板页,app_android_spec 为空
39071The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec/app_android_spec/deep_link_url' is invalid.android 模板页支持应用直达,android_spec_link_url 参数错误
39072The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec/url' is invalid.button_item_url 跳转链接参数错误
39073The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list' is empty.page_elements 参数为空
39074The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/element_type' is empty.组件 element_type 参数为空
39075The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/image_spec' is empty.组件 element_image 参数为空
39076The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/button_spec' is empty.组件 element_button 参数为空
39077The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/text_spec' is invalid.文本组件,组件 element_text 参数错误
39078The wechat page parameter 'page_elements_spec_list/video_spec' is invalid.视频组件,组件 element_video 参数错误
39079The wechat page parameter 'page_name' is more than 30 words.原生页名称长度超过 30 个字
39080The wechat page parameter 'page_name' is empty.原生页名称不能为空
39081The wechat page parameter 'page_template_id' is empty.page_template_id 不能为空
39082The wechat page parameter 'share_content_spec' is empty.share_content_spec 不能为空
39083The wechat page parameter 'share_content_spec/share_title' is empty.分享标题长度不能为空
39084The wechat page parameter 'share_content_spec/share_title' is more than 14 words.分享标题长度超过 14 字
39085The wechat page parameter 'share_content_spec/share_title' is more than 20 words.分享描述长度超过 20 字
39086The wechat page parameter 'share_content_spec/share_description' is empty.分享描述不能为空
39087Parameter 'dest_url' is invalid.dest_url 错误
39088Parameter 'CRT_INFO' is invalid.CRT_INFO 参数错误
39089Native promotion page is inconsistent with the advertising promotion target promoted_object_id原生推广页与广告推广目标应用 id 不一致
39090PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_ECOMMERCE is not support.暂不支持电商推广目标
39091Parameter 'video' is invalid.下载的视频 vedio 参数错误
39092Your wechat official account is not entrusted to the agency.您的微信账号没有授权给该代理商
39093Your wechat official account is not entrusted to the agency.您的微信账号没有授权给该代理商
39094Advertiser and the agency has an unfinished refund order.广告主和当前代理商有未完成的退款
39095Advertiser and the agency confirm that the unbinding time is 24 hours.广告主与服务商确认解绑生效时间为 24 小时
39096Your account is not activated, please contact our dedicated supporting team.您的帐户未激活,请联系我们的专业技术支持团队
39097Binding to the agency has failed. Please check whether your account has already been bound.代理商已经绑定广告主
39098The agency cannot bind real estate industry customer.该代理商无法绑定房产行业客户
39099The agency can only bind to designated customers in the real estate industry.该代理商只能绑定房产行业的指定用户
39100Real estate industry binding restrictions:agency has no license in the enclosed area.房产行业绑定限制,代理商不在对应封闭区域内
39101You cannot entrust too many service providers.您不能授权太多代理商
39102Advertiser is under SMB protection.广告主已申请 SMB 保护,不能授权代理商
39103Advertiser is applying for SMB protection.广告主正在申请 SMB 保护,不能授权代理商
39104The query object not exist.查询的目标不存在
39105The service provider does not exist.代理商不存在
39106Agency appid is not match.服务商 appid 不匹配
39107Current version is not supported.当前版本不支持
39108account_type is not exist.账户类型不存在
39109Can't operate adgroup after adgroup end_date reach or adgroup is deleted.无法操作已完成或者已删除的广告
39110The page_type you specified is not supported for your campaign.推广计划和落地页类型不匹配
39111Can't operate delete object.操作的对象已经删除
39112Please check whether the parameter of the account_id is correct. Please try again if correct.account_id 转 appid 失败
39113Parameter error参数错误
39114Parameter 'behavior_or_interest' invalid, please check id in 'behavior_or_interest'行为兴趣定向参数不合法,请检查行为兴趣 id
39115Please check whether the parameter of the account_id or appid is correct. Please try again if correct.获取广告主信息失败
39116We are unable to process your request at this time.系统繁忙,请稍后重试
39117We are unable to process your request at this time.系统繁忙,请稍后重试
39118Please check whether the parameter of appid is authenticated by wechat. Please try again if authenticate.请检查 appid 微信认证是否已经通过,如果确认已经认证通过,请稍后重试
39119The creation of Native promotion page fails.原生页创建失败
39120Failed to get information of Native promotion page, please try again later.原生页信息获取失败
39121Failed to delete information of Native promotion page, please try again later.原生页信息删除失败
39122The parameter of image id in components is invalid.原生页组件中图片 id 参数错误
39123The parameter of video id in components is invalid.原生页组件中图片 id 参数错误
39124Please check whether the parameter of android_id in button_item is correct. Please try again if correct.获取 Android 应用信息失败
39125Please check whether the parameter of ios_id in button_item is correct. Please try again if correct.获取 IOS 应用信息失败
39126Please check whether the parameter of page_template_id is correct. Please try again if correct.获取原生推广页模板失败
39127Parameter 'LINK_PAGE_TYPE' is invalid.LINK_PAGE_TYPE 参数有误
39128The replication operation of Native promotion page failed,please contact our dedicated operation team.复制原生页失败
39129Failed to upload video,please contact our dedicated operation team.上传视频失败
39130Please check whether the parameter of appid is correct. Please try again if correct.根据 APPID 获取 uin 失败
39131Get channel pkg infomation failed,please contact our dedicated operation team.应用下载信息渠道包 id 错误
39132Get channel pkg infomation failed,please contact our dedicated operation team.获取 Android 渠道包信息失败
39133Download image or video failed,please contact our dedicated operation team.下载图片或视频失败
39134Parameter 'account_id' is empty.account_id 参数为空
39135Ad account need to bind a Wechat Official Account.账号未绑定任何微信公众号,请通过微信公众号绑定接口对账号进行绑定
39136Parameter 'adcreative_template_id' is empty.adcreative_template_id 参数为空
39137Parameter 'product_info' is empty.product_info 参数为空
39138Parameter 'crt_info' is empty.crt_info 参数为空
39139Parameter 'product_type' is empty.product_type 参数为空
39140Parameter 'page_id' is empty.page_id 参数为空
39141Parameter 'crt_info' is invalid.crt_info 参数错误
39142Please check whether the parameter of account_id is correct. Please try again if correct.朋友圈广告预览获取头像昵称失败
39143AD preview temporarily does not support the adcreative_template_id, Please contact our dedicated operation team.暂不支持此 adcreative_template_id 预览
39144Generate the preview link failure,Please contact our dedicated operation team.生成预览链接失败
39145Verification of Native promotion page failed,Please contact our dedicated operation team.公众号预览原生推广页检查失败
39146Verification of Native promotion page failed,Please contact our dedicated operation team.朋友圈预览落地页检查失败
39147Parameter 'desc' is empty.朋友圈预览落文案描述参数为空
39148Parameter 'nickname' is empty.nickname 参数为空
39149Preview temporarily does not support this adcreative_template_id.预览暂不支持此 adcreative_template_id
39150Parameter 'product_info' is invalid json.product_info 参数为无效的 json
39151Failed to create form landing page,Please contact our dedicated operation team.创建表单落地页失败
39152Please check whether the parameter of the qid in componentitems is correct. Please try again if correct.获取表单失败
39153Native promotion page with form only suports leads of the advertising promotion target原生页中含有表单只支持线索推广目标
39154Parameter 'appid' is empty.appid 参数为空
39155Parameter 'agency_id' is empty.参数 agency_id 为空
39156Parameter 'account_id' is empty参数 account_id 为空
39157Parameter 'uid_gdt' is empty.参数 uid_gdt 为空
39158Parameter 'cid_gdt' is empty.参数 cid_gdt 为空
39159Parameter 'campaign_id' is empty.参数 campaign_id 为空
39160Parameter 'spid' is empty.参数 spid 为空
39161Parameter 'status' is empty.广告状态参数为空
39162Parameter 'status' is invalid广告状态参数错误
39163Parameter 'ctype' is invalidctype 参数无效
39164Parameter 'campaign_id' in campaign is empty.campaign 中参数 campaign_id 为空
39165Parameter 'account_id' in campaign is empty.campaign 中参数 account_id 为空
39166Parameter 'account_id' in adgroup is empty.adgroup 中参数 account_id 为空
39167Parameter 'spd' in adgroup is empty.adgroup 中参数 spid 为空
39168Parameter 'aid_gdt' in adgroup is empty.adgroup 中参数 aid_gdt 为空
39169Parameter 'aname' in adgroup is invalid.adgroup 中参数 aname 无效
39170Parameter 'aname' in adgroup is empty.adgroup 中参数 aname 为空
39171Parameter 'bid' in adgroup is empty.adgroup 中参数 bid 为空
39172Parameter 'bid' in adgroup is invalid.adgroup 中参数 bid 无效
39173Parameter 'status' in adgroup is empty.adgroup 中参数 status 为空
39174Parameter 'status' in adgroup is invalid.adgroup 中参数 status 无效
39175Parameter 'begin_date' in adgroup is empty, please set begin_date.广告组的投放开始时间不能为空,请补充投放开始时间
39176Parameter 'end_date' in adgroup is empty, please set end_date广告组的投放结束时间不能为空,请补充投放结束时间
39177Parameter 'account_id' in adgroup is invalid.adgroup 投放开始时间无效
39178Parameter 'timeset' in adgroup is invalid.adgroup 中参数 timeset 参数无效
39179Parameter 'product_id' in adgroup is invalid.adgroup 中参数 product_id 无效
39180Parameter 'app_android_channel_package_id' in AdGroup is invalid.AdGroup 中参数 app_android_channel_package_id 无效
39181Parameter 'campaign_id' in adgroup is empty.adgroup 中参数 campaign_id 为空
39182Parameter 'targeting_id' in adgroup is empty.adgroup 中参数 targeting_id 为空
39183Parameter 'ad_id' in adgroup is empty.adgroup 中参数 ad_id 为空
39184Parameter 'ad_id' in adgroup is invalid.adgroup 中参数 ad_id 无效
39185Parameter 'amount' in adgroup is empty.adgroup 中参数 amount 为空
39186Parameter 'amount' in adgroup is invalid.adgroup 中参数 amount 无效
39187Parameter 'product_type' in adgroup is empty.adgroup 中参数 product_type 为空
39188Parameter 'product_type' in adgroup is invalid.adgroup 中参数 product_type 无效
39189Parameter 'total_budget' in adgroup is invalid.adgroup 中参数 total_budget 无效
39190Parameter 'adgroup_id' in adgroup is empty.adgroup 中参数 adgroup_id 为空
39191Parameter 'siteset' in adgroup is empty.adgroup 中参数 siteset 为空
39192Parameter 'industry_id' in adgroup is empty.adgroup 中参数 industry_id 为空
39193Parameter 'account_id' in adtarget is empty.adtarget 中参数 account_id 为空
39194Parameter 'spid' in adtarget is empty.adtarget 中参数 spid 为空
39195Parameter 'mid_gdt' in adtarget is empty.adtarget 中参数 mid_gdt 为空
39196Parameter 'mname' in adtarget is empty.adtarget 中参数 mname 为空
39197Parameter 'mname' in adtarget is invalid.adtarget 中参数 mname 无效
39198Parameter 'description' in adtarget is invalid.adtarget 中参数 description 无效
39199Parameter 'appid' in adtarget is empty.adtarget 中参数 appid 为空
39200Parameter 'status' in adtarget is empty.adtarget 中参数 status 无效
39201Parameter 'targeting_id' in adtarget is empty.adtarget 中参数 targeting_id 为空
39202Parameter 'account_id' is empty.参数 account_id 为空
39203Parameter 'tid_gdt' is empty.参数 tid_gdt 为空
39204Parameter 'campaign_id' is empty.参数 campaign_id 为空
39205Parameter 'spid' is empty.参数 spid 为空
39206Parameter 'adcreative_elements' is empty.参数 crt_info 为空
39207Parameter 'ext_info' is empty.参数 ext_info 为空
39208Parameter 'link_page_type' is invalid.参数 link_page_type 不正确
39209Parameter 'adgroup_id' is empty.参数 adgroup_id 为空
39210Create wechat landpage failed, please check adcreative parameter创建原生页失败,请检查广告创意参数
39211Parameter 'status' is empty.参数 statue 为空
39212Parameter 'status' is invalid.参数 status 不正确
39213Parameter 'adcreative_template_id' is empty.参数 adcreative_template_id 为空
39214Parameter 'adcreative_template_id' is invalid.参数 adcreative_template_id 错误
39215Parameter 'dest_type' is empty.参数 dest_type 为空
39216Parameter 'image_url' is empty.参数 image_url 为空
39217Parameter 'image_url' is invalid.参数 image_url 不正确
39218Parameter 'watermark' is invalid.参数 watermark 不正确
39219Parameter 'ad_id' is empty.参数 ad_id 为空
39220Parameter 'product_type' in product is empty.product 中参数 product_type 为空
39221Parameter 'dest_type' in product is empty.product 中参数 product_info 为空
39222Parameter 'account_id' in product is empty.product 中参数 account_id 为空
39223Parameter 'pname' in product is invalid.product 中参数 pname 不正确
39224Parameter 'product_id' in product is invalid.product 中参数 product_id 不正确
39225Parameter 'product_id' in product is empty.product 中参数 product_id 为空
39226Parameter 'status' in product is invalid.product 中参数 status 不正确
39227Parameter 'account_id' in subproduct is empty.subproduct 中参数 account_id 为空
39228Parameter 'product_type' in subproduct is empty.subproduct 中参数 product_type 为空
39229Parameter 'product_type' in subproduct is invalid.subproduct 中参数 product_type 不正确
39230Parameter 'product_id' in subproduct is empty.subproduct 中参数 product_id 为空
39231Parameter 'spname' in subproduct is invalid.subproduct 中参数 spname 不正确
39232Parameter 'product_id' in subproduct is invalid.subproduct 中参数 product_id 不正确
39233Parameter 'suboridinate_product_id' in subproduct is invalid.subproduct 中参数 suboridinate_product_id 不正确
39234Parameter 'suboridinate_product_id' in subproduct is empty.subproduct 中参数 suboridinate_product_id 为空
39235Parameter 'status' in subproduct is empty.subproduct 中参数 status 不正确
39236Parameter 'product_info' is invalid.product_info 参数错误
39237Parameter 'product_info' is empty.product_info 参数为空
39238Parameter 'canvas_info' is invalid.canvas_info 参数错误
39239Parameter 'h5_page_id' is invalid.h5_page_id 参数错误
39240Parameter 'adgroup_id' is invalid.adgroup_id 参数错误
39241Parameter 'image_url' is invalid.image_url 参数错误
39242Parameter 'short_video' is invalid.short_video 参数错误
39243Parameter 'wxgame_video_card' is invalid.wxgame_video_card 参数错误
39244Parameter 'dest_type' is invalid.dest_type 参数错误
39245Parameter 'product_type' is empty.product_type 参数为空
39246Parameter 'page_type' is invalid.page_type 参数错误
39247Parameter 'link_page_type' is invalid.link_page_type 参数错误
39248Parameter 'adcreative_template_id' is invalid.adcreative_template_id 参数错误
39249Parameter 'adcreative_template_id' change prohibited.参数 adcreative_template_id 不允许更新
39250Parameter 'cost_type' change prohibited.校验不允许修改 cost_type
39251Parameter changes prohibited abot DPA.不允许修改 DPA 字段
39252Parameter 'page components' are invalid.page 模块组件[adcanvasinfo 参数错误,adcanvas 组件中 pagelist 参数错误,adcanvas 组件中 pagelist 无 page 参数]
39253Parameter 'componentitemlist' in canvas_info is invalid.canvas_info 中 componentitemlist 参数错误
39254Parameter 'componentitemlist_id' in canvas_info is invalid.canvas_info 中 componentitemlist_id 参数错误
39255Parameter 'producttype_open_platform_app_mob' is invalid.原生推广页 producttype_open_platform_app_mob 参数错误
39256Please check whether the parameter of the account_id or appid is correct. Please try again if correct.根据 id 查询广告主信息失败
39257Get advertiser information according to openid failed, please contact our dedicated operation team.根据 openid 获取广告主列表失败
39258System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39259System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39260System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39261System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39262System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39263System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39264System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39265System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39266System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39267Please check whether the parameter of the product_id is correct. Please try again if correct.根据 product_id 获取下载应用信息失败
39268Parameter 'product_id' is invalid.下载应用 appid 错误:product_id 与应用 id 校验不一致
39269System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39270System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39271Please check whether the parameter of the appid is correct. Please try again if correct.通过 APPID 获取公众号信息
39272System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39273System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39274System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39275Set user preview failed.设置白名单预览失败
39276Get user preview failed.获取白名单预览失败
39277The time of the first consume, before the time of the first contract advertiser消耗时间小于电话接通时间(BM 侧错误码)
39278The time of the open advertiser, before the time of the first contract advertiser开户时间小于电话接通时间(BM 侧错误码)
39279System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39280System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39281System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39282System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统失败
39283System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统失败
39284System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统失败
39285Parameter 'campaign_id' is empty.更新 adgroup 时 campaign_id 参数不为空
39286System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39287System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39288System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39289Parameter 'content' or 'uid_gdt' is invalidcontent 或 uid_gdt 参数错误
39290System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39291System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39292System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39293Parameter 'agency_id' is invalidagency_id 参数错误
39294System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39295System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39296System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39297System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39298System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39299System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39300System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39301System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39302Parameter 'agency_token' is invalid.agency_token 参数错误
39303Parameter 'agency_token' is invalid.agency_token 参数错误
39304Parameter 'agency_token' is invalid.agency_token 参数错误
39305System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统失败
39306Please check whether the parameter of the account_id or appid is correct. Please try again if correct.查询广告主信息失败,请检查广告主账号参数是否正确
39307System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统失败
39308System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统失败
39309System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统失败
39310System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39311System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39312Your access exceeds the limit. Please try again later.频繁访问受限
39313Parameter 'access_token' is invalid.access_token 参数错误
39314Parameter 'access_token' is invalid.access_token 参数错误
39315API Ticket unauthorized.API 票据未授权
39316User Ticket unauthorized.USER 票据未授权
39317User Ticket is limited.用户票据受限制
39318Parameter 'cont_type' is invalid.cont_type 参数错误
39319The advertiser is in protection.广告主在保护中
39320The advertiser request to protect.广告主申请保护中
39321The inner flag is invalid, please contact our dedicated operation team.广告主标签错误
39322Parameter 'ACCOUNT_TYPE' is invalid.ACCOUNT_TYPE 参数错误
39323Parameter 'content' or 'uid_gdt' is empty.CONTENT 或者是 uid_gdt 为空
39324The length of content is over 256.content 长度大于 256
39325Parameter 'openid' is empty.OPENID 参数为空
39326Parameter 'access_token' is empty.access_token 参数为空
39327Parameter 'type' is invalid.TYPE 参数错误
39328Parameter 'url' is invalid.URL 参数错误
39329Parameter 'opendilist' is invalid.OPENIDLIST 参数错误
39330The num of 'OPENID' is invalid.OPENID 个数错误
39331Parameter 'usernamelist' is invalid.usernamelist 参数错误
39332Parameter 'str_product_type' is invalid.STR_PRODUCT_TYPE 参数错误
39333Parameter 'slot' is invalid.SLOT 参数错误
39334Parameter 'ocpmsourceflag' is invalid.OCPMSOURCEFLAG 参数错误
39335Parameter 'source' is invalid.SOURCE 参数错误
39336Parameter 'pos_type' is invalid.POS_TYPE 参数错误
39337Parameter 'url' or 'uid_gdt' is invalid.URL 参数或者 uid_gdt 为空
39338System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39339Parameter 'transfer_type' is invalid.transfer_type 参数错误
39340Parameter 'oaticket' is invalid.OATICKET 参数错误
39341System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39342System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39343The video infomation is invalid.视频校验错误
39344Parameter 'desc' is empty.desc 参数为空
39345The args of sdpa is forbidden to change.朋友圈 sdpa 广告不允许修改
39346System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39347Parameter 'ghid' is invalid.无效的 ghid
39348System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39349Parameter 'create_time' is forbidden to pass.create_time 参数禁止传参
39350Parameter 'op_time' is forbidden to pass.op_time 参数禁止传参
39351Parameter 'campaign_ctype' is invalid.campaign_ctype 参数错误
39352Parameter 'campaign_id' is invalid.campaign_id 参数错误
39353Delete campaign failed. Please check status of your campaign.删除 campaign 失败
39354Delete adgroup failed. Please check status of your adgroup.删除 adgroup 失败
39355Parameter 'adgroup_id' is invalid.要删除的 adgroup_id 不存在
39356Parameter in adgroup is invalid.AdGroup 中参数错误失败
39357To get infomation of product is failed.获取 product 信息失败
39358The material of sns ad is only suport native landingpage.朋友圈素材暂时只支持原生页
39359Parameter 'material_id' is invalid.material_id 参数无效
39360Lacking of arguments in creatematerial.creatematerial 缺少参数
39361Parameter 'linknametype' is invalid.linknametype 参数无效
39362Parameter 'dynamic_ad_product_id' is empty about SDPA.SDPA 无 dynamic_ad_product_id 参数
39363Parameter 'canvas_url' is invalid.canvas_url 校验失败
39364Update material failed.updatematerial 失败
39365System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39366Parameter 'account_id' or 'spid' is invalid.account_id 或 spid 参数错误
39367Parameter 'campaign_id' is empty.获取 campaign 数据,campaign_id 列表为空
39368Parameter 'adgroup_id is empty.'获取广告数据,adgroup_id 列表为空
39369Parameter 'ad_id' is invalid.获取 ad 数据,ad_id 参数错误
39370Parameter 'product_set' is empty.拉取 productdata 数据,product_set 列表为空
39371Parameter 'material_set' is empty.拉取 material 数据,material_set 列表为空.
39372The argument in adgroup is invalid.更新 adgroup 参数错误
39373Parameter 'targeting_id' is invalid.targeting_id 参数错误
39374Parameter 'strategy_opt' is forbidden to change after submitting.提交后禁止修改 strategy_opt
39375Parameter 'strategy_opt' is forbidden to change after submitting.禁止修改 strategy_opt
39376The arguments in material is invalid.更新 material 参数错误
39377System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39378Parameter 'product_id' is invalid.product_id 参数错误
39379To get infomation of sub_product is empty.获取 sub_product_data 为空
39380System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39381Upload failed.上传失败
39382Add image or video to material library failed添加图片或视频到素材库失败,请稍后重试
39383The argument of video check failed.视频参数校验失败
39384System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39385Parameter 'media_file' is empty.media_file 参数为空
39386The format of image is invalid.图片格式错误
39387System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39388System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39389The result of material data is empty.获取的素材数据为空
39390The result of adgroup data is empty.获取 adgroup 数据为空
39391The result of product_data is empty.获取 product_data 数据为空
39392System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39393System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39394The length of name is invalid.name 字符串长度错误
39395Suspend or normal status of ad is forbidden to delete.不允许删除暂停或投放中的广告
39396System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39397The argument of video check failed.视频参数检查错误
39398Parameter 'day_budget' is invalid.日预算错误
39399Parameter 'product_type' is forbidden change.不允许修改 product_type 的值
39400Parameter 'rid' and 'campaign_id' is not match.更新素材 id 和 campaign_id 不匹配
39401Parameter 'budget' is invalid.更新校验是否低于已消耗金额的 1.5 倍
39402Parameter 'pagetype' and 'pageid' is invalid.PAGETYPE 和 pageid 不匹配
39403Parameter 'imagelistsize' is invalid.imagelistsize 错误
39404Parameter 'desturl' is invalid.desturl 错误
39405The result of tragetgroup is empty.TARGETGROUP 数据为空
39406System error, please contact our dedicated operation team.系统错误
39407Advertiser is not bind agency.服务商未绑定
39408Not suport getting this product_type data.不支持拉取该 product_type 类型的数据
39409The result of target data is empty.拉取定向数据为空
39410The result of adgroup data is empty.拉取 adgroup 为空
39411Parameter 'good_id' in sdpamaterial is not same as in the adgroup.sdpamaterial 中的商品库 id 和 adgroup 中的不一致
39412Parameter 'begin_date' or 'end_date' is invalid.begin_date 或 end_date 参数错误
39413The ad that is not sdpa only one material is allowed.非单商品素材只能有一个
39414Parameter 'video_id' is forbidden for image ads.图片规格的广告不支持视频 id
39415Parameter 'image_id' is empty for video ads.视频规格广告不支持图片 id
39416Parameter 'adgroup_id' and 'material_id' is One-to-one correspondence.sdpa 广告一个素材不能对应多个 adgroup_id
39417Modifications are not allowed during ads Advertising.广告投放中不允许修改
39418The native landingpage is not suprot SDPA.该原生推广页不支持 SDPA
39419Parameter 'app_android_channel_package_id' is invalid.参数 app_android_channel_package_id 错误
39420Media file is not match to parameter 'adcreative_template_id'.素材文件和规格不符,请检查分辨率、文件大小、数量是否符合要求
39421Changing 'good_id' is not allowed.已经绑定的广告不允许更新商品 id
39422Parameter 'adgroup_id' and 'material_id' is One-to-one correspondence about SDPA.SDPA 广告一个素材只能和一个 adgroup 绑定
39423Card Label Ad need parameter 'label'标签卡片广告需要 label
39424No available labels没有可以使用的标签
39425Simpile wechat page need parameter 'share_content_spec'简易原生页需要传分享文案信息
39426Lacking of parameter 'title'没有 title
39427Parameter 'cost_type' is forbidden to change不允许更新 cost_type
39428Parameter 'product_type' is forbidden to change不允许更新 product_type
39429Parameter 'product_id' is forbidden to change不允许更新 product_id
39430Parameter 'app_android_channel_package_id' is forbidden to change不允许更新渠道包
39431Parameter 'optimization_goal' is forbidden to change不允许修改 OCPM
39432Only oCPM ad can switch EXPAND_TARGETING_SWITCH_OPEN启用自动扩量必须是 oCPM 广告
39433Parameter 'adcreative_template_id' is forbidden to change不允许更新 crt_size
39434Parameter 'link_name_type' must be ENTER_MINI_PROGRAM to match Parameter 'link_page_type'link_page_type 为小程序类型时 link_page_name 必须匹配
39435Item in parameter 'expand_setting' must match of ad target自动扩量选择不可突破定向则广告必须先有该定向
39436Parameter 'begin_date' is forbidden to change不允许更新投放开始时间
39437MaterialId in parameter 'adcreative_elements' is not equal to which in wechat page原生页的素材 id 和 adcreative_elements 里的不一致
39438Label in parameter 'adcreative_elements' is invalid无效的标签
39439Parameter 'dynamic_ad_product_id' is forbidden to change不允许更新 dynamic_ad_product_id
39440Lacking of some SPDA Parameterssdpa 缺少参数
39441Parameter 'page_id' is not match to Parameter 'page_type'page_id 和 page_type 不匹配
39442Get goods detail failed获取 sdpa 商品信息错误
39443Parameter 'link_name_type' and 'link_page_type' are not match to Parameter 'product_type'错误的 link_name_type,link_page_type,product_type 的匹配
39444Parameter 'ad_id' is invalidad_id 对应的广告不存在,请检查是否有误
39445Parameter 'adcreative_id' is invalidadcreative_id 对应的广告创意不存在,请检查是否有误
39446Can not delete adcreative which bind ad无法删除已经绑定 ad 的 adcreative
39447Mini Game monitor parameter must begin with char '?'小游戏监控参数必须以?开头
39448Get url of WeChat Official Accounts failed获取公众号关注 url 失败
39449Parameter mini program or mini game check failed小程序或小游戏 id 校验失败
39450Get FengYe page url failed获取枫叶 url 失败
39451Transform wechart card id failed获取卡券 id 失败
39452Mini program path string contains space小程序路径字符串内部包含空格
39453Get Customer Business Info failed获取在线咨询信息失败
39454Account not open Cloud Customer Service账户未开通云智服
39455Parameter jump url illegal跳转链接参数正则校验非法
39456Get WeChat Official Accounts info failed生成简易原生页请求公众号信息错误
39457Get WeChat Official Accounts headimage failed生成简易原生页获取头像错误
39458Parameter 'share_title' length must less than 14分享标题长度不能超过 14 字
39459Parameter 'share_desc' length must less than 20分享描述长度不能超过 20 字
39460Parameter 'title' length must less than 40朋友圈外层文案长度在 1 到 40 个字
39461Parameter 'desc' length must less than 10朋友圈外层标题长度在 0 到 10 个字
39462Parameter card 'title' length must less than 10朋友圈全屏卡片外层标题长度在 0 到 10 个字
39463Parameter card 'desc' length must less than 14朋友圈全屏卡片外层文案长度在 0 到 14 个字
39464Parameter error参数错误
39465Parameter 'age' is in wrong range定向参数“ age ”取值不在正确范围内,请参阅文档
39466Parameter 'gender' is in wrong range定向参数“ gender ”取值不在正确范围内,请参阅文档
39467Parameter 'regions' is in wrong range定向参数“ regions ”取值不在正确范围内,请参阅文档
39468Parameter 'user_os' is in wrong range定向参数“ user_os ”取值不在正确范围内,请参阅文档
39469Parameter 'wechatflowclass' is in wrong range定向参数“ wechatflowclass ”取值不在正确范围内,请参阅文档
39470Parameter 'network_type' is in wrong range定向参数“ network_type ”取值不在正确范围内,请参阅文档
39471Parameter 'marital_status' is in wrong range定向参数“ marital_status ”取值不在正确范围内,请参阅文档
39472Parameter 'education' is in wrong range定向参数“ education ”取值不在正确范围内,请参阅文档
39473Parameter 'payment' is in wrong range定向参数“ payment ”取值不在正确范围内,请参阅文档
39474Parameter 'network_operator' is in wrong range定向参数“ network_operator ”取值不在正确范围内,请参阅文档
39475Parameter 'app_behavior' is wrong定向参数“ app_behavior ”取值不在正确范围内,请参阅文档
39476Parameter 'promoted_object_type' is empty参数“ promoted_object_type ”不能为空
39477Parameter 'campaign_id' is wrong没有匹配的 campaign_id,请检查传值是否正确
39478Parameter 'targeting_id' is wrong没有匹配的 targeting_id,请检查传值是否正确
39479Parameter 'adgroup_id' is wrong没有匹配的 adgroup_id,请检查传值是否正确
39480Parameter 'appid' is wrong没有匹配的 appid,请检查传值是否正确
39481Parameter 'account_id' is wrong没有匹配的 account_id,请检查传值是否正确
39482Parameter 'ad_id' is wrong没有匹配的 ad_id,请检查传值是否正确
39483Parameter 'token' is wrong参数 token 错误,请检查签名或有效期是否正确
39484Parameter json format errorJSON 格式错误
39485Parameter cname has invalid char广告名称有非法字符
39486Parameter 'ad_behavior' is in wrong range定向参数“ ad_behavior ”取值不在正确范围内,请参阅文档
39487Parameter 'device_price' is in wrong range定向参数“ device_price ”取值不在正确范围内,请参阅文档
39488Parameter 'device_brand_model' is in wrong range定向参数“ device_brand_model ”取值不在正确范围内,请参阅文档
39489Parameter 'regions' is oversize定向参数“ regions ”数量超过限制,请参阅文档
39490Parameter 'device_brand_model' is oversize定向参数“ device_brand_model ”数量超过限制,请参阅文档
39491Advertiser status is not approved, can not bind agency广告主开户未审核通过,不支持绑定服务商
39492Parameter 'strategy_opt' is wrong广告投放优化目标以及出价方式异常
39493Parameter 'app_android_channel_package_id' is wrong渠道包 id 错误
39494Media file is not match to parameter 'adcreative_template_id'上传的素材与规格要求不符,请检查分辨率、文件大小、数量是否符合要求
39495Not supported ad type combination未开放的广告功能组合
39496Parameter 'bid' is in wrong range出价不在正确范围
39497'Ad material sync to wechat moment failed'广告素材同步朋友圈失败,请稍后重试
39498Parameter 'audience_id' is not exist or not authorized to use人群包 id 不存在或没有使用权限
39499Parameter 'appid' is invalid advertiser account使用的 appid 未开通广告主身份
39500System time out, please retry调用下游服务超时,请稍后重试
39501System error, please contact our dedicated operation team系统错误,请联系技术支持
39502Parameter 'app_android_channel_package_id' in adgroup is not equal to parameter 'channelId' in wechat landing pageAdGroup 的渠道包 id 和原生页里的渠道包 id 不一致
39503Ad status is not allowed to resume当前广告状态不支持恢复操作
39504Ad status is not allowed to suspend当前广告状态不支持暂停操作
39505System http error, please retry调用下游 http 服务失败,请稍后重试
39506System error, please retry调用下游服务失败,请稍后重试
39507Get wechat office account info failed获取微信公众号信息失败,请稍后重试
39508Ad time range must be at least 6 hours, check parameter 'time_serise'广告每日投放时长最少 6 个小时, 请检查 time_serise 参数
39509System busy, please retry系统繁忙,请稍后重试
39510Upload image or video failed, please retry上传图片或视频失败,请稍后重试
39511Parameter 'poi_list' size must less than 100POI 门店列表不能超过 100
39512Get poi info from Tencent Map failed获取地图 POI 门店信息失败
39513Parameter 'poi_list' is need门店推广必须要传 POI 门店
39514Parameter 'media_placement_group_id' is invalid版位 id 错误
39515Parameter 'expand_targeting' in wrong range扩量不可突破定向字段错误
39516Parameter 'deep_optimization_goal' is invalid深度优化目标字段不合法
39517Parameter 'optimization_goal' is invalid优化目标字段不合法
39518Parameter 'image_url_list' is empty参数'image_url_list'不能为空
39519Cold start audience id is invalid 扩量种子人群校验不通过
39520Only ad with review status approved can suspend or resume审核通过的广告才可暂停/恢复
39521Image width or height do not meet specifications图片素材宽高不符合规格
39522Video material width or height do not meet specifications视频素材宽高不符合规格
39523The number of shelf materials does not match the template货架素材数量与模板不符
39524Shelf component format is incorrect货架组件格式不正确
39525All download buttons must have the same application id所有下载按钮的应用 id 必须保持一致
39526Operation time out, please check whether it succeeded later操作超时,请稍后检查是否已经成功
39527Landingpage app_id not equal to promoted_object_id原生页应用 id 和广告推广目标 id 不一致
39528Advertiser is protected by SMB policy, can not bind agency广告主 SMB 保护申请中,不支持绑定服务商
39529Advertiser is applying for SMB protection, can not bind agency广告主 SMB 保护生效中,不支持绑定服务商
39530Resume campaign failed, please check ad status恢复广告计划失败,请检查状态是否支持
39531Suspend campaign failed, please check ad status暂停广告计划失败,请检查状态是否支持
39532Ad position not support this creative_template_id广告位不支持当前创意规格 id
39533Creative_template_id not equal to existed ad广告创意规格 id 和已有创意不一致
39534Number of ad in same campaign exceed the limit, please delete some old ads同个计划的广告数量超过限制,请删除不需要的旧广告再新建
39535Ad is existed广告已经存在
39536Parameter 'behavior_or_interest' invalid, please check id in 'behavior_or_interest'行为兴趣定向参数不合法,请检查行为兴趣 id
39537System error, please retry调用下游服务失败,请稍后重试
39538Ad time range invalid广告投放时长不符合要求,请查阅文档
39539Landingpage page_type not equal to existed ad落地页类型和同计划下其他广告不一致
39540Number of adgroup in same campaign exceed the limit同个计划的广告组数量超过限制
39541End_date is later than now广告结束时间早于当前时间
39542System error, please retry调用下游服务失败,请稍后重试
39543Parameter 'begin_date' is forbidden to change不允许更新投放开始时间
39544Metric columns invalid请求中涉及不支持参数,具体请参阅文档
39545Parameter 'filtering' invalid过滤条件参数错误
39546Parameter 'order_by' invalid排序字段参数错误
39547System busy, please retry系统繁忙,请稍后重试
39548Ad data status is deleted, operation unsupported广告数据状态为已删除,无法进行该操作
39549Parameter 'begin_date' or 'end_date' is in wrong range投放开始或结束时间在错误的范围
39550Parameter 'account_id' is wrongaccount_id 错误
39551Parameter 'custom_audience' status is invalid定向参数“ custom_audience ”部分人群包状态不可用,请检查
39552Parameter 'custom_audience' size is wrong定向参数“ custom_audience ”数量超过限制,请参阅文档
39553Network error, please retry网络错误,请稍后重试
39554System error, please retry调用下游服务失败,请稍后重试
39555Advertiser and agency should unbind after 24 hours than binding time广告主与服务商绑定后需要 24 小时才能解绑
39556Adcreative status is deleted, operation unsupported广告创意状态为已删除,无法进行该操作
39557Parameter 'end_date' is earlier than 'begin_date' or now投放结束时间早于开始时间或当前时间
39558The type of wechat mini programe is forbidden to create adcreative此类型的小程序不允许用于投放广告,请查阅文档
39559The last one of adgroup is forbidden to delete无法删除最后一个 adgroup,要求至少保留一个
39560Campaign of suspend or normal status is forbidden to delete不允许删除暂停或投放中的 campaign
39561Parameter 'time_series' is invalid参数 time_series 长度不符合要求或一周每天的投放时段不一样,请查阅文档
39562System DB error, please contact our dedicated supporting team.系统数据库错误,请联系我们的专业技术支持团队
39563Check audience_id authorization failed, please retry调用下游服务校验人群包授权关系失败,请稍后重试
39564Parameter 'time_series' of oCPA/oCPM adgroup must be continuous对于 oCPA/oCPM 广告的投放时段要求必须连续,请依据文档要求调整参数后再重试
39565Internal service error. If you have any questions, please contact our dedicated supporting team.内部服务错误,如有疑问,请联系我们的专业技术支持团队
39566Parameter 'deep_conversion_behavior_spec' goal is forbidden to change不允许修改深度优化目标
39567Parameter 'deep_conversion_worth_spec' goal is forbidden to change不允许修改价值优化目标
39568Parameter 'mini_program_path' is invalid, please check whether the page path is exist in wechat mini program小程序页面路径校验失败,请检查页面路径是否在微信小程序中存在
39569System ads error, please retry调用下游 ads 服务失败,请稍后重试
39570System dmp error, please retry调用下游 dmp 服务失败,请稍后重试
39571The duration of video in components is invalid.原生页组件中的视频的时长不符合要求。
39572The dimensions of video in components is invalid.原生页组件中的视频的尺寸不符合要求。
39573CONTACT_PERSON_CARD_ID is not valid.联系人身份证信息不正确
39574CORPORATION_LICENCE is not valid.企业统一信用编码信息不正确
39575CONTACT_PERSON_MOBILE is not valid.联系人手机号码不正确
39576LICENCE is not valid.LICENCE 信息不正确
39577Only rejected account can be updated.只有审核驳回的账户才能更新
39578Account status is not valid.要操作的账户状态不正确
39579The width or height of Head_Image is invalid.头像的宽高不合法
39580business_id has been used.商家 id 已经被使用了
39581The qualification_type has been uploaded.该类型资质已经上传过了
39582Account balance is insufficent.转出账户余额不足
39583Only rejected account can be updated.只有审核驳回的账户才能更新
39584The value of parameter 'poi_list' is invalid.门店信息(poi_list)无效,请重新填写
39585The text of button is not allowd提交失败, 下载应用按钮不支持全局跳转
39586The text of button is not allowd提交失败, 应监管要求,下载按钮文案必须含有“安装”或“下载”
39587The text of button is not allowd提交失败, 悬浮按钮不允许使用全局跳转
39588The canvas page which include swipe component not allowd for 'PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_APP_ANDROID'Android 推广目标下上滑组件不支持
39589The canvas page which include webview component not allowd for 'PROMOTED_OBJECT_TYPE_APP_ANDROID'Android 推广目标 webview 组件不支持
39590The canvas page which include link or mini program is not allowed for medical industry应政策要求,医药行业不允许使用外跳/小程序组件
39591The video component from native page template need to recreate模板原生页视频组件需要重新创建
39592the canvas page authorization validation failed原生页授权校验失败
60000We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.我们目前无法处理您的请求。请重试您的请求。如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队
60001The source of your request is illegal, please confirm. If you have any questions, please contact our technical support.您的请求来源不合法,请检查确认。如有疑问,请联系我们的技术支持
60002The account does not exist, please check the account.账户不存在,请检查账户
60003Account role is incorrect, please check account.账户角色不正确,请检查账户
60004Account uid format is incorrect.账户 uid 格式不正确
60005A system frequency limit has been exceeded.超过系统频率限制,请稍后再试
60006Part of leads failed.部分线索失败
60007Failed to get leads, please try again.获取线索失败,请重试
60008Parameter format error, please check if the field type is correct.参数格式错误,请检查字段类型是否正确
60009Parameter error, parameter content is empty.参数错误,参数内容为空
60010Parameter error, account id is required.参数错误,账户 id 必填
60011The parameter uid is inconsistent with the requested account.参数 uid 和请求账户不一致
60012Parameter error, exceeding page size.参数错误,超出页数大小
60013Parameter error, exceeding single page query size.参数错误,超出单页查询大小
60014Parameter error, The inquiry date is not filled in.参数错误,查询日期没有填写
60015Parameter error, date range cannot exceed one year.参数错误,日期范围不能超过一年
60016Parameter error, incorrect filter field name type.参数错误,过滤字段名类型不正确
60017Parameter error, incorrect filtering operation type.参数错误,过滤操作类型不正确
60018Parameter error, the length of the filter value array is incorrect.参数错误,过滤取值数组长度不正确
60019Parameter error, wrong value format of filter value array.参数错误,过滤取值数组取值格式错误
60020Parameter error, the length of lastSearchAfterValue is incorrect.参数错误,lastSearchAfterValue 长度不正确
60021Parameter error, the parameters in the lastSearchAfterValue cannot all be converted to numbers.参数错误,lastSearchAfterValue 数组参数不能全部转成数字
60022Parameter error, the depth of page turning data exceeds the maximum limit, please use lastSearchAfterValue mode to query.参数错误,深度翻页数据超过了最大的限制,请使用 lastSearchAfterValue 模式查询
60023Parameter error, the list of leads cannot be empty.参数错误,线索列表不能为空
60024Parameter error, more than 100 lead data.参数错误,线索数据超过 100 个
60025The parameter is incorrect, lead_id cannot be empty.参数错误,回传状态线索 id 必填
60026Parameter error, leads_convert_type cannot be empty.参数错误,线索状态不能为空
60027Parameter error, leads_convert_type does not exist.参数错误,线索状态不存在
60028Parameter error, leads_ineffect_reason does not exist.参数错误,线索无效原因不存在
60029Parameter error, leads_intention_score does not exist.参数错误,线索评分不存在
60030Parameter error, leads_convert_type and leads_intention_score at least fill one.参数错误,线索状态和线索评分至少填写一个
60031Parameter error, the list of leads cannot be empty.参数错误,线索导入的列表必填
60032Parameter error, the list of leads exceed max length.参数错误,线索数据超过最大的长度
60033Parameter error, outer_leads_id can't not empty.参数错误,外部线索 id 不能为空
60034Parameter error, outer_leads_id exceeds max length.参数错误,外部线索 id 超过长度限制
60035Parameter error, outer_leads_id is duplicated.参数错误,导入外部线索 id 重复
60036Parameter error, leads_type is required.参数错误,线索类型必填
60037Parameter error, the value of leads_type is not right.参数错误,线索类型取值不正确
60038Parameter error, the value of reservation_type is not right.参数错误, 预约类型取值不正确
60039Parameter error, the value of leads_gender is not right.参数错误,性别取值不正确
60040Parameter error, leads_user_id, leads_tel, leads_qq and leads_wechat at least fill one.参数错误,线索用户 id、线索手机、QQ、微信号至少一个不为空
60041Parameter error, leads_tel exceeds max length.参数错误,手机超过长度限制
60042Parameter error, the value of leads_tel is not right.参数错误,手机格式不正确
60043Parameter error, the value of leads_qq is not right.参数错误,QQ 取值不正确
60044Parameter error, leads_wechat exceeds max length.参数错误,微信号超过长度限制
60045Parameter error, leads_user_id exceeds max length.参数错误,用户 id 超过长度限制
60046Parameter error, leads_name exceeds max length.参数错误,姓名超过长度限制
60047Parameter error, leads_area exceeds max length.参数错误,地区超过长度限制
60048Parameter error, leads_email exceeds max length.参数错误,邮箱超过长度限制
60049Parameter error, the value of leads_email is not right.参数错误,邮箱格式不正确
60050Parameter error, bundle exceeds max length.参数错误,其他信息超过长度限制
60051Parameter error, the value of bundle is not right.参数错误,其他信息格式错误
60052Parameter error, click_id exceeds max length.参数错误,点击超过长度限制
60053Parameter error, outer_leads_convert_type is empty.参数错误,线索转化类型不能为空
60054Parameter error, outer_leads_convert_type exceeds max length.参数错误,线索转化类型超过长度限制
60055Parameter error, outer_leads_ineffect_reason exceeds max length.参数错误,线索无效原因超过长度限制
60056Parameter error, the list of leads cannot be empty.参数错误,线索回传的列表必填
60057Parameter error, leads in request param is duplicated.参数错误,请求参数中的线索重复
60058Parameter error, operator_id has no right to deal account_id's lead.参数错误,操作者没有处理广告主外部线索的权限
60059Fail to import outer leads as leads already exist. Please remove duplicate leads first.导入外部线索校验发生错误,已经存在导入的外部线索,请先移除重复的线索
60060Not support report leads created 7 days ago.不支持回传 7 天前创建的线索
60061Leads don't exist.线索不存在
60062Fail to update leads.回传外部线索部分失败
60063Parameter error, outer_leads_convert_type can't not empty as outer_leads_ineffect_reason is filled.参数错误,填写了线索无效原因线索转化类型需要填写
60064Parameter error, leads_user_type can't not empty as leads_user_id is filled.leads_user_id 填写了 leads_user_type 不能为空
60065Parameter error, the value of leads_user_type is not right.参数错误,leads_user_type 取值不正确
60066Parameter error, leads_user_wechat_appid is empty.参数错误,leads_user_wechat_appid 不能为空
60067Parameter error, fill in at least one field that needs to be modified.参数错误,至少填写一个需要修改的字段
60068Parameter error, fill in at least one field in ${PARAMS}.参数错误,${PARAMS}至少一个不为空
60069Parameter error, ${PARAMS} is empty.参数错误,${PARAMS}不能为空
60070Parameter error, the value of ${PARAMS} is not right.参数错误,${PARAMS}值不正确
60071Parameter error, the values of ${PARAMS} are not match.参数错误,${PARAMS}值不匹配
60072Parameter error, the values of ${PARAMS} exceeds max length.参数错误,${PARAMS}超过长度限制
60073Parameter error, the values of ${PARAMS} is malformed.参数错误,${PARAMS}格式错误
60074Parameter error, no invalid pay data available for this param.当前日期暂无赔付数据
60075Parameter error. The current returned label value ${value} is duplicated with the label value of another label group in the system. Please modify the label value and re-upload it.参数错误,当前回传的标签值${value}和系统已有其他标签组的标签值重复,请修改标签值后重新回传
60076Parameter error. The called number is inconsistent with the lead number.参数错误,被叫号码与线索号码不一致
60077Outbound calling restricted, ${value}.外呼受限, ${value}
76000We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.我们目前无法处理您的请求。请重试您的请求。如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队
76001Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is 'account_id'.您的请求缺少必需的参数,所需参数为 account_id
76002Parameter 'video' must specify 'video_file' or 'video_id'.您的请求参数‘ video ’中必须指定‘ video_file ’或者'video_id'
76003Video file verified code signature failed.视频文件 signature 校验失败
76004Video file upload failed.视频文件上传失败
76005Video file size exceeds limit, the max limit is '100M'.视频文件上传大小超过限制,文件限制为 100M 以下
76006Video file format verified failed, it just support 'mp4' or 'mov' or 'avi' .视频文件格式校验失败,格式应该为 mp4/mov/avi
76007Video_id verified failed.video_id 校验失败,无法找到对应视频
76008Job submit failed.任务提交失败,请重新尝试。
76009Task_id is not exists.任务 id 不存在
76010Task_id is expired.任务 id 已过期
76011Your request is missing a required parameter.您的请求缺少必要的参数
76012Your task is failed,please try again or contact us.您的任务执行失败,请重试或者联系我们
76013your account has no permission to execute this param only_subtitle_file您的账户没有权限提交 only_subtitle_file 字段
76014Required parameters missed, please check your input parameters.您的请求缺少必需的参数,请检查必传的入参
76030Your adjustment_type is a required parameter.您的请求缺少必需的参数,所需参数为 account_id
76031Smart_adjustment,adcreative_template_id、promoted_object_type、campaign_type are required paramete.您的请求参数‘ video ’中必须指定‘ video_file ’或者'video_id'
76032Smart_adjustment,automatic_site_enabled and site_set need oneVideo file verified code signature failed.视频文件 signature 校验失败
76033Manual_adjustment,size、size_adjustment_method、length_adjustment_method are required parameter.视频文件上传失败
76034Image file is null or file is invalid.视频文件上传大小超过限制,文件限制为 100M 以下
76035overflow_clip length is a required parameter.视频文件格式校验失败,格式应该为 mp4/mov/avi
76036Can not get ads position by adcreative_template_id.video_id 校验失败,无法找到对应视频
76037Video does not meet system requirement,system can not handle it.任务提交失败
76038Video_id is match ads system requirement,no need handle.任务 id 不存在
76041when size_adjustment_method is IMAGE,bg_image_id1 and bg_image_id2 is needed.当参数 size_adjustment_method 为 IMAGE 时,bg_image_id1、bg_image_id2 是必传的。
76042bg_image_id1 or bg_image_id2 can not find image url.bg_image_id1 或 bg_image_id2 无法找到对应的图片 url。
76060voice speed value out of range,speed need in 50 to 200 range.语音速度 speed 参数超出范围,取值范围 50~200
76070video_id or video_url param need one.请求参数 video_file 和 video_id 必选其一。
76071capture number value out of range,number need in 1 to 12 range.参数 nubmer 超出限制,范围在 1~12。
72000We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.我们目前无法处理您的请求。请重试您的请求。如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队
72001The source of your request is illegal, please confirm. If you have any questions, please contact our technical support.您的请求来源不合法,请检查确认。如有疑问,请联系我们的技术支持
72002The account does not exist, please check the account.账户不存在,请检查账户
72003Account role is incorrect, please check account.账户角色不正确,请检查账户
72004AccountId is not wechat account.账户不是微信账号
72005A system frequency limit has been exceeded.超过系统频率限制,请稍后再试
72006A system frequency limit has been exceeded.创建表单组件失败,请稍后再试
72007Parameter error, account id is required.参数错误,账户 id 必填
72008The parameter uid is inconsistent with the requested account.参数 uid 和请求账户不一致
72009Parameter format error, please check if the field type is correct.参数错误,请检查字段是否正确
72010Parameter items is verified error.参数 items 校验错误
72011Parameter items size has been exceeded.参数 items 长度超过限制
72012The select form input option value cannot be empty.表单下拉输入项选项值不能为空
72013The name of the form input cannot be repeated.表单输入项名称不能重复
72014Name or phone type form input cannot exceed 1.表单姓名或者手机类型输入项不能超过 1 个
72015Name type form input must have one.表单姓名类型输入项必须有一个
72016Phone type form input must have one.表单手机类型输入项必须有一个
72017Account status is not passed.账户状态未审核通过
72018Parameter error, component_id is required.参数错误,component_id 必填
72019Parameter error, account is not subAdvertiser.参数错误,账户不是子客
72020Parameter error, The select form input option values size num is exceed.参数错误,表单下拉选项数目超过了限制
72021Parameter error, The select form input option value content length is exceed.参数错误,表单下拉选项内容长度超过了最大限制
72022Parameter error, The select form input option value content must be string.参数错误,表单下拉选项内容必须是字符串
74000We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.我们目前无法处理您的请求。请重试您的请求。如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队
74001Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is 'account_id'.您的请求缺少必需的参数,account_id 为必填字段
74002Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is 'order_id'.您的请求缺少必需的参数,order_id 为必填字段
74003Your request parameter is error. Please check the parameter [filtering] and retry your request.您的请求中过滤条件有误,请核对后重试
69000account balance not enough账户余额不足
69001invalid poi listpoilist 中存在无效的 poi,或者 poilist 的数量不在 1 ~ 10 的范围内
69002invalid begin time开始时间需要是当前时间的两天后
69003invalid poi city levelpoi 所在城市等级不一致
69004invalid targeting gender age定向缺少必备参数性别或者年龄
69005invalid adtarget指定 adgroup 查询不到关系的定向
69006invalid review status审核未通过的广告才可以修改开始时间
73000We are unable to process your request at this time. Please retry your request. If you encounter this error repeatedly, please contact our dedicated operation team.我们目前无法处理您的请求。请重试您的请求。如果您反复遇到此错误,请联系我们的专业运营团队
73001Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is 'account_id'.您的请求缺少必需的参数,所需参数为 account_id
73002Your request is missing a required parameter. The required parameter is 'max_text_length'.您的请求缺少必需的参数,所需参数为 max_text_length
73003Parameter 'number' is invalid.参数 number 无效或者不合法,请检查该参数
73004Parameter 'max_text_length' is invalid.参数 max_text_length 无效或者不合法,请检查该参数
73005Your param 'category_first_level' is not exist in first industry id list.参数 category_first_level 所表示的一级行业不存在
73006Your param 'category_second_level' is not exist in second industry id list.参数 category_second_level 所表示的二级行业不存在
73007Your param 'category_first_level' does not contains 'category_second_level'.您的参数 category_first_level 的子行业列表中不存在您输入的 category_second_level
73008Parameter 'filtering' must be one of the following values: [[0, 1], [0], [1]].参数 filtering 不在可选值 [[0, 1], [0], [1]] 中
73009The parameter format is incorrect, please check the correctness of the request parameters.参数格式不正确,请检查请求参数的正确性
77000system error,please retry later拓词接口请求异常,请稍后重试
77001Parameter account_id is invalid参数 account_id 无效或者不合法,请检查该参数
77002bidword length exceeds limit 40 bytes单个关键词长度超过限制,最大 40 个字节
77003Parameter 'bidword_list' size must in [1, 1000]参数 bidword_list 无效或者不合法,bidword_list 长度范围为[1,1000]
77004Parameter 'sort_field' is invalid参数 order_by/sort_field 无效或者不合法,请检查该参数
77005Parameter 'site_type' is invalid参数 site_type 无效或者不合法,请检查该参数
77006Parameter is null参数为空
77007Required Parameter is null必填参数为空
77008site_sets is invalid版位集字段非法
77009recommend_category is invalid推荐类型字段非法
77010query_word is is null种子词字段为空
77011query_word is exceed max num 10种子词最多为 10 个
77012business_point_id is null行业业务点 id 为空
77013business_point_id is invalid行业业务点 id 非法
77014campaign_id or adgroup_id is null当选择过滤广告词时计划 id 或组 id 为空
77015recommend_reasons is invalid推荐理由非法
77016order_by sort_field is null or invalid排序字段为空或为非法字段
77017order_by sort_type is null or invalid排序方式为空或为非法字段
77018include_word is exceed max num 10包含词最多为 10 个
77019exclude_word is exceed max num 100排除词最多为 100 个
77020single query_word length exceeds limit 40 bytes种子词单个词面长度超过限制,最大 40 个字节
77021single query_word is null种子词单个词面字段为空
77022single include_word is null包含词单个词面字段为空
77023single exclude_word is null排除词单个词面字段为空
77024single include_word length exceeds limit 40 bytes包含词单个词面长度超过限制,最大 40 个字节
77025single exclude_word length exceeds limit 40 bytes排除词单个词面长度超过限制,最大 40 个字节
77026site_sets is duplicate版位集字段重复
77027query_word is duplicate种子词里词面重复
77028include_word is duplicate包含词里词面重复
77029exclude_word is duplicate排除词里词面重复
77030recommend_reasons is duplicate推荐理由里理由重复
77031order_by exceed limit 1排序字段结构长度超限制,最大 1